Covid cases trend down nationally, health ministry says; Polling sites added for social distancing; Orchid festival underway in Gualaceo; More holiday events

Oct 30, 2020 | 1 comment

Jueves, 29/10/2020

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –
Del cuerpo del periodico –

Ecuagenera se reactiva con el OrchidFest 2020 (Ecuagenera reactivates with OrchidFest 2020) – Ecuagenera reopened el 24/10 with OrchidFest 2020 which will run until el 3/11. The show has over 600 species of orchids from the Coast, Sierra, y Amazonía. Visitors receive an orientation telling them about the importance of conserving these plants. Hours for the open house at Ecuagenera in Gualaceo are from 8-18:00. There are 10-60% discounts on plants which can cost from $4.00 to $30.00.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Mayor presión para Carapaz (Greater pressure for Carapaz) – Ecuadorian cyclist Richard Carapaz is still leading after the 8th phase <I’ve forgotten the English word for a phase in bicycle or other races.> of the 75 Vuelta a España.

No hay turnos para visitas al Cementerio Patrimonial (There are no slots for visits to the Patrimonial Cemetery) – The 600 daily slots for visiting the Cementerio Patrimonial de Cuenca during the Día de los Difuntos and the holiday this weekend have all been given out. You can schedule visits for hoy, mañana or el 4/11. The Empresa Municipal de Cementerios (EMUCE) is coordinating with the Policía Naiconal, Guardia Ciudadana, and transit agents to prohibit crowds and itinerant vendors of any type of products including candles, flowers, momentos and food. If you have a turn, arrive 5 minutes ahead of time with your cedula to verify you are on the list. For families who can’t visit the graves of their loved ones, EMIUCE has arranged a Mariachi concert a las 20:00 on sábado via Facebook, a mass a las 20:00 el domingo, and masses a las 10:30 y 15:00 el lunes. The campo santo Santa Ana also has a system of turns for visits from mañana to 2/11. Call 0999 264 423. It has also prepared tributes which will be transmitted on Facebook el 1 & 2/11.

Scheduling visits to the cemeteries is the only restriction in Cuenca for this holiday besides the normal ones of wearing masks, social distancing, and disinfecting your hands. As of yesterday, Cuenca had 8,340 cases and Azuay had 10,507. Deaths in the province are at 354 with ICU beds at 90% full.

All cemetery visitation passes for the Day of the Dead have been issued, the city says. (El Mercurio)

Desacuerdo por cifras y control de la enfermedad (Disagreement over figures and disease control) – Acccording to then Minister of Health, Juan Carlos Zevallos, Coronavirus is contained in the country with the statistics for contagions and deaths on the decrease. Empero (however – your word for the day – no particular reason), doctors, experts and various mayors disagree. They point out that the country is at the start of a holiday and ask the population to take care, use masks, avoid gatherings of more than 5 people and avoid crowds.

CNE designó nuevo director para Azuay (CNE appointed new director for Azuay) – Teodoro Maldonado González has been appointed to replace Jorge Harris to the board of the CNE in Azuay. Maldonado is a systems engineer who has worked for the CNE for 21 years.

For the upcoming elections, 49 new polling places have been added as a biosecurity measure to allow social distancing and so that there will be a maximum of 350 voters at each location. <It sure is nice to live in a country that not only requires voting, but is trying to keep us safe at the polls. As opposed to the voter suppression that other “democracies” are engaging in.>

Holiday Agenda –

1 al 29 de noviembre:

Festival Internacional de titeres Titiriceunca 2020 (Titiriceunca International Puppet Festival 2020) – Organized by Festivazl Titiricuenca. <I Googled this for more information, and it looks like it’s been cancelled until 2021. However, you might want to confirm this for yourself.>

1 de noviembre:

10:00 – Inauguración de la muestra fotográfica: Miralas, Mirate, Vidas en Resistencia (Inauguration of the photographic exhibition: Look at them, look at them, lives in resistance) – Seminario San Luis.
18:00 – Concierto de Homenaje a Cuenca en su Bicentenario (Tribute Concert to Cuenca on its Bicentennial) – Teatro Sucre, Facebook Live @CulturaCUE.
20:00 – Eucaristía virtual transmitada desde la Iglesia de San Blas (Virtual Eucharist transmitted from the Church of San Blas), Celebrated by Monseñor Auxiliar Bolívar Piedra – Facebook Live @EMUCE EP.

2 de noviembre:

9:00 – Premiación del concurso: Tradiciones de antaño. La Cholita de pan mas bonita. La colada morada (Contest award: Traditions of yesteryear. The most beautiful Cholita bread. The colada morada) – Mercado 3 de Noviembre.
9:00 – Inauguración del Obelisco en recordación de las victimas del Covid-19 (Inauguration of the Obelisk in remembrance of the victims of Covid-19) <This pandemic ain’t over yet – I hope they left some space on that obelisk.> – Cementario Patrimonial de Cuenca.
10:00-16:00 – Visitas guiadas al Museo de las Conceptas (Guided visits to the Museo de las Conceptas) – Hermano Miguel 6-33.
10:30 – Eucaristía virtual transmitida desde la Catedral de Cuenca (Virtual Eucharist transmitted from the Catedral de Cuenca), celebrated by Monseñor Marcos Pérez Caicedo – Facebook Live @EMUCE EP.
15:00 – Eucaristía virtual transmitida desde la Iglesia de San Blas (Virtual Eucharist transmitted from the Iglesia de San Blas), celebrated by Padre Ramiro Cristancho – Facebook Live @EMUCE EP.
18:00 – Concierto Lirico en Homenaje a Cuenca (Lyrical Concert in Tribute to Cuenca) – Teatro Sucre, Facebook Live @CulturaCUE.
19:00 – Serenata a Cuenca – Centro Histórico de Cuenca.

2 y 3 de noviembre:

Conferencia virtual: 100 años del primer vuelo aéreo hacia la ciudad de Cuenca (100 years of the first air flight to the city of Cuenca) – Facebook Live @AeropuertoCuenca. <And a virtual gold star to whomever can name the pilot and the plane.>
10:00 – Coordenada O> Feria de emprendimientos del barrio Miraflores (Miraflores neighborhood entrepreneurship fair) – Barrio Miraflores: Santa Ana, Gaspar Sangurima y Llacta Huasi, Plataform Comercial.

And that´s all for today so Hasta ? –


Editor’s note: Jeanne’s Periodico is a translated digest of news from the Cuenca daily newspaper El Mercurio. If details, such as event dates and times, do not appear in the translation, they did not appear in the newspaper. The text between the carrots, or guillemets (< … >), is Jeanne’s personal opinion and not part of the news translation.


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