Domingo, 21/5/2017: Museum activities continue, Meteorite strike, Anti-Chevron protest, Calling all Peruvian expats,

May 22, 2017 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s header event –

Domingos culturales en familia – Sunday’s cultural family event was a clown show in the Museo de la Ciudad.

Articles about –

Drawing – The “Cuarto Cacería” de dibujos urbanos (“Fourth Hunt” of urban drawings) was held at the parque Pumapungo with 10 participants.  Architect Luis Hernández has organized these events where participants can draw and sketch using pencils, markers and water colors.  For you budding (or ex) architects and artists, the next sessions will be on 3 & 17/6. Write to or go to uskecuador on Facebook.

Día de los Museos – Museum Day was actually 18/5, but activities are still ongoing. <Ecuador time?>  There was a photo exhibit and a concert Sun.  On miércoles, 24/5 there will be a conference “Secreto a voces, aquello que los museos de monjas y mujeres calleron” in the Museo de Las Conceptas (Hermano Miguel 6-33 y Jaramillo) at 17:30.  On jueves, 25/5 there will be a “Retrospectiva Cine Club Catarsis” in the Museo Pumapungo at 18:00; an exhibit “El arte desde la mirada infantil” in the Quinta Bolívar at 18:30; and the opening of a ceramics exhibit “Aculturación Shuar en el arte contemporáneo” in Las Posadas (Gran Colombia 17-42 entre Octavio Cordero y Miguel Heredia at 19:00.  On martes, 30/5 there will be a conference related to the exhibit “Indor puertas adentro” in the Instituto Febres Cordero at 18:00; and a round table “La revolución del 27 de Mayo del 44 in the Casa de las Posadas at 19:00.

An article – about Juan Rulfo, a Mexican author

Concierto – The Otavalan group “Ñanca Manachi will play on viernes, 2/6 at 19:00 in the Teatro Casa de la Cultura.  The group was formed in 1969 and its name is a phrase in Quichua meaning “Préstame el Camino” (Lend Me the Way – the phrase is used to request passage over someone else’s property and commonly used in indigenous communities).

Presentation – The “Cuadernos del Museo No. 03” (Notebooks of Museum No. 03) which contains a study by City chronicler Juan Cordero Iñiguez titled “Las Coronaciones” will be on 24/5 at 19:00 in the Auditorio of the Casa-Museo Remigio Crespo Toral.

Otras cosas – 

Titular – En El Cajas habría restos de meteorito (There would be remnants of a meteorite in El Cajas) – A meteor struck in diciembre of 1995 and a small piece less than 1 cm. transformed an andesite volcanic rock into metamorphic.  The strike and the rock are being investigated by a Greek geologist and professor.  <First of all, what are andesite volcanic rock and metmorphic rock and how does that happen?  Time to go to Google.>

Scopolamine – 4 men were found inside a hairdressing shop on Vega Muñoz y Benigno Malo, 2 unconscious.  Friends entered the business through a partially open door, found their compañeros sleeping and not responding.  The police were called and the victims taken to IESS.  The victims had their cellphones and cash stolen. This type of crime, known as “Dulces Sueños” (Sweet Dreams) is committed in bars and other night life establishments.  The gangs use women to seduce their victims and then rob them.  <So if you’re an old, fat, plain gringo, you might want to think about why a gorgeous 20 something babe is hitting on you.> See Sunday’s article in CHL.

Tradiciones – Students are rescuing and sharing Cuencan traditions.  Sunday, a group of students held a “wash in” on the banks of the Tomebamba.  The girls wore polleras (the traditional pleated, embroidered skirt) with ponchos for the boys.  On La Escalinata, kids dressed up in colonial outfits with hooped skirts and lace parasols (your word for the day – para: stop and sol: sun.  Now how about that?)

For any Peruvians – the Consulado General de Perú was in Cañar today to provide Peruvian citizens living in Azuay, Cañar, and Morona Santiago services such as registering births and marriages, changing your data, and more.  The Cónsul will be in Cuenca next month.

Power interruptions – Empresa Eléctrica is checking the dielectric oil in their transformers and they have to turn the power off for about 30 min. when they inspect.  This project will last 18 months.

Anti-Chevron protest – Indigenous and colonists in the Amazon area affected by contamination from Chevron are planning a protest.  A group of 30 youth bicycled 300 km from the Shushufindi zone to Quito  <I bet that’s all uphill, too.> for a gathering today.    Tomorrow, environmentalists will gather outside of the Corte Constitucional to ask for a definite pronouncement on the appeal Chevron filed 3 years ago to annul the judgement handed down in 2011 which sentenced Chevron to pay $9.5 billion in damages.

Actualidades – Articles about

Dr. J. Guilllermo Aguilar Maldonado

Crime investigation – There are 8 Centros de Investigación de Ciencias Forenses in Ecuador: Manta, Santo Domingo, Ambato, Machala, Loja, Nueva Loja, Esmeraldas, and Cuenca.  In 2016, there were 506 necropsies performed to determine causes of death, there were 92 autopsies from traffic accident deaths, and another 67 autopsies on people who died of hanging.  This figure is high compared to other causes.

Árboles para soñar (Trees for dream) – The most recent novel of Jorge Dávila Vázquez was presented in Quito last month.

The history of Atahualpa and his death.

Measuring and evaluation as part of sports training.

Amenidades –

Adal Ramones – The comedian will have a show on viernes, 2/7 at 20:00 in the Centro de Convenciones at the Mall del Río. <Sounds like he’s going to poke fun at Cuenca>  His routine will talk about the politicians, neighbors, the ugly, the fat, super heroes, drunks, couples, social networks, and more.  Tickets at Almacenes La Victoria.  Cost: $35 & $45.

Internacional –

Brazil – Pres. Temer is questioning the validity of the recording that implicates him in corruption.  He is claiming innocence and asking the Supreme Court to suspend the investigation into alleged crimes of corruption and obstruction of justice.  (He should take a page out of Trump’s book and just fire the investigators.  Or maybe he should wait to see how it works out up north.)  Ex-pres. Lula da Silva is asking for Temer to resign so general elections can be held.  One of the owners of JBS, a large meat company, confessed and recorded the conversation that implicates Temer.

Deportes –

Cuenca Bikers – This cycling club held a training ride yesterday from parque De La Madre to Biblián.  More than 60 members will ride in the Ruta del Cacao on 16/7 in Matilde Esther de Bucay.  The club is inviting people with an interest in bicycling to join – any level, any age.

Brazilian Olympic sites – 9 months after the Rio Olympics, the structures built at a cost of over $1 billion for the games are abandoned and deteriorating.  Over it all, suspicions of corruption are flying around.  It is not known how much of the Olympic Games budget was diverted, although is is known that there was over billing.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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