Caring for a Covid patient; Landslides obstruct Amazon access; Moreno to choose new VP; Anger grows about fraudulent disability cards
Miércoles, 8/7/2020
Hola, Todos –
Actividades –
De la pagina cultural –
Charla – El Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural and the Universidad Católica de Cuenca are holding two talks, one miércoles and the other hoy a las 17:00. The talks are about Cuenca’s patrimony and are part of the bicentennial celebration. <The abbreviated COVID version> To participate, go to https>//
Music classes – El Centro Musical Santa Cecilia has started registering students for classes in guitar, accordeon, piano, bass, requinto and singing. Classes are one hour with a maximum of 2 students each hour. You can register at the center on las Herrerías and del Arupo in the El Vergel barrio or call 098 338 1864 or 098 035 4714.
Otras cosas –
Titular – Peligro en 3 vías (Danger on 3 routes) – Road connections between Azuay and Morona Santiago Provinces are at risk. A destroyed roadway, constant landslides, and stopped public works projects are affecting the 3 main roads between the two provinces. It’s been a month since mud and silt washed out 100 m. of the vía Paute-Guarumales-Méndez in Sevilla de Oro. A temporary lane was opened for small local vehicles. The closest alternate route, Gualaceo-Plan de Milago-Limón, has also had problems with landslides. Work on the road has been suspended due to the pandemic, and cantonal authorities in the area are wondering if the project will be abandoned by the contactor who has pulled machinery off the job. Sígsig and Gualaquiza cantons and other institutions formed a minga to fill some of the potholes in different stretches of the road. There will be momentary suspensions of traffic between the two provinces.
Replacement of VP – Pres. Morena needs to give the Asamblea Nacional a short list of 3 names from which the Asamblea will pick a new Vice President to replace Otto Sonnenholzner. Probabilities are 2 current members of his cabinet: María Paula Romo, ministerio del Gobierno, and Agustín Albán, Secretario de la Senescyt. However, the Asamblea is hoping for a young person <From my perspective, that would be anyone under 50 or 55, but may mean someone between 25-30 here.> who is not part of the current cabinet. The new VP will be Moreno’s fourth in three years — two of the others are in prison.
Corruption – Families with members who are disabled are using the recently exposed corruption involving fraudulent disability cards to call for respect for their rights. There are 20,609 people registered as disabled in Cuenca. One family with a child with Down’s syndrome went through a mountain of paperwork to get a card for their son. A man who started his application 2 years ago after a traffic accident left him blind still has not gotten his card. Both parties were angry about the fraudulently acquired cards that allowed officials and wealthy people to buy luxury cars duty free.
Caring for a COVID patient – Azuay now has registered 2,011 cases since the health emergency started. Of those, about 1,700 or 85% have recuperated at home. If you are caring for a COVID patient, the patient should be isolated in one room, preferably with its own bath. There should be only one person giving care, and that person should have separate clothes and shoes for the isolation room. Those should be constantly disinfected. The patient should use a mask, gloves and medical gown to protect the room. The room should be well ventilated and if the patient is able, they can do light exercise. There are no restrictions as to food, but if the patient has a fever or diahrrea, they should be well hydrated. You should not self medicate because this could hide more serious symptoms. <Does that include Scotch?> Food should be served on disposable dinnerware, but if this is not possible, then utensils should be disinfected with 3 spoonfuls of bleach in 1 liter of water. This same mix can be used to disinfect the patient’s room and sprayed on their garbage bags which should be double, each sealed and sprayed. If the patient shows symptoms of lack of air, high fever or diahrrea, they should go to the hospital.
And that’s all for today so Hasta ? –