Day of the Dead concert, Tram contract still not signed, Colada Morada festival, Russian, Ukrainian circus artists perform, Prosecutors in Panama

Oct 31, 2017 | 0 comments

Lunes, 30/10/2017

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s agenda events –

Monday’s events included flag ceremony, a seminar which was part of the Festival de Danza Folclórica Tradiciones y Culturas, and a children’s workshop in Santa Ana parish.

Catalogue – The catalogue for the exhibit ¿Es inútil sublevarse? La Artefactoría, arte y comentario social en el Guayaquil de los ochentas” (Is it useless to revolt? The Artefactoría, art and social commentary in the Guayaquil of the eighties) will be presented hoy a las 19:00 in MMAM.

Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –

Festival – The “Otolongazo” festival will be el jueves y viernes in El Otorongo. It will be followed by a second festival in Machala on 18/11.

Articles about –

Plaza San Francisco – <No one broke into anything.> Yesterday, 21 artists painted murals on the “playwood” (plywood – your word for the day) <This one is all about pronunciation. You figure it out.> construction fence which the city primed and bordered in maroon.

Fusion – “Varieté,” a story about a tree <Groot? Ent?>, was performed el pasado viernes at Todos Santos by a dancer, narrater, circus performer and puppeteer. Friday’s show was a run up to another show that will premiere in two weeks.

Exhibit – Diego Vélez has a show on the 1st floor walls of the Seminario San Luis that will end tomorrow. His images are created from dried beans, grains and seeds. <So if you buy one and decide you don’t like it, you can always have it for dinner.>

Otras cosas –

Titular – Elizabeth Bravo con nuevo logro mundial (Elizabeth Bravo with new world achievement) – The Cuencana athlete won the women’s Copa Mundo de Triatlón this past weekend in Salinas, Santa Elena.

Odebrecht – Prosecutors and AGs from Latin America and Europe are meeting in Panama about the fight against corruption and to talk to their Panamanian counterparts about the Odebrecht case.

Concierto – In honor of the Day of the Dead, the U. of Cuenca orchestra will play on miércoles, 1/11 a las 20:00 in the Mausoleo de Personas Ilustres del camposanto. <The VIP Mausoleum at the cemetery.>

Banda del Pueblo – The II Festival de Bandas de Pueblo (II Festival of Village Bands) will be este domingo, 5/11 starting at 14:00 in the Parque de la Madre. The best band will be elected.

Festival de la Colada Morada – The Gastronomy Department in the Hospitality Sciences School of the U. of Cuenca will commemorate the Day of the Dead with the VII Colada Morada Festival from 10-16:00 on miércoles on the Balcón (balcony – terrace?) at Todos Santos (calle Larga y Mariano Cueva). They will also prepare typical Cuencano dishes such as sancocho, fritada, papitas con cuero, empanadas, sánduches de pernil and sweets. The plates will be at reasonable prices. <And except for the sweets, I think they’re all pork. So your heart will pay for it.>

Huaynacapazo – This music event will be el viernes, desde las 19:00 with 5 stages spaced along the length of Huayna Cápac.

El Valle – The parish will celebrate its saint, San Judas Tadeo, this weeekend with religious services, election of the cholita, and stage shows.

Recycle center – You can recycle electronic junk, batteries, glass, plastic, cans, paper and cardboard at EMAC on 24 de Mayo kitty-corner from the colegio (high school) <Info. for you super newbies – colegio is high school and not college even though it looks like college.> Manuela Garaicoa. There’s an igloo.

Tranvía – The Tranvía is still waiting for a new project management contract to be signed, which can be done now since a settlement with the CITA subcontractor has been reached. CITA suffered loses when the old project manager, CCRC, walked off the job last year. CITA is claiming that extensions and delays to the construction term added costs – technical staff, renewals of insurances and bonds, management and operating costs. Councilman Cristian Zamora said the city is being “chantajeada” (blackmailed – an even better word for the day.) since some of those additional costs were tuition fees for the children of the foreign technicians. <Do technicians’ families normally go on international construction projects and get things like tuition paid for?> Details of the CITA settlement were not made public but they are believed to be $8.7 million.

Amenidades –

“Fantasy Circus” – This circus show with Russian, Ukrainian, Central and South American artists will be at the Teatro Pumapungo. Performances will be miércoles, 1/11 a las 19:00; jueves 2/11 and sábado 4/11 a las 15:00, 17:30, & 20:00; viernes 3/11 and domingo 5/11 a las 11:30, 15:00 & 18:00. Tickets available at the Pumapungo box office. For more info, call 098 511 8224.

Encuentro Artesanal Diseño Color y Tradición (Artisan Encounter Design Color and Tradition) – This event will be in the Kuna Hotel (av. De Las Américas 10-93 y Luis Cordero) from 2-5/11. There will be hats, jewelry, bags, crafts and sweets.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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