Cuenca council wants mining question on referendum, Venezuelan children beg for food, Día del Pasillo, Loja theater festival invites foreign actors
Martes, 26/9/2017
Hola, Todos –
Pagina cultural –
Today’s agenda events –
Teatro – “Elízabeth o la Esclavitud” (Elizabeth or the Slavery – I think that should be your word for the day.) <And I think we should all consider by whom or what we are enslaved, and how do we liberate ourselves. Unless you feel enslaved by the norms of common courtesy.> The performance is part of the Simposium Internacional de Neurociencias and was hoy a las 19:30 in the teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz.
Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –
Pasillo – The theater collective Causaklapas will present “Pasillando me enamoré” mañana a las 20:00 in the Teatro Sucre in honor of Día del Pasillo Ecuatoriano which is 1/10. 15 of the most popular pasillos will be dramatized with song, dance and theater. <Sounds like it could be a pretty good show.>
Concierto de mujeres – About a dozen artists and groups will present “Concierto de Mujeres, contra el femicidio” (Concert of Women, against femicide) el jueves a las 20:00 in the Teatro Sucre. Get your tickets at El Surtido.
Articles about –
Escenarios del Mundo – “Mina_A” will be performed hoy a las 20:00 at the MMAM. It’s a research project <Which implies it’s highest purpose is not entertainment.> that sounds like it’s going to represent conflicts in the human condition with body language. Mime?
Theater festival – The CCE in Loja is calling for Ecuadorian and foreign artists to participate in the XXI Salón Nacional de Noviembre “Guillermo Herrera Sánchez” 2017: Nuevos Lenguajes Plásticos. Write to jeannet.coronel@casadelacultura.gob.ev. by 15/10 and pitch your project. The works that are preselected will be notified by the 20th and have to be submitted by 30/10.
Masters in Contemporary Anthropology – If you are interested in this you have to go to an informational meeting el jueves a las 18:00 in the Auditorio Alterno of the facultad de Filosofía (Department of Philosophy) at the U. of Cuenca.
El Museo Manuel Augustín Landívar – The museum is thinking about maintaining a permanent collection and also adding an area for a gallery with temporary exhibits.
Otras cosas –
Titular – Cuenca pide incluir la antiminería en consulta (Cuenca asks to include anti-mining in referendum) – The entire council and the mayor, after a 15 hour debate, voted unanimously to submit two options, the only difference being one option restricted the actions to Cuenca Canton. Both options would eliminate and prohibit in the future, metal mining in water sources, páramo zones, wetlands, and cloud forests; they would cancel any authorizations to mining concessions in all phases and declare the concessions “zonas intangibles” (intangible areas – whatever that means.)
Road closure – El Tahual will be closed to traffic hoy y mañana from 9-12:00 and 14-17:00 to install anchor posts that will hold the “malla dinámica” (dynamic mesh) <which looks a lot like chain link fencing in the foto> that will keep rocks from falling onto the road below.
Exports – A report by the Federación Ecuatoriana de Exportadores (Fedexpor) listed the top 36 products exported from southern Ecuador. They included ceramics, flowers, tires, refrigerators, and hats.
Odebrecht – Various ex-public officials and people related to Odebrecht testified and will testify “en forma libre y voluntaria” (in a free and voluntary way) to the Attorney General before financial testimony (?) is closed on 1/10. <So better to testify now than to be found withholding information later?>
Sindicatos del Choferes del Azuay – The 3,400 members of the professional drivers union are voting for who will be their next General Secretary and other officials. There are three slates with voting el sábado. <I think that explains the “Lista 1, 2 or 3 signs in the taxi windows.>
App – The Mancomunidad del Pueblo Cañari (The Association of Cañari People) has developed an App to provide fast and easy tourist information about the communities in the cantons of Biblián, Cañar, El Tambo and Suscal. The App was launched at 23/9 Killa Raymi celebration in El Tambo. <How cool is that?> You can download it from the Play Store for Android phones.
Amenidades –
“Tres Copas” – This band which plays traditional rhythms such as Pasillos, Albazos, Valses, Boleros, San Juanitos and more, will perform el viernes, 6/10 a las 20:00 in the Sala “Alfonso Carrasco” in the CCE. Go to Facebook: Tres Copas for more info. Cost: $5.00.
Internacional –
Venezuela – There is a new wave of children in the streets begging for food. In some cases, the children are with a sibling, and in others with friends or neighbors. Many are from families that have lost their homes with the whole family dispersing in search of food, through begging, or going through the garbage. <This would not be dumpster diving in Manhattan after the fancy restaurants close.>
Descuentos y compras –
Erco Tires – Continental TerrainContact AT50 tires at 3×4 –
And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –