Cuenca Airlines to resume service, Call for musicians, Passenger vans, Unmeltable ice cream

Aug 28, 2017 | 0 comments

Domingo, 27/8/2017

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Ongoing agenda event –

Revista virtual (Virtual magazine) – the Laboratorio Nerv is calling for participants for it’s 2nd edition of the online magazine. If you are interested in publishing your drawings, photographs, painting or writing, get more info. at <OK, all of you creative types – go for it!>

Articles about –

Cemetery – The walls at the Cementerio Patrimonial are the canvas for portraits of important people in the history of the city. Students in the School of Arts at the U. of Cuenca have painted these portraits along calle Río Palora. The portraits range from the lyricist for the song Chola Cuencana, to artists, a fubolista, and a pirotecnista (fireworks maker). <What I didn’t see on a quick scan through the list were politicians.>

Convocatoria – The Somos Cultura Collective is calling for musicians, bands, composers and poets who want to be part of the Guapondélig Tomo I, an interdisciplinary project which will compile 12 musical poems by living Azuayan authors. The convocatoria is open until jueves, 31/8. Submit your resume to <Are there more avenues for artists to show their work here than in the US? Or is it just because I’m reading about it every day?>

Memorias <But without Barbara Streisand.> – There will be workshops in the Parroquiales Rurales (Rural Parishes) as part of the “Memorias de las Parroquiales Rurales” (Memories of the Rural Parishes) project in the Municipal Library Network. xcxcThe workshops will run from 31/7 – 17/10.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Odebrecht: martes formulan cargos (Odebrecht: charges on Tuesday) – 11 people including VP Jorge Glas, his uncle Ricardo Rivera, ex-comptroller Carlos Pólit, and former executives of Odebrecht will appear on Tuesday at some kind of hearing. <The Penal Code is as clear as mud even when I send it through a translator, so I have no idea what the equivalent US hearing to an “audencia de vinculación y formulación de cargos” is called.>

Busetas y microbuses – It’s been over 16 months since assemblyman Diego Vintimilla proposed reforms to the “Ley Orgánica de Tránsito, Transporte y Seguridad Vial” (Organic Law of Transit, Transport and Road Safety) which would authorize vans that have been providing tourist transport for several years to also transport interprovincial passengers. The argument in favor is the demand for a fast, safe alternate to either air travel or interprovincial buses. <Moderately priced is another consideration.> In reality, tourist vans have been carrying other passengers without permits. Another service, “Microbuses Interprovincial” at av. Remigio Crespo y Unidad Nacional is owned by interprovincial bus companies operating out of the Terminal Terrestre. When asked if the busetas would compete with the regular interprovincial service, one owner said the buseta service is direct, non-stop and faster. Three passengers were interviewed and they all referred to increased safety as a reason they took the busetas.

Airline – Línea Aérea Cuencana (LAC) will resume operations in Ecuador. The airline was founded in 2012 and started service in 5/15 with flights between Quito, Guayaquil, Cuenca y Loja. In 2015 one of its planes was sent to Mexico and later to Canada where the airlines started flying charters to Panama, Cartagena and Venezuela. The official launch of its return to Ecuador will be in 30 days with flights starting in about 6 months because the planes need to be prepared and crews trained. Introductory specials on flights between Cuenca, Quito, Guayaquil and Loja will be $99.88 “ida y vuelta” (round trip – your phrase for the day.)

Actualidades – Articles about –

Vinicio Jiménez “Vini” – “Vini” is a political cartoonist.

Unmeltable ice cream – Japanese scientists have discovered a polyphenol in strawberries that prevents ice cream from melting. When ice cream is heated, the oils and liquids separate and the ice cream melts. The polyphenol has the capacity to bind the two at room temperatures and higher. You can get it from Heladería de Kanazawa Ice in the Harajuki area of Tokyo. <Is is still ice cream if it’s not cold? Or just another kind of candy?>

Interview – Tamara Landívar, director(?) of the Museo Pumapungo was interviewed.

Caminata – The youth group of the Quingeo Parish, Cuenca, is arranging the 2nd Walk in homage to the Señor de los Milagros on sábado, 9/9 from the Chilcapamba sector to the parish center in Quingeo. The event will start at 5:30, and the walk will be from 6-12:00. Bring water, sunscreen, comfortable shoes, and adequate clothing. To register or for more info call 098 497 7515 or 099 442 4869.

Morona Santiago – A history of the province.

Sports and Health Page – An article about sports and adolescence.

Internacional –

Colombia – Last July, Colombia gave a 30 day refuge to 6 of the 33 magistrates in the Venezuelan Parliament who left the country after Pres. Maduro ordered them arrested. Two of them brought their families.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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