Disinfection tunnels installed; Heavy rains cause flooding; Business and labor propose reforms; EU to redirect Ecuador funding; Plague plaque

Apr 15, 2020 | 9 comments

Martes, 14/4/2020

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –
De la pagina cultural –

New words – The WHO named the disease COVID-19, an acronym for “coronavirus disease,” on 11/2. COVID, because it is an “enfermedad,” is feminine – so la COVID. From English comes the word “test,” used in the plural in Spanish – “los test.” Another word is “infodemia” to describe the huge amount of information on the subject, much of it not very rigorous. <if you’re talking about the information on social media, I’d guess almost all of it is not rigorous.> The person who transmitted the disease for the first time is the paciente cero – written with small letters.

Otras cosas –

Titular – ‘Inyectar’ dinero antes la crisis (‘Inject’ money in the face of the crisis) – Industrial, commercial, and workers groups all had objections to the measures announced by the Government to confront the economic crisis caused by the health emergency. Industry wants the Gov’t to make a greater effort in austerity and the destination of public funds. Workers want a moratorium on external debt, and both agree on an injection of resources for the productive engine of the country. <Squeezing blood from a turnip comes to mind.> It was noticed that Ecuador doesn’t have savings and using international reserves is not feasible for legal reasons.

Parque Industrial, Cuenca.

The Parque Industrial is operating at about 50% capacity, and the president of the Cámara de Industrias, Productividad y Empleo (CIPEM) said that the government wants the private sector to solve a public sector problem <Like COVID really distinguishes between public and private sector?> and hasn’t done enough to take on the crisis. The actions CIPEM wants taken include curbing taxes, reducing bureaucracy, more government austerity, liquidating inefficient public businesses, targeted fuel subsidies, labor reforms, an injection of liquidity into businesses, and defending dollarization. Workers’ unions want a moratorium on external debt, expand humanitarian coverage, collect taxes from companies which are delinquent, suspend payments on basic services for 3 months, prohibit layoffs, and inject liquidity into small and medium businesses.

Disinfection tunnels – The Comité de Operaciones Emergentes (COE -Emerging Operations Committee) Nacional does not recommend applying substances directly on people as main measure to eliminate the coronavirus since technical teams haven’t seen evidence that supports applying chemicals directly on people and their clothing. The sanitation chambers or tunnels are being used in various cities including Cuenca where they have been installed at the entrances to mercados, the CEAR where COVID-19 patients are being treated, and the regional and IESS hospitals. The tunnels use quaternary ammonium which is an effective cleaning disinfectant against micro-organisms such as virus, bacteria, molds, spores, salmonella typhimurium, staphylococci, streptococci, and clostridium. A chemical engineer said that distinfecting tunnels are not the main means of eliminating the virus but are another tool. The chemical is not corrosive, has a high penetrating power, and doesn’t release irritating vapors. There are no effects on healthy skin, but can cause irritations and rash on “sick” skin. It can be used on surfaces such as walls, floors, equipment and utensils, vehicles, railings, elevators and more. <But it does make you feel like something is being done that might keep you healthy.>

Plaque – The mayor and 6 council members are proposing that people and groups who are fighting the coronavirus be awarded a badge with the insignia of the city, and recognized with a plaque to be mounted in Parque Calderón.

Students and internet access – A group of teachers are reporting that at least 60% of their public school students can’t access virtual classes because of a lack of internet access, no computer, or a lack of money to pay for internet service. The coursework during the past month has been to reinforce what students have learned, but not teach them new material. UNICEF concurred that 60% of students don’t have access to digital platforms and only 16% have access to the internet. An alternative is providing academic material by radio and TV. The Ministerio de Educación has programs from lunes a domingo from 6-9:00, 12-15:00, and 18-21:00.

2 men reported missing – The family of a 53 year old man in Zhío, Chordeleg canton has reported him missing since el sábado anterior. Authorities presume he was swept away by the río Zhío. There is also a search in Cuenca for a 21 who hasn’t been seen since 2/4 when he escaped when family members attempted to check him into the Centro de Reposo y Adicciones (Rest and Addiction Center). <As the lady sang, They tryin’ to make me go to rehab, I say no, no, no.>

Weather – The recent intense rains have caused damage to houses, landslides, and falling trees around Cuenca. Yesterday, the Fire Department cut trees that had fallen across roads in the ciudadela Eucaliptos and in the Milchichig sector where eucalyptus fell, damaging metallic structures and fences. A landslide is putting a house in Quinta Chica at risk. Over the weekend, the río Yanuncay and some of its tributaries overflowed in the Barabón and Sústag sectors of San Joaquín. Houses were affected and people were evacuated. Small rock and mudslides across the road are being cleaned.

Straw delivery – The City of Azogues started a program to deliver paja toquilla to weavers in their homes so they can continue to weave “Panama” hats. <Very stylish, you know. A mask under a Panama hat- especially if the fabric of the mask matches the hatband.>

Prisoners – At least 814 prisoners in the Centros de Rehabilitación Social (CRS) in the country might be beneficiaries of alternate methods of incarceration such as electronic devices. Authorities are looking at the risks of prison to people of tercera edad, pregnant women and those with catastrophic illnesses.

EU projects in Ecuador – The EU will redirect funds for its projects in Ecuador to support the health emergency, currently about 10 million Euros.

And that’s all for today so Hasta ? –



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