Domingo, 16/4/2017: Election recount tomorrow, 5k run, Earthquake anniversary

Apr 17, 2017 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Happy  Easter

Pagina cultural –

Header event –

“Domingos Culturales en Familia” (I don’t have to translate that, do I?  It’s all cognates except for domingo which you should know by now.) – The Municipal Department of Education and Culture organized an even tSunday in the patios of the Museo de la Ciudad.

Articles about –

Recorrido por la pasión de Cristo, in imágenes (Tour of the Passion of Christ, in pictures) – <Somehow, that just doesn’t sound religious – like a putting a Holy Land between Frontier Land and the Enchanted Castle at Disneyland.>  The paper has photos of various paintings and sculptures in churches in Cuenca.

Exhibit – The thesis for Diego Molina is on exhibit in the ground floor of the CCE.  His work includes small “vitrinas” (showcases or shadow boxes), 63 pocket sized notebooks  <I wonder if he filled those up during boring lectures.>, projections, video, and poetry.

Otras cosas – 

Titular – 16A, un año despues (16 April, one year later) – Sunday marked one year since the 7.8 earthquake “sacudió” (shook – your word for the day, from sacudir, to shake) Manabí.  There are 3 pages of articles about the quake and the year since.  The quake is the 7th deadliest in the past 20 years in Latin America.

Election Recount – The recount of 3,865 actas which represent 1,275,450 votes, will take place el próximo martes in the Coliseo Rumiñahui in Quito and is expected to take 8 hours.  Each party can appoint one principal and one alternate delegate for each table.  The army will be in charge of safeguarding and transporting the election materials including inside the coliseum where 250 tables will be set up.

Lasso still says the election was a fraud, he got the most votes in the run-offs, he will not accept the new recount, and he wants nothing less than a full vote by vote recount.  <I bet he’d accept the results if they turned in his direction.>  CNE president Juan Pozo said that if any organization decides it does not want to attend the recount, their absence “de ningún modo se invalida o se deslegitima un proceso apegado a la ley.” (in no way invalidates or delegitimizes a process that sticks to the law.)  <He basically took away the next complaint since the opposition was talking about boycotting the recount.  And CREO’s next step after its boycott would be to complain that the recount was no good because it wasn’t there.>

Pres. Correa has called for the whole country to rally this coming sábado in Quito to “decir basta” (say enough – like enough already or enough is enough) to “los malos perdedores” (to bad losers).  Bring your Ecuadorian flag to wave.

Northamerican murdered – David Alberth Cemechalle (sic) was shot in his house, Los Ramos, in the La Paz Parish in Nabón by robbers.  Also in the house were the victim’s wife and two employees.  The victim had a gun and tried to defend himself, but the 3 hooded robbers shot him and took his weapon along with other items of value.

Section B – Acutalidades

Articles about –

Sister Rosa Ruiz – Of the Congregation “Hermanitas de los Ancianos Desamparados” (Little Sisters of the Forsaken Elderly), is Mother Superior of the Hogar Cirsto Rey in Cuenca.
Jails – A history of the jails in Cuenca.
Fashion and national culture
Ancestral musical instruments of Ecuador.
Sports and health – The sports coach.

Deportes –

15K – The Foundation of Cuenca 15K run will be Mon. starting at 9:00 from the Hermano Miguel de la Salle School. The kits were handed out today to registered runners.

Downhill – More than 100 cyclists were in the 2nd qualifying rounds for the Campeonato Nacional de Downhill in Portete, Tarqui.

From Saturday’s paper –

5K run – The Antonio Ávila Maldonado School will have a 5K run on el próximo domingo, 23/4 starting at 8:00 from the bottom of the Hotel Crespo and end at Hospital del Río.  Register either at the school or “en los bajos” of the hotel.  Cost: $5.00.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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