Domingo, 24/4/2016: Report from Manta, Damage assessment, Lasso to close for road work, Cuenca relief efforts

Apr 25, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

Pagina cultural – 

Concierto – The Alianza Francesa will present a concert by the Concert Ensamble with music from France and the world on Thu, 12/4 at 19:30 in the Teatro Sucre. chl jeanne logo

Articles about –

400 years after the death of Miguel de Cervantes, “Don Quijote” is considered one of the principal influences on the formation of English novels.  Different countries will be having commemorative events.

A cantata performática (I can’t figure out what it is other than a piece of music for voice, voices and instruments), “Crónicas del agua I” will be performed on the 27, 28, & 29/4 at 20:00 in the Capilla del Museo de la Medicina (av. 12 de Abril next to the Hospital Militar).  The theme of the performance is nature and her power, and an homage to environmental and ancestral lands activist Berta Cáceres who was assassinated in Honduras 3/3/2016.

Audiovisual Production workshop – the Casa de la Cultura is organizing a workshop with Carlos Naranjo from 26-29/4 from 10-13:00 in the Sala de Conciertos.  There are 40 spaces available, 20 for students and 20 for the general public. Register at the Departamento de Comunicación at CCE from 8-16:30. (I’m not translating some of this stuff because if you need it translated you certainly wouldn’t understand the workshop.)  Free.

Earthquake news – 

Titular – Luto nacional por fallecidos (National Mourning for the Fallen) – Pres. Correa declared 8 days of national mourning for those killed in the earthquake. Flags at public and private institutions will be flown at half mast. Three minutes of silence were observed Saturday night at 19:58 in memory of the victims.

At last count, there were 646 dead, 113 survivors rescued, 130 missing, 12,492 injured who were attended to, and 26,492 given shelter.  The current priority of the government is to build temporary shelter for the victims while their homes are being rebuilt.  Sec’y of State Guillaume Long said Ecuador is committed to bringing medium term shelter to more than 26,000 victims.

From Manta – Survivors are stuck between fear and a desire for normality. 602 deaths and 12,492 injuries were reported in the city. In different neighborhoods, people have gotten together to share their food aid packages. In some areas, 150 people congregated to cook soup to share, and provide mutual comfort.

Small business people, fishermen and health workers are all hoping for a return to normality.  Store owners who lost their shops are staking out locations with bricks and sticks recovered from the rubble and restarting their businesses.  The general hospital is waiting for word about what parts of the building can be reoccupied.

A group from Quito, went to Manta to help children with shows and activities to distract them from the situation and to bring them some smiles.  The group, Vikingo 10 is giving shows and is calling for all actors in Ecuador to reproduce these therapeutic performances to give some hope to children.

An announcement – The Association of Private Banks in Ecuador announced their first efforts will be to reopen bank services in the affected area.  They will also defer payments on loans, cards, etc. in April and the following months.  These deferred payments will be made at the end of the loan term without surcharges.  The banks will also restructure overdue debts on a case by case basis.

Official damage assessment – An official valuation of the damage will start 1/5 with the arrival of 12 international experts from the UN Economic Commission for Latinamerica and the Carribean.  The Secretary of Planning (Senplades) said that 6,622 buildings were destroyed, 13 health buildings and 281 schools. 7081 km of power lines were lost along with 118 distribution stations.

Road closure – The road into Pedernales will be closed at 13:00 to make repairs at km 41.

Cuenca – Students from the Bacherillerato Intensivo de la unidad Educativa Francisco Febres Cordero went into the streets with props and signs to inform people what to do before and during a quake.

How to help and how Cuencanos helped –

If you’re a medical professional – La Cruz Roja /Red Cross) del Ecuador (, go to Voluntario en Emergencia

How to deliver vehicles, stretchers, medicines & supplies – Cruz Roja in your province at

To donate blood go to

For help locating missing people – go to at the Cruz Roja.

To make donations through the RC – go to

Two young people – coordinated a garage sale yesterday.

MIKHUNA, Azuay Food Bank – is one of the collection centers and has received donations of food and medicine for animals affected by the quake. The first load went to Manabí with ARCA Foundation volunteers and vets.  A second load will go from  the AMARU Zoo and Biopark this weekend.

The city, through the Department of Social Development, sorted donated items yesterday.  There are collection centers at the Farmasol branches in Nogales, 27 de Febrero, El Arenal, terminal terrestre, Santa Teresita, Totoracocha, San Blas, Eucaliptos, Racar, and Monay.

Otras cosas –

Road closures/changes –

Work on Ordóñez Lasso – The stretch between av. De Los Cerezos y La Hiquerilla will be closed and rerouted next week.

Tranvia closure – The intersection of avs. España, José J. de Olmedo y Nuñez de Bonilla was unexpectedly closed, disturbing both neighbors and users.

Actualidades – 

Articles about – (I’m fading fast so these will only be headlines)

Los canes de búsquida.  Mascotas, compañeros de labores y amigos (Search dogs. Pets, co-workers and friends)  The canine police unit organizes obedience classes for the citizenry.  (I will announce these when I see them.)

Sabor criollo (Taste of the countryside) – If you’re traveling the vía Cuenca-Loja and feeling a little peckish, stop at the fogón de La Jarata in cantón Nabón, sector La Jarata for a plate of comida tipica or cuy cooked over a wood fire.

Alfarería Popular (Pottery for the people) – A description of how potters make every day items like ollas (clay cooking pots).  (You can see and buy the results at the Rotary Market.  Cooking in a clay pot is supposed to impart a special flavor to food. Mud?)

Áreas protegidas, origen y evolución (Protected areas, origin and evolution)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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