Calling all Brits! Britain’s ambassador to Ecuador visits Cuenca Feb. 24 and wants to meet British citizens
The following is an invitation extended to all Bristish citizens living in the Cuenca area to attend a meeting to be held Feb. 24 at Café Eucalyptus on Calle Gran Colombia.
Dear British Community in Cuenca:
The British Ambassador, Linda Cross, and we would like to invite you to participate in a briefing by the Embassy's Consular Team, to be held on Wednesday 24 February at Cafe Eucalyptus (Gran Colombia 9-41 and Benigno Malo, Cuenca – Telephone: 07-2849-157 - from 1830 to 1930, followed by a cocktail from 1930 to 2130.
Our aim is to bring together all British citizens resident in Cuenca and in surrounding areas, as well as those British short-term visitors, so that we can give you up-to-date information about our consular services and answer any questions you may have. We would also like to explain the importance both to us and to the community of residents-visitors registering their presence, using the Foreign & Commonwealth Office´s "LOCATE" online registration system, to enhance our ability to provide help in an emergency such as a major natural disaster. A demonstration of how to register will be given on the night.
If you know any other British nationals living in the area, please let them know about this meeting, so that as many as possible can attend this event.
For administrative purposes, we would appreciate it if you could confirm your attendance by Friday 19 February. Please confirm by email to or by phoning our receptionist – Tel. 02 2970 800 / 2970 801.
Quito Consular Team
British Embassy