Domingo, 10/4/2016: More holiday events, Brothels shut down, What did Jesus eat?

Apr 11, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

Pagina cultural –

Articles about –

Cuenca’s full cultural schedule for the April fiestas.  Some events are:
Mon, 11/4 chl jeanne logo
Awards ceremony for Comaniejos, winner of the Festival del Pasillo – Pumapungo – 20:00.
Thu, 14/4Festival del Teatro – childrens’ shows at 9:00 and adults’ shows at 20:00 – Colectivo Barojo
Fri, 15/4
Photo exhibit open house – Sala Larrazábal in the Museo Pumapungo – show will run 1 month.
An open house on Patrimony – at the offices of the Instituto National de Patrimonio Cultural – Benigno Malo y Pres. Córdova.
Short film on same subject at 9:00.
Sat., 30/4 Dance performance – Teatro Pumapungo – 19:00.

For the full schedule of events, see the Cuenca Foundation Festival agenda.

If anyone can find a paper copy of the Agenda and can leave it at Carolina Bookstore for me, I’ll translate the Agenda.  I’ve been to iTur twice and to the library and keep getting told “manaña.” The on line version doesn’t work for me – my screen’s too tiny for two pages.

Clown workshop – at the Centro Cultural Imay (El Batán 4-70 y El Oro, on the corner) from 16-17/4 from 9:30-12:30 and 14-17:00. The workshop is for seniors with or without previous experience. The workshop will run for 12 hours over 2 days. Cost:  $50.  (I wonder if this is where the Donald learned his craft although I think any of us who’s reached tercera edad has got to have a little clown in us.)

Una Cena Judía – (A Jewish Supper) – At La Iglesia Capilla Calvario (corner of calle Primera Convención y Juan Pío Montúfar on the 22 bus line) this Fri, 15/4.  This celebration has 3 objectives.  The first is a supper to find out what is different from what we are used to eating.  The second is a teaching objective that will incorporate elements of ancient festivities including Easter and the Last Supper.  Attendees will enjoy the types of food that Jesus and his apostles ate.  The last is to learn about the symbolism of the ceremony.  (There’s a picture of people by a table filled with fruit and what look like salads.  But I don’t see roasted eggs or flat bread.  I guess if the salad is radichio or endive, it could be the bitter herbs.  There are also a couple of menorahs.  So I don’t know if this is a seder or just an intercultural event.)  Cost: $15.00.

Academia de Robótica – has classes for childen to build their own robots. Register at avenida Gapal L 51 (Sector Quinta Bolívar) or call 409 6389.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Hamilton, figura del Cuenca para victoria en Quito (Hamilton, Cuenca’s figure of victory in Quito)  The goalie stopped a penalty kick.

Your sliver of life article today – is about 3 brothels that were shut down. 8 “centros de diversión nocturna” (night clubs – is that a euphenism for whorehouse?  Kind of like a motel is for hourly rather than overnight stays?)) were inspected and 3 “burdeles” were closed in the barrio Cayambe.  6 sex workers were detained for not carrying ID.  (You’re supposed to carry your ID with you at all times.)

Actualidades – 

Articles about – 

José López – photographer in Parque Calderon.  When he first started in 1962 he was able to deliver photos “enseguida” (immediately or promptly – your word for the day) in 12 minutes for B & W.  He works M-F from 9_17:00 and Sat & Sun from 9-15:00.  Cost of photo: $2.00.

Vicente Quivedo – is president of SONVA.  He lost his sight over 10 years ago, works as a monitor for the ETAPA call center, and composes and records music in the evenings.

José Francisco Salgado – is an astronomer and visual artist who uses his art to stimulate curiosity and teach about the universe.

La vestimenta y actividad económica de la Chola cuencana (The clothing and economic activity of the Chola Cuencana) – The article explains the clothing of the Chola Cuencana – materials used, how it’s made and what it costs.

The barrio El Vergel – El Vergel is an iconic place in Cuenca with its church, plaza, architecture and historic street of ironworkers and gastronomy. You foodies can get tamales, humitas and melcochas made with honey.  (I’ve been told that they’re the best tamales in Cuenca, but I can’t remember which place has “the best.”  You guys go try them and report back.)

Amenidades – 

The following movies opened this weekend.  As usual, go to for show times and locations.
3D & 2D – El libro de la selva – Esp.  (I wonder if The Jungle Book is the Kipling one.)
2D  – Dios no Está Muerto 2 – Esp.
The following movies are continuing.
2D Batman vs Superman – Esp.
2D Kung Fu Panda 2 – Esp.
2D Norm of the North – Esp.
(Looks like you monolinguists are out of luck for watching these movies on the big screen this week.)

Internacional – 

Peru – 22 million Peruvians are going to the polls to elect a president, 2 vice-presidents, 150 legislatures, and 5 representatives to the Andean Parliament.  The contest is to see which candidate will oppose Keiko Fujimori in the run-off election – Verónica Mendoza of the leftist Frente Amplio or Pedro Palo Kuczynski of the center right Peruanos Por el Kambio. (Somehow I don’t think that party learned how to spell at the same place that people who spell Amerika learned to spell.)

Argentina – a federal prosecutor is asking that ex-President Cristina Fernández, the ex-minister of Federal Planning, and another dozen people be investigated for money laundering.

Descuentos –

Vehicle Auction – EMAC – Enclose your offer to EMAC along with a 10% cash or certified check deposit.  Vehicles include a 2007 Mazda B2600 pickup valued at $16,500, a 2004 Kia Sorento valued at $16,000, a couple of garbage trucks at $7 & 8,000, a tanker at $7,000 and a John Deere tractor at $4,500.  (Hey – maybe there is a reader out there who needs a garbage truck or a tractor.  What do I know – I see land for sale on GringoPost and somebody’s buying it.  So maybe a tractor would come in handy.)

Hyundai – Sonata for $34,990 – 100% financing for 36 mo (Easier to park than a garbage truck, but less intimidating.)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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