Cops target crime at Feria Libre market, Referendum campaign rules, Economy grows, Illegal gas

Dec 9, 2017 | 0 comments

Viernes, 8/12/2017

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s agenda events –

Exposición – “La machina sensible” (The sensitive machine), an exhibit by René Ramírez, opened Fri. in the Museo de la Ciudad (Gran Colombia y Benigno Malo). The artist uses technology as a starting point for artistic expression. <Art is no longer just pictures by dead (or living) white guys hanging on a wall. Because face it folks, for centuries, art by women and people of color wasn’t recognized in the Western world.>

Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –

Dance – La Compañía de Danza Contemporánea (ACAY) of the U of Cuenca will present “De Abandonos, encierros y soledades” (Of Abandonment, confinement and solitude) Saturday a las 19:00 in the sala “Alfonso Carrasco.” A voluntary contribution is requested.

Talleres – There will be dance workshops sabado y el domingo a las 10-12:00 in the Rizoma Plataform in the CCE. The workshop will be exploring the gaga technique with the Batsheva dance company. <What the heck is gaga besides a demonstration of “I’m way more flexible than you.” Chigong is more graceful and there wasn’t even any music in the gaga video.>

Articles about –

Diálogo Social Nacional por la Cultura – Cuenca was the last city to show the results of the first round of dialogues on culture held in 12 provinces. Various problems and complaints were aired.

OSC – The Cuenca Symphony Orchestra premiered 3 works in their concert Fri. in the teatro Pumapungo.

Book launch – “Jardines Lewis Carroll” (Lewis Carroll Gardens), a book of 23 previously unpublished short stories by Carlos Vásconez will be presented hoy a las 19:00 in the Pálier Café Libro in the CCE. Some of the stories are very short – 2 lines. <Haikuesque.>

“Cenizas” – This work by Janeth Méndez was 10 years in the making. She collected her own hair and that of her son and that of friends and then burned it. The ashes have been used in her art which opened hoy a las 19:00 at MMAM.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Piden pena maxima para Glas (Maximum penalty asked for Glas) – A.G. Carlos Baca has asked for the penalty of 6 years for VP without duties, Jorge Glas. <If the money’s well hidden, that’s a little over $2 million per year.>

Luzes – The Virgen Morenica del Rosario was crowned queen of Cuenca and Azuay 84 years ago, and the anniversary was celebrated “anoche” (Thurs. night – your word for the day and one to remember.) with faroles, music, faith and fireworks.

Economy – El Banco Central de Ecuador revised its economic growth forecast to 1.5%, up from the .71% predicted in mid-2017. In 2017 the GDP slightly exceeded $100 billion and is expected to reach $104.021 billion. The economy is expected to grow 2% in 2018.

Referendum campaigning – Social and political organizations that want to promote either si or no on the “consulta popular” (referendum) need to register from 8-12/12/2017. The campaign period <I want to say season because in the US, campaigning feels more like a blood sport than deciding who’s going to “run” the country.> will be from 3/1- 1/2.

Green walls – There was biology conference at the UDA, and the Director of the School of Biology talked about global warming and the importance of recognizing how much and what we throw out and our use of cars. He SAID one way to reduce pollution in Cuenca is with green walls which act like trees, capture carbon, and release oxygen. He suggested covering walls of large edificios with living walls. <Got to be done right, though. Done wrong, you’d wind up growing a green wall on the outside and black mold on the inside.> Cuenca’s carbon footprint in 2016 was 1,500.33 tons of carbon dioxide representing about 4% of the emissions in Ecuador.

Police page –

Gas – Two brick and roof tile factories in Racar were busted for using domestic gas tanks in their production process. They were using about 100 tanks per day which adds up to a loss of $39,000 per month to the government which subsidizes domestic gas. The subsidized gas costs $1.65 and industrial gas costs $15.50. The penalty for doing this is 1-3 years in prison.

Feria Libre – Police are intensifying patrols around the Feria Libre to address the sale of drugs and artisanal liquor, robberies, and sale of goods of doubtful provenance <fencing stolen goods?>. Police are coordinating with merchants’ guilds. They warned shoppers to be careful during the Christmas season.

Amenidades –

Movies – as usual, go to for show times and locations. All movies this week are in 2D. The following movies open this week.

Extraordinario – Esp. & Sub.
La estrella de Belén – Esp.
2 papás en navidad – Esp.

The following movies are continuing. All in Esp. except where noted.

El pequeño vampiro
La liga justicia
El hijo de pie grande
Guerra de papás 2 – Esp. y Sub.
Verónica posesión del diablo
Thor 3

Discuentos y compras –

Centro de exposiciones Huayna Cápac – furniture at factory prices – Octavio Chacón Moscoso y Cornelio Vintimilla, esq., in the Industrial Park.

Late/ El Mercurio – rice cooker/steamer for $18.99 plus IVA with ad from the newspaper – at any El Mercurio and Late office.

El Mercurio – Bluetooth “Clip it and go” speaker – compatible with Android and Apple – $12.99 at all El Mercurio offices.

ETAFASHION – clothing – 30% off selected merchandise – until 10/12.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Domingo –



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