Cool temps bring respiratory illness; Ecuadorians buy less insurance; Panama hat festival at El Vergel Plaza, cultural agenda; Beware ladrones on motos

Jul 22, 2023 | 6 comments

Viernes, 21/7/2023

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

De El Mercurio del jueves, 20/7/2023 (3 articles):
Feria Itinerante de Emprendimientos (Itinerant Entrepreneurship Fair) – The Museo Municipal de la Paja Toquilla y el Sombrero will hold a fair el sábado, 22/7 from 11-17:00 in the plazoleta El Vergel (av. 12 de Abril y calle Las Herrerías). There will be artistic, cultural and recreational activities as well as products including textiles, crafts, fashion, jewelry, and more. <Bring your wallet and support the local economy.>

Doctors report a large increase in respiratory illnesses due to the seasonal drop in temperatures in the sierra. Elderly people are most at risk. (El Mercurio)

Sevilla de Oro: 10 días de festejos en agosto (Sevilla de Oro: 10 days of festivities in August) – Sevilla de Oro will celebrate 31 years of cantonization with gastronomy including hornado (chancho or roast pig), corn and choclo tortillas, crafts, tourism, and festivities from the 3-13/8. Mayor Byron Rubio said there will be a varied agenda with cultural, gastronomic, and sports events such as a civic parade, election and coronation of the Queen of Sevilla de Oro, and shows. <All the usual activities.>

A degustar el cangrejo rojo en Naranjal (Tasting red crab in Naranjal) – The Festival del Cangrejo Rojo in Naranjal will be el domingo, 6/8 from 8:00 in the main plaza. Read the article above for the activities, subtract the election of the queen of the city, and add 30 different kinds of crab dishes. More than 35 stands will offer dishes such as cazuela, canastitas, cangrejo al ajillo, empanadas, carapachos rellenos, ensalada de cangrejo, viche, ceviche and other delicacies at affordable prices. <But – has someone else already cracked those hard shells and picked out the meat or do you have to wield your own hammer and bring your own bib and hairnet?>

Titular –

Monay tiene las primeras “calles para los niños” (Monay has the first “streets for children”) – The urban consultant Hausipichanga installed a project through “calles para la niñez” on calles Gabriela Mistral y General Artigas in Monay. The project is to provide a safe space in the street next to the sidewalk for children to enjoy. It is blocked off from the traffic lanes by large macetas (flower pots – your word for the day and handy if you’re decorating your terrace) and benches and the surface is painted as another signal for drivers to slow down and that that the space is for children. The space is located outside the Fundación Alianza en el Desarrollo and Solitierra which feeds and helps children from families with limited means. <So how long do you think it will take for drivers to start parking in this “safe” space?” Those macetas looked like they’re spaced at least a car width apart. No problem for the average Cuencanan driver who can squeeze an Expedition into a motorcycle parking space – in reverse, in under 2 seconds.>

Empresarial –

Inversión reducida en seguros en Ecuador (Low investment in insurance in Ecuador) – The average insurance investment per person in Ecuador is $113.56 with most of the demand for life and auto insurance policies. Even though the insurance sector is growing, the investment in Ecuador is still lower than the average of $265.45 in Latin America. The growth is due to better access to cheaper and more accessible insurance packages which were pandemic derived. Data from the Superintendencia de Compañías, Seguros y Valores showed an increase of 9% from 2021 to 2022. Álvaro Rothembach, regional director of the Corporación Favorita which manages the Maxi Seguros line said there is wide range for coverage including for medical, appliances, purchases, tires, pets, and life. He said many of these insurance products were sold before the pandemic, and anticipates an increase of 30% in sales in 2023, especially in medical and life insurance.

Graiman anuncia la Feria de Saldos 2023 (Graiman announces 2023 Savings Fair) – The Fair will be from 25/7 to 5/8 in the Outlet Totoracocha on av. Hurtado de Mendoza with savings on ceramic (from $5.25) and porcelain tiles (from $7.25). Payments with Produbanco cards will enter you in a raffle for 2 electric motos. You can also get cashback for futher purchases and discounts on faucets, toilets, and tools.

Cuenca –

De El Mercurio del jueves, 20/7/2023 (1 article):
Niños y adultos más propensos a problemas respiratorios (Children and adults more prone to respiratory problems) – In the middle of a cold snap, there has been an increase in cases of respiratory illnesses. Usually pediatricion Gabriela Auquilla sees 2-3 cases a week, and now she is treating 5-7 a day. The public hospital has also seen an increase in respiratory problems of 30-40% with the low temperatures, especially in the mornings, as a factor. Pulmonologist Pedro Quizhpe said that most of the cases are in seniors with health problems. He recommended avoiding dust, chemicals and the cold in the mornings. <“Dr.” Jeanne prescribes staying in bed under a pile of blankets until noon.> For youth, adults, and seniors, Dr. Quiahpe recommends drinking lots of liquids <I’m not sure if whiskey, vodka and gin are acceptable liquids, but I’m on the fence with beer.>, take vitamin C, and eat citric fruits. For children, the recommendation is to avoid coloring agents and preservatives – like what’s in processed meats.

Sucesos –

Asaltos en Cuenca (Robberies in Cuenca) – <This is your scare the crap out of gringos story.> Surveillance cameras have captured crimes by people on motorcycles against against passers-by in different areas of Cuenca. One of the latest robberies was in the Las Pencas Altas sector where unknown assailants stabbed a youth. Victims said the delinquents carried guns, knives, and were on motos.

Nacional –

12 mil barriles de crudo, derramados (12 thousand barrels of crude oil, spilled) – Rafael Armendáriz, manager of Transport de Petroecuador confirmed that 12 thousand barrels of oil were spilled on the Las Palmas beach in Esmeraldas early Wed. morning. Most of it was picked up in a short time. On land, 90% has been controlled, and 60% in the ocean. He expected that 100% of the oil in the water would be picked up by last night. The spill extended 4 km. and affected animals such as crabs, fish and birds. According to the law, Petroecuador is obligated to restore the ecosystem and compensate people who were affected.

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –



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