Domingo, 20/3/2016: Holy Week begins, 15k race, Cucuruchos, Religious art in copper

Mar 21, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

Pagina cultural – 

Upcoming events

MMAM – will launch the catalogue for “Entornos” which is about the surge of contemporary art in Cuenca this Tue. from 19-21:00 at MMAM (Museo Municipal de Arte Moderno).chl jeanne logo

Sacred music – Sunday at 19:30 and tomorrow at 20:00 in la Catedral Vieja (Luis Cordero y Sucre) .  La Misa de la Coronación (The Coronation Mass) is on the program.

Theater – on 29 & 30/3 María Belén Ochoa will present “La Maldición de los zapatos rojos” (The curse of the red shoes), and on 31/3 and 4/1 she will present her creation, “Venus Tramposas” (Tricky or deceptive Venus) (I think that’s just because men, being from Mars, don’t understand woman and think they’re tricky.)  All four days will be “a doble jornada” (a doubleheader – your word for the day) with performances at 18:30 & 20:00 in the sala “Alfonso Carrasco”.  Cost- $5.00.

Articles about

El Día de la Francofonía – was Sunday.

Masters in Music – will be available at he Facultad de Artes at the U. of Cuenca. Register until 29/4.  Registration fee: $50.00 plus $25.00 for an English proficiency test.  (Whoo-woo!  So if you can pass the music exam, you should ace the English test.) The course is 80 credits, takes 448 hours (192 of which are for your final thesis) and costs $6,000.  (Oh, well, I guess most of you will be passing on this opportunity.)

A photography book – “Cuenca, Paso a Paso” (Cuenca, Step by Step) (Those of you in AA might already be familiar with the word Paso through the 12 Pasos program.) by Juan Carlos “Tuga” (If the dog didn’t already have name, I might consider Tuga.) Astudillo with 188 images of Cuenca.

Otras cosas –


Lo espiritual toma fuerza hoy (The spiritual takes force today) (And it doesn’t include light sabers.)  Semana Santa (Holy Week) began Sunday with Palm Sunday.  (Just don’t tear down any palm fronds since the palma de cera (wax palm?) is endangered – use some other kind of leaves like rosemary or bamboo.)

Your sliver of life today – is about “Mi bosque del futuro” (My forest of the future) which was a reforestation project held yesterday with 542 volunteers in Azuay who planted 25,800 trees.

Actualidades – 

Articles about

Alquimistas de la fe (Alchemists of faith) – artists who produce religious works in copper, paint, tatttos and wood.

A translation of Don Quijote into Korean by Park Chul.

“Cucurochos” – or “almas santas” (holy souls).  The cucuruchos are are penitants who wear cone headdresses and the parades mix Catholicism with earlier indigenous ceremonies.  (Or something like that.  The article looks interesting for you history buffs.)

The new Ley de Tierras (Land Law) – where unused or underused lands can be taken and put into a fund to be distributed to organizations (that organization better not be Monsanto) and campesinos with no land or unproductive land.

Amenidades – 

New movies – as usual, go to www. for show times and locations.
2 & 3D Kung Fu Panda 3 – Esp.
Continuing movies –  All are in Spanish
2d Divergente Leal
2D Deadpool
2D Zootopia
2D Dioses de Egipto
2D Resurrección de Cristo (you almost got Resurrección de Crisco)

Internacional – 

Perú – the leading presidential candidate, Keiko Fujimori, is facing a process to exclude her from the polls for alleged giving of illegal gifts during the campaign.  (I think that would be vote buying.)

Cuba – Pres. Obama is visiting Cuba today.  (I wonder if he’s an old car buff.  Those old 40’s and 50’s cars might be something lost with re-establishment of relations between the countries.  I know you’re thinking “This is a historic occasion and this idiot woman is worried about a bunch of old clunkers?”

Deportes –

FFC 15K – (from Friday’s paper) – the Festival Fundación de Cuenca 15k race will be on Sun, 24/4/2016 at 9:00.  Register at Mi Boletería – Mall del Río, Monay Shopping, Fybeca Bolívar, and  Free pre-race training at Parque El Paraiso at 19:30 on Mon, Wed & Fri.  Cost $12.00.

Discuentos – 

Colineal – Full House discounts from 20-40% – on all home accessories – Sat, 19/3 to Tue, 22/3 from 10-20:00.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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