Domingo, 11/6/2017: Another gov’t official arrested, Bus accident, Returning Ecuadorians, National dance company

Jun 12, 2017 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Upcoming agenda event –

Fiesta de la Música – The Music Festival will open this viernes próximo at 20:00 in the teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz with the Orquesta Sinfónica de Cuenca performing.

Danza – “La consegración de la primavera” (The Consecration of Spring) will be performed by the Compañia Nacional de Danza on jueves, 22/6 in the teatro Pumapungo.  The first performance at 12:00 is for students and the second at 20:00 is for the general public.  Cost: yes.

“Perspectivas de Diseño” (Design Perspectives) – This project will open el próximo miércoles at the School of Design in the College of Arts at the U. of Cuenca.  The program will be about current trends in design and held on the Yanuncay Campus.

Articles about

Review – Lorena Muñoz, director of “Gilda,” the movie that opened the FICC,  was surprised when the audience in Cuenca started singing along with the music and dancing. <Cuencanos know how to party – even with fixed seating.>

High School ratings – Ausubel High School “entre los mejores de la provincia” (among the best in the province) –   <I think this article started out as a press release from the high school.>  The 3 high schools in the province to which El Instituto Nacional de Evaluación Educativa (INEVAL)  <Did you really think I was going to translate that for you?  Wish on.>  gave the most points in the 2016 listings were Unidad Educativa María Auxiliadora with 991 pts., Unidad Educativa Rosa de Jesús Córdero with 987, and Unidad Educativa Particular (private) Ausubel High School with 974 pts.

Masons – The OSC and Luis Vargas Torres Foundation will perform an homage to 300 years of Universal Masonry el próximo jueves at 20:00 in the teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz. The orchestra will play Mozart’s (who was a mason as was his father) “La Flauta Mágica.”

Otras cosas – 

Titular – Ordenan detener a otro exministro (Detention order for another Ex-minister) – An preventive detention order for the purpose of investigation was issued by Judge Luis Enríquez Villacrés against Walter Solís who is the exminister of MTOP (Transport and Public Works).

The National Assembly is also getting ready to investigate Odebrecht going back to 1987 when the business opened in Ecuador.  The Assembly’s multi-party fact finding delegation will meet next week to plan their mission.  Carlos Baca Mancheno  <I think he’s the Att’y Gen’l>, just back from Brazil, reaffirmed that Odebrecht is not the only private business involved in corruption.  The AG’s office reached an agreement of cooperation with Odebrecht and with current and ex-executives in which Ecuador gets access to “todas las evidencias” (all the evidence).  <And nothing but the truth, ma’am.  This will be a way to check on whatever the US decides to release whenever it decides to release it.>  The agreement does not give immunity to anyone involved including Odebrecht directors.

Bus accident – A Cooperativa de Transport Express Chordeleg rolled about 50 meters down a slope in the Los Pinos sector of the San Juan Parish in the Gualaceo canton.  20 passengers were injured, three seriously.

“Entregas a domicilio” (home delivery – your words for the day)  <Might be helpful for ordering a pizza assuming you know the rest of the words.> – Restaurant owners with delivery motos cite digital apps, convenience to their customers, and the closure of streets as the reason for the increase in home deliveries.

Aid to Perú – Ecuador sent a humanitarian relief flight to Perú to help those damaged by the floods.  The Air Force delivered 3 tons of food, necessities, and water to Piura.  <This is what countries should be doing with their neighbors.  Even though Ecuador is building its own contested border wall.>

Police page – 15 people were detained in a multi-force control between Fri. night and early Sat. morning (la madrugada – the wee hours of the morning) on av. Ricardo Durán or the road to Baños.  14 were picked up for drunk driving and one for driving without a license.  In some cases, passengers had to provide their IDs and the car was searched.  <So you gringos who’ve been here long enough to get a cedula and are still driving on US licenses – you’ve been warned.>

Scouts – La Asociación de Scouts del Ecuador is planning a National meeting on 17/6 from 8:30 to 16:00 in the new Fire Department Administration building on the corner of Las Américas y Miguel Heredia.  It will be a semi-annual planning meeting for 14 provincial representatives who represent 10,000 Scouts.

Registry – Ecuadorians who have returned from living overseas can register as “migrantes retornados.”  <Wonder if the Isaías brothers will bother to register if they ever get extradited from the US.>  This registry entitles the returnees to benefits such as no doc loans and programs to promote entrepreneurship.  <Do you think the US will offer their returning migrants any special benefits?>

Acualidades – Articles about –

Klever Rivas – This professor and Agricultural Engineer is recuperating land in Nabón, where he was born.  He is fighting desertification from erosion.  He also has an experimental farm of 3,000 sq. meters where he has 760 species of of plants, native and foreign.  These include a willow from England, a maple from Canada, and the best capulíes in Cuenca.  <In the picture, they were so big I thought they were small apples.  They’re also still red.  In case you don’t know what they are, they’re a local black cherry, usually about the size of a large pea.>

Science project – Students at the Unidad Educativa Chiquintad have built a prototype wire straightening machine for construction applications.

Travel article – About Bolivia with descriptions of La Paz, Potosí, and the “Salar de Uyuni,” a 12,000 sq. km. area of salt which used to be a lake and is now a salt mine.

Intercultural – La historia del pueblo Inca (The history of the Inca people)  <In one page with 2 fotos and 2 drawings.>

Cañari architecture.  The author would like to recover the American (pre-Columbian) architecture of the area.  <Adobe and thatched roofs.  And no mod cons?>

Deportes –

Ranking de Billar – Winners of a provincial billiards tournament were announced. The Campeonato Panamericano de Billar will be in Buenos Aires from 24-29/6 with the Gran Prix Internacional from 1-5/5, also in Buenos Aires.

Discuentos y compras –

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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