Domingo, 11/12/2016: New Year’s dummies, Oil production cuts, Novena at Las Conceptas

Dec 12, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Upcoming agenda event –

Premio Mariano Aguilera – The new call for the Mariano Aguilera Prize, one of the most prestigious in the plastic arts, will be this martes at 11:00 in the Centro de Arte Contemporáneo in Quito.

Articles about –

Review – Mauricio Vicencio’s concert last viernes was reviewed. (The best thing you could do is listen on line – if a picture is worth a thousand words, so is a song.  Some of the music sounds like being in the middle of a rainforest – all the clicks and chirps and rattles.)

“Garaje de discos” (Google says discoteque.  I think it’s a record garage sale.) – A collection of recordings including cassettes, CD’s, LP’s and 45’s is at the centro cultural Sono.  On line Quito radio station “República Urbana” is arranging this record sale and exchange of indie, rock, ska and alternative music – about 80% of which is by Ecuadorian musicians.  45’s can be played on antique players that have all but disappeared.  (I bet a lot of customers have no idea what a 45 is.  I wonder how much music, current events, etc. has been lost because the format they were stored in went obsolete?  There’s something to be said about the durability of paper.)

Novena – There will be a Novena this jueves a 17:00 in the Museo de las Conceptas. A large nativity scene will be on display.  It was donated by the family of Teresa Semería who was a benefactor of social institutions such as the hogar de Cristo Rey (I think it’s a retirement home.), el Buena Pastor and schools.  (Maybe none of the kids wanted the responsibility or work involved in setting it up each year.)

Monigotes y Testamentos (Old Year dummies and testaments) – The Law Students at the U. of Cuenca are organizing the first university contest for monigotes with the theme “Elecciones Ecuador 2017.”  (Think college students could come up with some very creative displays?)

Otras cosas –

Titular – Barcelona alza la copa y envía al Aucas a la B (Barcelona raises the cup (although I have no idea why you’d call something the height of a 30 gallon garbage can a cup.) and sends the Aucas to the B)

Oil – Cuts in oil production are being supported by non-OPEP (OPEC) nations.

Actualidades –

Articles about –

Las araucarias – The trees in the middle of parque Calderón were bought by Luis Cordero in 1875 on a visit to Lima. He returned to Cuenca with 9 trees, 8 of which he planted in what was then the Plaza Reública or Plaza de Armas.  He put the last tree in his own garden.  (If it and the house survived, what a landmark – just look for the big tree.  I live underneath.)  (As a Californian, I was trained to never consider live plants as something you’d bring back from vacation even though tourist shops in Ca. sold redwood and sequoia seeds and seedlings.)

Alfredo Peña Payro – He is the president of Graiman which was formed in 1992 and opened the factory in 1994.  The plant employs 650 people in 3 rotating shifts and runs 7 days a week except for 2 weeks a year when it’s shut for maintenance.

Interculturality in Ecuador – about the different groups of native peoples in Ecuador and some history.  74.4% of the population is a mix of Spanish and indigenous and the mix of foreigners with mestizos.

Religious page, health page on schizophrenia, sports page on preparation.

Amenidades – 

Dance – An international dance competition in Orlando, Fla. was won by the students from the “All Dance” academy.  Individuals also won other prizes.

Internacional – 

Colombia – Juan Manuel Santos received the Nobel Peace Prize which he will donate to the victims of the conflict.

Discuentos y compras –

El Mercurio – CD of villancicos plus an illustrated Novena and an exclusive cookbook – $4.99 – any Mercurio office.
And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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