Christmas donations for kids, Cuenca hikers’ guide, Animal rescue benefit, Ecuador gold shipped to Europe, Water service interruptions

Dec 10, 2019 | 7 comments

Lunes, 9/12/2019

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –
De la pagina cultural –

Exposición – “Made in Cuenca – Hecho en Cuenca,” a show of ceramics by Northamerican artist Neil King, is at the Salón del Pueblo “Efrain Jara Idrovo” of the Casa de la Cultura (Sucre y Benigno Malo, 2nd floor). It will run until el viernes.

$120,000 banana – A work of conceptual art, “Comediante,” at the Art Basel, contemporary art fair in Miami, was valued at $120,000. The work was a banana duct taped to a wall. The artist who ate it said his performance piece was titled “Hungry Artist.” Before the consumption of the banana, it had been acquired by a French collector. <No problem, just send him another banana. Who’s going to know the difference between the original and a forgery anyway?>

Del cuerpo del periodico –

Guayacanes blooms in Loja Province.

Donations for animals – Rumisol (Remigio Crespo y Agustin Cueva) is accepting donations of pet food, money, and articles for a garage sale to benefit the Fundación Peluditos Cuenca which rescues abandoned animals.

Guayacanes blooms tours – Travel agencies including Fatum Tours are offering tours to see the blooming of the guayacanes trees in the Mangahurco sector of Zapotillo Canton in Loja. You can also enjoy delicious platos típicos such as Chivo al Hueco (Goat in a Hole?). To get more information call Byron Vinueza at 096 026 6636.
Otras cosas –

Titular – Primer envío de oro a Europa (First gold shipment to Europe) – The first large scale concentrado de oro (gold concentrate?) shipment was sent to Europe yesterday by the Canadian mining company, Lundin Gold. 177.0 tons of gold produced since last 15/11 by the Fruta del Norte mine in Zamora Chinchipe was trucked to Guayaquil in 8 containers.

Christmas donations – More than 10,000 bags of candy were collected in the parque La Libertad yesterday through the city’s “Navitón” program. Public and private businesses and hundreds of families donated candy and cookies to be distributed to 25,000 kids in 500 communities. This is the start of a series of activities to collect articles to donate to people in need. The first deliveries of candies started today in Chaucha and Molleturo – the farthest parishes of Cuenca. If you didn’t get a chance to donate yesterday, you can bring bags of candy until the end of the month to the offices of Acción Social at calles El Batán y San Roque. Or you can trade a new or used toy <Be generous and don’t bring that chewed up stuffed toy the dog doesn’t even play with any more.> for a slice of pizza at Pizza y Foccacia (Pres. Córdova y Borrero). The toys will be given out el 20/12 in the Cazhapata stadium a las 10:00 where each child will also get a free pizza.

Water service cut-offs – There was no water service in Miraflores, Monay, Baguanchi y Paccha until yesterday, with other sectors in the north and east only receiving water intermittently. It was caused by a problem with a canal feeding the water treatment plant where the water was full of sediment and not usable. The mayor said employees were working around the clock to restore service which should resume today.

Old news –

Rutas para caminar – (from el domingo) <This is for you hikers out there.> The city presented its “Caminantes” (Hikers) program to promote hiking in the outskirts of Cuenca. A team of researchers put together a guide to 16 routes to “rediscover” 20 hills around Cuenca. They identified points of interest, mapped the routes, assessed the difficulty of the hikes and published them in a web page called AllTrails. You can see the maps in which includes bus routes to the trail heads. There is a table of the 16 routes in the article on page 3A titled “16 rutas para caminar y “redescubrir” 20 cerros.” The hikes range from 3.46 km to 12.9 km and take from 3 to 9:30 hours to complete and are categorized as easy, medium and hard.

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –



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