Domingo, 23/10/2016: Korea week schedule, Anti-mining activists demand respect for nature, PetroEcuador scandal investigation

Oct 24, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Upcoming agenda event – chl jeanne logo

Encuentro de Danza (Dance Encounter) – As part of the Fiestas de Cuenca 2016, this dance performance will be on viernes, 4/11 at 20:00 in the Teatro Pumapungo with dance groups Amaru, Sarabic, Nigma, Jiamir, Dakduk, Tersícore and more. There will be workshops on 5 & 6/11.

Articles about –

Sound instruments – Carlos Hernández is researching sound instruments in the archeological reserve collection at the Museo Pumapungo.  He photographs the instrument, records the sound it makes, and does a computer analysis with a spectrometer. Most of the instruments are ceramic.  (I wonder if a bunch of musicians were to play them, if it would sound like an ocarina concert?)

Concierto – “Cantando como yo canto” (Singing like I sing) will be on viernes, 28/10 at 19:00 and sábado, 29/10 at 18:00 in the Teatro Pumapungo.  The performers will be the winners of the 6th Student Festival of National Music, and they will interpret pasillo, pasacalle, sanjuanito, fox incaido and other rhythms.  Cost: $5.00.

Cantata – (look it up yourself, but it sounds like light opera) – “Crónicas del Agua” was performed tonight in the Capilla (chapel – your word for the day) in the Museo de la Medicina to close the Escenarios del Mundo.  It will be repeated Monday.  (Somewhere and sometime unknown.)

“Boom Bap Cuenca 2016” Festival – This festival of urban art is being organized by El Colectivo Santa Ana Hip Hop.  It will be on 5/11 from 10-19:00 in the parque Guataná and feature break dance battles, rap, grafitti contest, stunts (motorcycle tricks), tuning and extreme hairstyles.  (Sounds like fun with a bunch of 15-25 year olds.)

Ad – “Lo Mejor del Ayer y lo Nuestro” (The Best of Yesterday and of Ours) will feature the Youth Chorus of the Conservatorio Superior “José María Rodríguez,” the Orquesta Sinfónica de Cuenca, Quimera, and Voices.  There will be performances on 27 & 18/10 at 20:00 in the teatro Carlos Cueva.  Tickets at the Municipal Department of Culture (Antigua Escuela Central – offices of the OSC) and in the theater offices.

Otras cosas – 

Titular – Doménica Cobo, Reina de Cuenca 2016-2017 – Cuenca has a new queen.  (Give the crown to the lady in the mostly transparent dress.)

Assets impounded – The Policía Nacional searched luxury houses, autos, belongings, and businesses belonging to 17 people being processed in the Petroecuador EP corruption case. Operation “Oro Negro” (Black Gold) mounted simultaneous raids on Fri. night in Pichincha, Guayas and Esmeraldas.  Panama also started an investigation into the corruption and “blanqueo de dinero” charges (literally, to bleach money – money laundering)

Mining – The Cámara Provincial del Azuay (Provincial Chamber of Azuay) met yesterday in Quimsachocha in the parish of Victoria del Portete as a symbolic act to promote respect for the páramo and water sources.  At the meeting, the Declaratoria de los Páramos de la Provincia, Libres de Minería (Declaration for the Páramos of the Province, Free of Mining) was officialized.

Semana Corea – The schedule for the Korea Week is as follows:
Martes, 25/10 – Musical Coreano Delicioso “BIBAP” – Teatro Pumapungo – 19:00
Jueves, 27/10 – Cine Coreano – “Un día duro” (A Hard Day) – Museo de la Ciudad (Benigno Malo y Gran Colombia) – 15:00.
– Charla – on how to do business with Korea – Sala Social de la Cámara   de Comercio de Cuenca (Cuenca Chamber of Commerce)- 18:00.
Viernes, 28/10 – “Como robar el perro” (How to steal the dog) – 16:00
– “Un momento para siempre” (A moment for ever) – 18:30 – Museo de la Ciudad
– Presentation of K-Pop dance – 19:00 – Food court at the Mall del Río
Sábado – 29/10 – Festival Coreano – Portal Regional Artesanal de Cuenca (av. Huayna Cápac y Bolívar) –
– Exposición de K-Pop fan clubs, Korean dramas – 11-14:00.
– Korean food presentation and tasting – 11:30.  (Now there’s my kind of festival – food.)
– Presentation of a traditional Korean wedding 13:00.
– K-Pop cover dance contest – 14-15:00.

Amenidades –

Guns N’Roses – 9 bikers (of the motorized variety)  from Cuenca are going to ride to Lima for this concert on 17/10.  The ride will take three days with stops in Piura and Trujillo.  (Ambitious – are saddle sores a problem with long bike rides?  Or breakdowns? Never went anywhere with the Austin Healey Club where some car didn’t have a problem – but then we are talking about vintage British sports cars, never noted for reliability.  If you want reliable, get a Porsche.)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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