Cuenca’s Niño Viajero makes a trial run; Volcanic ashfall could reach Cuenca today; Choral concerts include rural women; New Cajas highway delays

Dec 13, 2022 | 10 comments

Lunes, 12/12/2022
Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

Coro de Mujeres Rurales (Rural Women’s Choir) – The Provincial Government of Azuay sponsored the Rural Women’s Choir. It’s members met 3 conditions: a hard life full of tests and difficulties, strength and the characteristic of constant struggle, and a passion for singing. One woman in Nabón gets up at 4:30 to go to her property to irrigate the grains, greens and vegetables that she grows. She waters her 2 bulls, brings the sheep out, feeds the chickens and inspects the produce in her greenhouses. She picks and then packs the vegetables next to the eggs, pepa de sambo, and cleaned and dressed cuy and chickens to sell at the 12 de Abril Mercado early on Tuesdays.

Sinkholes on the Cajas highway have reduced traffic in one lane. (El Mercurio)

Another woman and her parents have animals and weaves colorful sheeps’ wool ponchos. She also founded the Asociación de Lácteos Shiña Rigita. Because of her love for music, she wanted a piano. She sold a cow, but with the money, was only able to afford a guitar which she tunes with the help of her cellphone. These and other women take classes from professional singers and directors. They are preparing for a concerts in Cuenca el 15/12 a las 19:30 in the Teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz in in Nabón el 21/12. There will be more than 100 singers including the Coro de Mujeres Rurales, Coro Polifónico de la U. de Cuenca and of the Conservatorio José María Rodríguez and 4 soloists performing the Cantata Boletín y Elegía de las Mitas.

Titular – 

Paso habilitado por un carril en el kilómetro 7 (Passage enable for 1 lane at km. 7) – The closure of km. 7 of the vía Cuenca-Molleturo-El Empalme affected over 10,000 residents in addition to travelers between the Sierras and the Coast. It has been one week today (lunes) since the road was closed. The initial closure because of a sinkhole was announced el 5/12 and the road was to have been opened last week, but a new sinkhole opened up when part of a sewer line collapsed. The 10-12 meter sinkhole caused a second closure. On Sunday morning, travelers had to transfer, carrying their suitcases and belongings from one side of the sinkhole to the other side to get on another bus or load another truck.  In all, 72 communities, more than 40 schools, 10 areas in the health sector, and over 40 businesses were affected including growers who could not get their products to their restaurant customers in Cuenca.

As of late Monday afternoon, one lane was opened to light vehicles and public transport. 6,000 cubic meters of fill needed to be placed at the sinkhole and to repair structure of the left lane (Whose left lane? For traffic coming into or leaving Cuenca?) Luis Mario Barsallo, zone 6 deputy secretary for MTOP, said that the layers of fill had to be placed in 35-50 cm lifts or layers to be compacted to proper densities. <There’s part of the problem – a typical US lift is about 20 cm or 8″ max.> Work is continuing on the other lane which has been undermined and is currently supported by air. The expectation (hope?) is that the road will be open for Christmas traffic with controlled transit. This will depend on the weather and the availibility of materials which have to come from Jadán or Santa Ana.

IG advierte posible caída de ceniza del volcán Sangay en Azuay y Cañar (IG warns of possible ashfall from the Sangay volcano in Azuay and Cañar) – Powerful explosions at the Sangay volcano could send volcanic ash over Azuay y Cañar Provinces, Ecuador’s Geophysical Institute warned early Tuesday morning. The IG reported that the ash and gas cloud from the blasts reached 1,000 meters above the crater and was being carried to the southwest by prevailing winds.

The Sangay volcano is 137 kilometers (85 miles) northeast of Cuenca.

If ashfall is observed, the IG advises residents to wear facemasks, protect skin with full-length clothing and to wear protective eye coverings. Sangay is locted 137 kilometers northeast of Cuenca in Morona Santiago Province.

Cuenca – 

From El Mercurio del sábado, 10/12:
Cuenca revive el tradicional Pase del Niño (Cuenca revives the traditional Pase del Niño) – After 2 years during which the most famous fiesta in diciembre was minimized, the announcement that the 12/24 parade would be revived was met with euphoria. Yesterday, the Niño Viajero which <or who? Have I just started a religious argument?> had been in the iglesia del Carmen was taken out and paraded through the Centro Histórico before a mass celebrated by monseñor Marcos Pérez. This year, there is no limitation on the number of people and organizations that can participate, but people will need to observe whatever biosecurity measures that will be in effect. So far, 70 floats have registered to be part of the parade and the number is expected to increase in the coming days. The Pulla family will be making 10,000 liters of chicha to share with parade participants. <Go Pullas. Show me the booze.>

The schedule of Pase del Niño activities is as follows:
15-23/12 a las 16:30 – Novena for the Niño Viajero – Monasterio del Carmen.
18/12 a las 10:30 – Blessing of the chicha – Iglesia del Carmen.
23/12 a las 18:00 – Eucharist – Iglesia del Carmen
19:00 – Serenata – Plaza de las Flores
19:30 – Procession – Centro Histórico.
24/12 a las 7:00 – Overflight of the Niño over Cuenca
8:30 – Eucharist – Catedral Nueva
10:00 – Pase del Niño – Centro Histórico.

<And no, there wasn’t a map of the route included in the article. Be patient. Jeeze, what is it about gringos they can’t wait for anything.>

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –


Editor’s note: Jeanne’s Periodico is a translated digest of news from the Cuenca daily newspaper El Mercurio. If details, such as event dates and times, do not appear in the translation, they did not appear in the newspaper (please don’t ask her for them). The text between the carrots, or guillemets (< … >), is Jeanne’s personal opinion and not part of the news translation.


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