Correistas push back on opponents’ claims they would abandon the U.S. dollar for ‘ecuadolarization’

Aug 8, 2023 | 0 comments

Citizens Revolution presidential candidate Luisa González responded Monday to charges that a Correista government would abandon the U.S. dollar as Ecuador’s official currency. “Our policy is to support dollar, as do the majority of Ecuadorians,” she said. “There are absolutely no plans to de-dollarize.”

Former president Rafael Correa and vice-presidential candidate Andres Arauz.

González’s reaction followed the release of a video in which her running mate, Andrés Arauz, calls for a “process of ecuadolarization to a sovereign virtual currency.” Arauz made the comments in an April interview with an Argentina television station.

According to González, Arauz’s comments were made as a private citizen before the Citizens Revolution adopted an official policy of support for the dollar. “These were private opinions expressed before Andrés was the vice-presidential candidate and do not reflect my position,” González said.

González’s opponents were quick to attack Arauz’s interview, suggesting his position reflects a “hidden agenda” of the Correistas.

“Now, we see the true colors of the Citizens Revolution and their plan to take over the economy,” said Avanza candidate and former vice president Otto Sonnenholzner. “Twenty-three years ago, dollarization pulled the economy out of a terrible crisis and today it is the only real certainty that we Ecuadorians have.”

Social Christian candidate Jan Topic took aim Arauz’s suggestion that Ecuador join forces with Venezuela, Argentina and Brazil to adopt a common South American currency. “Fabulous idea, Andrés. Let’s follow the lead of two of the worst economies in the world to replace the dollar,” he said. “We are finally seeing the Correistas’ real intent.”

Topic added: “I think it is clear that the issue of the U.S. dollar will be the dominant issue for the rest of this campaign.”

In addition to Sonnenholzner and Topic, the other five presidential candidates responded to the Arauz interview, all claiming support for the dollar.

In several Tweets, former president Rafael Correa supported González’s claim that Arauz’s interview comments did not reflect the policy of the Citizens Revolution. “Our opponents are orchestrating the Luisa-dedollarizes message, trying to change the conversation from real issues to a fake one,” the former president said in one Tweet. “They are desperate to stop our victory on August 20.”


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