City bus fare goes cashless in March, Calle Sin Nombre, Venezuela gets even weirder
Lunes, 11/12/2016
Hola, Todos –
My social life is interfering with timely delivery of these posts, but it is the season and I don’t want to miss out on all the parties.
Pagina cultural –
Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –
Bienal – There was a dialogue on “La Lógica Espectral” (The Spectral Logic) Tuesday in the Bienal de Cuenca with Brazilian artist Matheus Rochja Pitta.
Articles about –
Bandoneón – The Cuenca group, “Aires de Bandondeón” (Airs on Bandondeón) has a new CD with 12 songs in including milongas, tangos and waltzes.
Otras cosas –
Titular – Listas nuevas tarjetas para bus (New bus cards ready) – The new “Movilizate” (Mobilize) bus cards are ready and starting 16/3, it will be mandatory to pay with a card. There are 4 types – red for full fare riders, gray for tourists, blue for students, and yellow for seniors and handicapped. With the introduction of the new cards starting 15/12, there will be a 90 day period to switch away from cash to cards. There will be about 250 locations to buy or recharge your card which costs $1.75. Look for a round, red and white sign that says “movilizate” and “recarga aqui.” There will be a way to personalize the card so that if it’s lost or stolen, you can call #157, and ask for the card to be blocked. There is also a “pasaje de emergencia” (emergency pass) if the card balance has run out where the amount will be taken off the next recharge.
Concierto – There was a concert Tuesday in the Catedral Vieja with students in instruments and dance from the Conservatorio Superior José María Rodríguez performing. They will be playing villancicos. <You forgot what that meant? Too bad.>
Street signs – The City will be installing street signs, with priority to streets with no names. <The sign will say “calle Sin Nombre,” and tourists will ask who was Sin Nombre and why are there so many little streets named after him?> The intent is to have uniform signage.
Business Page –
Décima tercera renumeración (13th month payment) – The Christmas bonus is due to your employees. <Ask your accountant or lawyer.>
Internacional –
Venezuela – A large part of the opposition, including the AD, VP, and PJ parties, did not participate in yesterday’s municipal elections for the 335 municipalities in the country. Pres. Maduro confirmed the threat formulated by voices in the government that opposition parties which sat out this election would be prohibited from fielding presidential candidates in 2018. <Jeeze – how crazy is it going to get? And how much will it upset the rest of Latin America? Instead of the axis of evil we’ve got the triad of loco – Kim Jong-un, Donald Trump and Nicolas Maduro.>
Descuentos y compras –
RM – 20% off on all clothing plus an additional 10% off with direct credit – 11-13/12 – restrictions apply.
Aldanny Boutique, Wo/ Man/ Kids – Fan Days, 40% off cash sales, 35% off card sales – domingo, lunes, martes – Bolívar 11-63 y Tarqui.
Fiat – Fullback, the best of Italy and Japan in a pickup – at $37,290 and $42,990 – Maresacenter Cuenca, Av. España y Elia Liut.
And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –