Domingo, 14/2/2016: Miami is new world ‘hot spot,’ Motorcycle accidents rise, What to do if your car is stolen or towed, Migratory control

Feb 15, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Libro – “Conjuros” (Incantations) – by Rosalía Arteaga Serrano will be launched this Wed, 17/2 at 19:00 in the Sala Jorge Icaza in the Casa de la Cultura.chl jeanne logo

The Ministry of Culture and Patrimony – announced that the the program “Representantes Culturales en el Ecuador” (you can translate that as well as I can – just remember to switch the order of the first 2 words for it to make sense in English) will be temporarily interrupted until April.  (I guess this is for folks who have heard of the program and are affected.  I sure don’t remember anything about this.)
Teatro – “La Pipita”, a romantic comedy for the whole family was yesterday.  (Real slow day for events if they’re announcing yesterday’s offerings.)

Articles about –

The 30 Day Storyboard Challenge, a workshop from 8/2 to 22/4 where participants create storyboards for a music video. Go to Facebook/30DayStoryboardChallenge to see the day to day creations.

Blind students who are studying at the Centro Musical Santa Cecilia.  The two students live and are receiving their educations at SONVA (Centro de Educación Especial de la Sociedad de No Videntes del Azuay) (Special Education Center of Azuay for the Blind).  Santa Cecilia also teaches the general public with the next cycle starting 15/2 to 30/6.chl mia

Miami is becoming the next “punto caliente” (hot spot, your words for the day and remember what I just told you about reversing word order) for artists in the world.  It’s the third point formed by the London-NY-Miami triangle.

A musical, “Dulcinea el amor de Don Quijote” (Dulcinea the love of Don Quijote), will be played by a “tercera edad” cast on Fri, 4/3 at 20:00 and Sat, 5/3 at 18:00 in the Teatro Sucre.  Get tickets for Friday’s show from the Departamento de Cultura in the Municipality of Cuenca.  Cost for Sat: $5.00.

Otras cosas –  

Titular – Papa condena la violencia criminal (The Pope condemns criminal violence) during a mass at the basilica of the Virgen of Guadalupe in Mexico City.

A Valentine’s Day article – (just go to any US newspaper’s website and read their article.  Same difference except for the local references.)

Motorcyle accidents on the rise in 2016, there were at least 20 accidents (I guess there’s no way to include unreported accidents – property damage only?) with 16 in Jan which left 15 people injured (yup, only reported if someone’s laying in the street and can’t get up.).  Feb. has had 4 accidents with 3 injured and one dead.

Paperwork stuff –

If your car was stolen (or confiscated or towed?) – you can go to the Policía Nacional del Ecuador: and pick “Servicios a la ciudadanía”, then “Vehículos recuperados” and find out if your car was recovered by entering the plate, engine, or chassis number OR the make, model and color.

Driving infractions – can be checked at the ANT website:  You’ll need to enter the driver’s cedula and license plate numbers to see if you’ve got citations.

Criminal background checks – for your criminal history with the Policía Nacional del Ecuador are available on line at the Ministerio del Interior website.  (Won’t help you with your FBI report, though.)

Red Cross training – 22 of the 160 volunteers at the Cruz Roja Ecuatoriana, took an intensive urban rescue training this past weekend.  It included rescuing and moving people on steep slopes, emergency medical treatments and accessing difficult sites.  (The picture showed them next to a river – I bet they do a lot of river rescues, especially at this time of year.)

Migratory controls – The Ministerio del Interior is developing a project, “Fortalecimiento Institucional de las Unidades de Control Migratorio” which will analyze movement in and out of Ecuador, by both citizens and foreigners, to identify possible risk factors for the national security.

Actualidades –

Articles about –

The last steam locomotive in Uruguay is now a tourist train. The engine was brought to Uruguay in 1910 and became obsolete and forgotten until it was rescued by a group of railroad enthusiasts.  You can catch it in Montevideo.

The science article is about gravitational waves.  (I think we’d all be better of reading that in English.)

The tourist destination for the week is Jadán and the writer is impossible to read – strings of adjectives, lists of stuff, and high flying prose.  Took him 2 hours by bike to go 31 km to the Iglesia de Jadán in upper part of la Pencas.

Midwives – a full page article.  They re still used in remote areas either because of lack of medical facilities or by preference.

The ecology article is about the Reserva Cabo de Hornos at the tip of Chile. The bioreserve was declared 10 years ago and contains the Parque Etnobotánico Omora with 5% of the world’s mosses and liverworts in only .01% of the worlds’s area.

Discuentos –

There were a lot of ads for Valentine’s Day dining, now irrelevant.

From Saturday’s paper –

Long range forcast – calls for rain in March and April.

125 sanctions – for informal transport – using a private car to provide public transport.  125 drivers were caught in Jan with fines of 2 basic salaries (about $340 x 2), 10 points off the driver’s license and the car impounded for a minimum of 7 days. Your sliver of life article yesterday  – is about a city bus that got its horn removed because the driver was causing “malestar auditivo” (auditory discomfort) to others on the road.  (He must have been exceptionally bad.)

Deportes –

5th Edition of the Huarmi Runner 5k which will be on 6/3 starting at 9:00. Registrations will be open until 28/2 or until spaces run out – there are 3,900 for Cuenca, 1,100 for Guayaquil and 5,000 for Quito.  Register at Mi Bolitería, Mall del Río, Monay Shopping or Fyvbeca Bolívar.  Cost: $12.00.  Cost for seniors, disabled and children under 12: $6.00.  For an additional $10 get the VIP treatment – home delivery of your race kit with a special T-shirt, a preferencial start location, access to an area to store your things, and a station with massages, fruit and drinks after the race.

A cross country bike race – on 20/3 called “Ruta Wankavilka Playas MTB” which will on alphalt, lastrado (Google says ballast, I think it’s gravel), and hard sand.  For more info, go to Facebook:  Ruta Wankavilka Playas MBT.  Cost $25.00.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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