Change your name for $25, Glas suspected, Tranvía interviews, Electric rates, Weekend crafts fair

Aug 31, 2017 | 0 comments

Miércoles, 30/8/2017

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –

Música – “Noches del Museo” <But don’t expect Ben Stiller.> will feature an hour of music from the Venezuelan ensemble “Monagas” Thursday a las 20:00 in the Museo Remigio Crespo.

“ArteCalle 2017,” Festival Internacional de las Artes Callejeras – This 8th edition of the (International Festival of Street Arts) will be from 10-16/9 in La Habana. <Yes, that Habana – the one in Cuba. Not in some new space in Cuenca named Habana.> Countries that have been invited to participate include Colombia, Ecuador, Cuba, Argentina and Venezuela. There will also be activities at different locations in Cuenca such as parks, hospitals, mercados “y más” (and more – your words for the day.)

Articles about –

Yucef Merhi – The pedagogical curator for the 14th Bienal de Cuenca was interviewed.

Talks – CIDAP and UNESCO started the first of 4 training workshops for craftspeople in Manabí. This workshop started ayer and will continue to viernes.

Conference – There will be a a conference on Orality and Teaching from 4-6/9 in the theater in the CCE and in the Museo de la Ciudad.

UDA – The School of Scenic Arts at the U. of Azuay (UDA) is taking a second round of applications. The application fee is $50.00.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Glas queda bajo sospecha (Glas remains under suspicion) – See today’s CHL article.

Electronic money – Private banks and the savings and loan cooperatives will manage electronic money. The goal is to discourage use of cash. The Chairman of the Board of the Banco Pichincha said the Monetary and Finance Code will need to be changed to allow private banks to administer the program. Existing electronic money accounts which total over $500,000 will have to be closed, and the system will have to be transferred from the Banco Central. It will start functioning in early 2018. <Those of you who are paying with plastic are already doing your part in conserving cash. So pat yourselves on the back.>

Changing your name – Yaku Sacha Pérez, born as Carlos Ranulfo Pérez Guartambel, and leader of the Ecuarunari group, changed his name to “decolonize” his name. <He’s not Malcolm X but he’s trying.> <For the rest of you who might be unhappy with your birth name,> it’s a process that takes an hour, and costs $10 for the application and $15 for the new cedula, and can be done at the Registro Civil.

Ecopaís – Most gas stations in Azuay, Cañar, and Morona Santiago are selling Ecopaís which replaced Extra. Mechanics are recommending cleaning carburators or injectors once a year since the gas has detergent properties to clean the gas tank, and the gunk winds up downstream. <Are there still cars with carburetors running around?>

Tranvía – Meetings with the two bidders on the Tranvía project started yesterday with the Consorsio ACTN Tranvía Cuenca from France which bid $50,570,000. He met today with the China Railway No. 9 Engineering Group Co. which bid $32,680,000. The Mayor said that the selection needs to be made this week. The duration for the project is 300 days. For more about the tram contract, click here.

Reduced electric rates – The Minister of Industries, Eva García, announced the possibility of reducing electrical rates for the industrial sector.

Internacional –

Perú – A judge has received the paperwork for the right of habeas corpus to release Ex-president Ollanta Humala and his wife. At the same time, a preliminary investigation into opposition leader Keido Fujimori has been started for contributions from Odebrecht. <How many or Peru’s ex presidents are in jail? Fujimori, Humala and maybe Toledo if they can catch him. Are there any more I’m missing?> <From another source – Fujimori is being held in a one man prison that was built for him. He has a bedroom, office and courtyard where he gardens. The government has been adding more cells but says that this is not a prison for ex presidents. Are they expecting a surge of demand for those rooms? He and Humala, who were bitter opponents, were not housed together.>

Descuentos y compras –

Prefectura of Azuay – Pasaje Artesanal Azuayo (Crafts Fair) – jueves a sábado, 10-19:00 – Bolívar y V. Machuca. – pictures of crafts, shoes, bonsai and knit products.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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