Cuencanos react to assassination; Airlines increase flights for the holidays; Multi-service center planned for San Joaquín; Go glamping in Challuabamba

Aug 12, 2023 | 0 comments

Viernes, 11/8/2023

Hola, Todos –

Titular –

Unidad y paz contra violencia (Unity and peace against violence) – Responses to the assassination of Villavicencio were published. Ex-president Rosalía Arteaga <she was the VP who ascended to the presidency after Abdalá Bucaram was removed from office. She served for 2 days until the old boys network of the Assembly and military decided a female president wasn’t acceptable.>, who is from Cuenca, said that the country is sometimes not conscious that all of what we are living through today is a consequence of what happened in the past.

Cuencanos, including a former vice president and a former National Assemblyman, talk about what the assassination of Fernando Villavicencio means for Ecuador. (El Mercurio)

She noted that the country had universal citizenship and no visa to enter so those who took advantage this and entered were drug cartels. She felt the decision to remove the US base in Manta was an error. Now Manabí and Esmeraldas lead in violence. What should happen is that the powers of the State should unite and coordinate because now the police arrest criminals, the prosecutor charges them, and the judge releases them. She believes that communications from inside prisons should be absolutely limited. Fernando Vega, an ex-assemblyman, said Ecuador is going in the direction of falling off a cliff, much of the State’s functioning is pure pantomime, it’s absolutely inefficient and corrupt. He thinks a parallel State to the official one has arisen.

Cuenca –

Glamping, alojamiento a cielo abierto (Glamping, open-air lodging) – Glamping is a new tourist activity that combines 2 worlds – camping and glamour. Cuencano Gorky Córdova <What happened in Ecuador that babies got Russian names like Gorky, Lenin and Trotsky. Although I haven’t seen a Rasputin yet.> founded ‘Domos Cuenca’ in the upper part of Challuabamba in the skirts of the El Plateado hill, 20 minutes away from the Centro Histórico on the vía Cuenca-Azogues. Windows in the geodesic domes allow campers to enjoy the landscape during the day and see the stars at night. Costs vary from $35 for a small pyramid, a matrimonial dome for $55 per night, and a family dome for $85 per night with check-in and check-out at 14:00. For cooking there is a grill, wood oven, a stove for cooking in a clay pot (olla de barro – your words for the day.) < And a clay pot really does affect the taste of the food, in a good way. People told me so, and I didn’t believe it until I tried it.) or paila de acero (steel pan). The construction of the domes is eco-friendly, and their glampings cost $8.000 including baths. A 100-meter house with 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, and kitchen costs about $35,000 and can be installed on a lot or on quintas.

Tres aerolíneas con 54 vuelos para feriado (Three airlines with 54 flights for holiday) – From jueves, 10/8 to domingo, 13/8, 54 flights between Cuenca and Quito will be offered by 3 airlines. Latam will have 5 flights los jueves, 4 los viernes, 3 los sábados y 4 los domingos. Avianca has 2 daily flights los jueves, viernes, y domingos. Aeroregional has 2 flights each los jueves, viernes, y domingos with a fixed round trip fare of $160. These flights are at different times and you can see the schedules at

De El Mercurio del jueves, 10/8 (2 articles):

Emov tendrá un nuevo centro multiservicios en San Joaquín (Emov will have a new multiservice center in San Joaquín) – The 2 vehicle inspection centers in Cuenca are both in the north side, forcing users in the southern part of the city and the province to cross from one side of the city to the other. To address this, the Empresa de Movilidad, Tránsito y Transporte Terrestre (EMOV EP) will build a new multiservice center in San Joaquín using the land where the impound lot currently is. Lenín Guzmán, operating manager of the Transporte Terrestre of EMPV, said that there will be 8 lines of vehicle inspections and the matriculation process. He hopes to be able to issue drivers’ licenses.

He said that next week, they will have financial information to see if direct administration of the inspection center is viable. The Municipio and EMOV have the capacity to administer the center since EMOV already administers the center in Capulispamba, and the financial analysis will tell if it will be profitable for the city. The new center would decongest the existing centers in Mayancela and Capulispamba. The project is estimated to cost about $7 million, and take two years to build in 2 phases. The first phase would be the technical inspection area and is in the hands of the Junta Parroquial de San Joaquín for approval. The Municipio also has the option of buying the Mayancela center which is valued between $1.5 & $1.8 million. The centers in the Terminal Terrestre and Parque de la Madre will be kept open for clients. The Mayancela and Capulispamba centers serve between 120,000 and 140,000 people each year.

Tranvía amplía horario de servicio (Tranvía extends service hours) – From today (jueves) to sábado, the tranvía hours will be from 5:00 to 23:00 for the 10 de Agosto holiday. This will allow residents and tourists to enjoy the fiesta activities without using a private vehicle.

Descuentos y compras –

ETAFASHION – 72 hour sale until el 13/8 – up to 70% off +10% off with direct credit on selected merchandise. Conditions apply.

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –



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