Ecuador News

By Alberta Quicler The world has experienced eleven consecutive months of abnormally high temperatures, both in the air and on the surface of the oceans. In Latin America, several regions have suffered a series of debilitating power blackouts and suspension of drinking water service due to record temperatures and drought. In Mexico, the government is...
By Michael Snyder Before they started building Casa Pitaya, a country house on the rainy western slopes of the Ecuadorean Andes, the architects José María Sáez, Florencia Sobrero and Martín Real presented their clients with an image that would guide them through two years of design and construction: a rusted-out car submerged in water, its frame...
The Guayaquil Municipal Council voted Thursday to loan meteorological observation equipment to Cuenca to determine the best location for a new airport. The equipment was used for the same purpose in Guayaquil, where its data helped in the selection of Daular for the city’s new international airport. Cuenca Mayor Cristian Zamora said the equipment will...
Energy Minister Roberto Luque announced Wednesday that electrical blackouts are being suspended for a second week and will only resume May 20 if necessary. Earlier in the week, he had announced there would be no blackouts until May 13. “The recent rainfall continues to improve conditions at our hydro facilities and the long-term outlook is...
Biologists on a trail in the Ecuadorean Amazon hold their breath as they distribute a foul-smelling delicacy to lure butterflies, critical pollinators increasingly threatened by climate change. A team has hung 32 traps made of green nets, each baited with rotting fish and fermented bananas. They are meant to blend in with the forest canopy....
Residents of the coastal community of Olón in Santa Elena Province are protesting the clearing of a mangrove swamp and native trees for a residential development owned by President Daniel Noboa’s wife. About a dozen residents camped on the site Tuesday night and said they won’t leave until they have assurances that destruction of vegetation...
Surrounded by a lush tropical rainforest full of trilling birds and friendly monkeys, Ecuador’s Sinchi Warmi is not your average jungle lodge. It’s not just the series of freshwater ponds on the grounds (one of which holds a 6-foot-long endangered Amazon fish that comes to the surface when you clap) that makes it unique. Or...
As heavy equipment worked to clear the Cuenca-Molleturo-Naranjal highway Monday, rescue workers freed at least 40 people trapped between landslides. The highway, which is the main route between Cuenca and Guayaquil, remained closed to traffic as efforts continue to clear tons of rock and mud in at least four locations. “We hope to open one...
There will be no electric blackouts until at least May 13, Energy Minister Roberto Luque announced Sunday. “The decision is based on increasing power generation at the Mazar-Paute facilities,” he said. He cautioned, however, that repairs to the Coca Codo Sinclair, the country’s largest hydro plant, could require new blackouts later in the month. Luque...
Domingo, 5/5/2024 Hola, Todos – I will be on vacation next week and back on lunes, el 13/5. Actualidad – De El Mercurio del sábado, 4/3 (1 article): 3 volcanes con actividad moderada y alta (3 volcanoes with moderate & high activity) – The Instituto Geofísico reported that the Sangay, La Cumbre on Fernandina Island...
By David Noriega, Aarne Heikkila and Adiel Kaplan Shortly after dawn, in the desert east of San Diego, a group of migrants huddled around a campfire. They had come together on this desolate stretch of the U.S.-Mexico border from four different continents: Young men from India shared snacks with women from Nicaragua, while a man from Georgia stood next...
Ecuador’s Constitutional Court ruled Friday that the government did not justify granting extra powers to the police and armed forces in its energy crisis emergency declaration. “The order to mobilize [police and the armed forces] is unconstitutional based on the scope and nature of the emergency conditions,” the court said. The court maintained that President...

Dani News

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of June 09

Nene Case Transferred to National Court Jurisdiction Unit Due to Possible Links with Vice President Verónica Abad.

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Ecuador’s Safest Regions Highlight 25 Murder-Free Cantons in 14 Years.

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Kia and Aymesa Announce $62 Million Investment to Assemble Five New Vehicle Models in Ecuador by 2026.

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Hogar Esperanza News

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