Coastal earthquake, Bus cards required in mid-March, International writers conference, Venezuela violence

Jan 8, 2018 | 0 comments

Domingo, 7/1/2018

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s agenda event

OSC – The Symphony played at 11:00 in the teatro Pumapungo.

Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –

Taller – A workshop on Lectura Dramática (Dramatic reading) at the AtrapaSueños Centro Cultural will start tomorrow and run to 25/1. It is directed towards theater students and professionals.

Fanzine Fest – The Fanzine Fest 2018 will be held by Guayaquileña organization Furia Editorial from 15-18/3 in the U. de las Artes.

Concurso (contest) – The contest to pick a designer for the poster, program, and on-line presence for the Fiesta de la Música 2018 will end el domingo, 21/1. Submit your proposal to the Alianza Francesa. This year’s festival will be el 22 y 23/6.

Articles about –

Conferencia Internacional de Escritores (International Writers Conference) – The 3d edition of this English speaking conference is being planned for 28/5-6/1 in the Museo de la Ciudad with activities from 9-17:30. Go to the conference web site at Over 100 norteamericano writers and 150 from Ecuador and other countries have been invited to attend. <One photo shows Johnny J., Su T. and Lynne/Lenny K. and another shows a group around a table with possibly one gringa. As usual, if you want me to save the paper, reply in the comments section with your contact info. I do not do anything on the email address in these mailings.>

Libro – “País Cassave” (Casabe Lands) will be presented in Cuenca. The book was a product of the recent diplomatic relations established between Ecuador and Nigeria. The Ecuadorian Embassy worked with the Ajuba Writers’ Forum to hold a contest for young writers. 3 Nigerian and 3 Ecuadorian writers’ stories are in the book. <The book cover has two birds on it – a condor (like it appears on Ecuador’s flag) and what appears to be a buzzard. Well, they are both scavengers.>

Escenarios del Mundo – El Festival Internacional de Artes Escénarios del Mundo has won a €10,000 grant of Iberescena funding for the 5th year. 2018 will be the festival’s 12th edition and will be from 26/9-7/10.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Vicuñas asume el rol titular de vicepresidenta (Vicuñas assumes the titular roll of vice president) – See Sunday’s CHL for the story.

Earthquake – There was a magnitude 4.5 yesterday at 14:30 in Rocafuerte on Manabi’s coast. No victims or property damage was reported. <A gentle reminder that we live on the Ring of Fire?>

Loan – The National Government took out a loan of $300 million on 29/12/2017 from the special account for reconstruction of Manabí Province. <That’s probably the extra 2% IVA after the 2016 earthquake. Naughty, naughty.>

Ley Contra Violencia – The Law to Prevent and Erradicate Violence Against women has been reviewed by a legislative committee and will accept most of the 30 objections made by the govenment and ratify others.

Bus cards – You have until 15/3 to pay bus fare in cash. After that you will need to pay with cards which were made available on 15/12/2017. The old Urbania cards will be replaced with color coded Movilízate cards – red for regular passengers, yellow for disabled and seniors, blue for students 6-18, and gray for foreigners and people from other parts of Ecuador <In short, tourists. And don’t ask me your card balance can be transferred and where you get these new cards. The article didn’t say so I don’t know.> <Actually I Googled SIT and read something that you can still use your old cards, but that could change between now and March. This is still Ecuador.>

Internacional –

Venezuela – Government inspectors ordered 26 supermarket chains and 352 independent stores to lower prices on various products which had risen rapidly. There have been protests about the lack of food, medicine, water, and gas and the accumulation of garbage. There has been looting in several states according to opposition legislators.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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