Domingo, 18/9/2016: Water emergency in Paute, Inca Trail, European Film Festival

Sep 18, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Ongoing agenda event – chl jeanne logo

Exhibit – A show of the graphic art of Gunter Grass (1027-2015) (My goodness, he had a long life – longer than Methuselah?) will be at the Centro Alemán (Simón Bolívar y Benigno Malo above the Botica Sojos).

Upcoming agenda events –

Homenaje – A tribute to Carlota Jaramillo who, along with her sister Inés, was one of the most representative duos of national music.  The show, by Trío Pambil will be on 8/10 in the teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz.

Festival Eurocine 2026 – The 13th Festival of European Film will be presented at a national level between 22/9 an 15/10.  Shows in Cuenca will be at the República Sur and the Alianza Francesa.

(Remember – if there´s information missing, don’t ask me to supply it.  You don’t want me inventing stuff that wasn’t in the article.)

Articles about –

William Sullivan – This North American archeologist gave a lecture about archeology, astronomy and historic sites in Perú in which he said that the incas had an advanced concept of astronomy and especially the sun.

Juguetes – Artesanal games were shown and sold at a fair in the patios of CIDAP. (So were you generous with your inner child?  Or did you blow him/her off and say “Next time.”)
Libro – Alejandro Querejeta, writer and journalist, has written “Juan Montalvo y yo – vida alta y profunda,” a fictionalized account of the Christian side of Ecuadorian writer Juan Montalvo, one of whose books was banned by the Church.

Otras cosas – 

Titular – Emergencia en Paute por alud y falta de agua (Emergency in Paute due to avalanche and lack of water) – A landslide in the Bulán Parish has affected the potable water system creating water shortages to some 1,500 users.  A by pass is being planned to take water from San Carlos creek and avoid contamination by sediments.  Meanwhile, the fire department is supplying various cantons with tanker trucks.  If you live in the affected zone, do not drink the tap water which is contaminated with silt from the landslide.  (Let’s hope that this won’t be another Josefina disaster where a landslide blocked the Río Paute and eventually created the largest lake in Ecuador for a month.)
Mercado mayorista – A new wholesale market is needed immediately.  The municipality is analyzing alternative locations for relocating the market into the peripheral areas of the city.  It is currently located in El Arenal which will be converted to a “mercado sectorial” like the others which serve sectors of the city.  (So those of you who think that the stuff in the mercados is grown by the vendors, think again.) The market will need 10-15 hectares of land and the city would like to accomplish this in 18 months.

In 2017, Ochoa León and Racar will be getting “plataformas” (platforms – similar to the Plataforma Itinerante the Narancay, which has tents, but no roof.)  Marcados (with roofs) are being planned for Baños and El Valle.  (Those of you who have not explored the mercados in Cuenca ought to.  Great places to shop for all your groceries and household goods as well.)

“56.58 PM” – 13 editors have compiled a book about the April 16 earthquake that gives a more intimate, personal and unhurried look at the disaster.

Flujo de remisas – The flow of remittances during the first semester of 2016 reached $1,264.2 million – a 1% increase over the 2nd semester of 2015 and a 12.3% increase over the first semester of 2015.  (That represents a lot of hard working Ecuadorians sending money back home.)

Actualidades –

Articles about – (If you’re interested in the topic, go to to read more about it.  They’re too long to translate all of them – or even one of them.)

Edward Vega – The ceramicist got his start in 1969 with a ceramic mural that was installed in the hotel El Dorado.  He is also responsible for Los Totems monument at Unidad Nacional and Remigio Crespo.

Segundo Serrano – He is the representative with the most bills presented in the history of the Ecuadorian parliament.  He rose from poverty and is known for wearing a touch of red, symbolizing the revolutionary left that shaped his life.

El Camino del Inca – The Inca Trail in the Sierras crosses a large part of the Cordillera Real Oriental (Eastern Mountain Range) and the InterAndean valleys in Ecuador.  There are transverse connections to the coast and Amazon regions.  The article describes the terrain through which the Inca Trail passes, and the biodiversity of the area.

Intercultural – The Pueblo Panzaleo (Panzaleo People) are in the central Sierras in Latacunga and Ambato.  Latacunga is the home of the Fiesta de la Mama Negra which is a symbiosis of the indigenous, Spanish and African cultures.

Deportes –

10k in San Miguel de Porotos – The race, sponsored by Club A Correr and the parish of San Miguel de Porotos, will be on Sun., 24/9 at 10:00 in celebration of the anniversary of the parish. Registration fee: $10.00.  Celebrations will continue after the race with the 8th Festival de la Menestra de Porotos más Grande del Mundo. (The biggest poroto menestra in the world.  That’s a lot of beans – bring your Beano and nose plugs because not everyone else will remember their Beano.)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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