Domingo, 26/3/2017: Volcano rumbles, New police SUVs delivered, Old Cuenca art at Pumapungo, Potters neighborhood

Mar 27, 2017 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Ongoing agenda event –

National Hall of Ethnography – The Hall, on the first floor of the Museo Pumapungo, was remodeled with a new image and museography.  There are some 11,000 pieces in the permanent collection.

Articles about –

Museo Pumapungo – A new exhibit of Cuencanano art from 1893 to 1940 is open. Hours are from martes a domingo, 8:20-17:00 and sábados, domingos and holidays, 10-16:00.

Barrio Convención del 45 – The Centro Cultural El Alfarero (The Potter – might as well be your word for the day or until I see one I like more.) is in a restored historic house.  The street used to be full of potters.  One woman remembered her father made dishes, jars, and ashtrays with their logos for hotels.  The street was named to celebrate the Convención National de 1845 when Vicente Ramón Roca was declared President of the Republic.

Escenarios del Mundo and “Las Marujas” – The international scenic arts festival is 10 years old, and the city financed and published a commemorative book about this annual event which represents Ecuador to the world.  There will be an event on lunes, 27/3 at 18:30 in the Museo de la Ciudad where the book will be given to those attending.  (I think all who attend and not just the special invitees, but I might have it all wrong.)  “Las Marujas” will perform a little of their work, “Entre violetas y braguetas” (Between violets and flies – as in the fly of your pants.  I like this better for a word for the day.)

Otras cosas – 

Titular – No hay “diálogo” entre Lasso y Moreno (No “dialogue” between Lasso and Moreno) – See Sunday’s CHL for more details.

Pedestrian bridge – The neighbors in Tres Marías which is split by the Autopista, are asking for a pedestrian bridge.  Especially at risk are students at rhe Aurelio Ochoa Alvear School.  MTOP said that there was a project, but it couldn’t be built because of the construction of an illegal house at one end of the bridge.

Volcán Reventador – The level of activity for the volcano is still high with emissions of steam carrying a moderate load of ash, which reached a height of 1,000 m. above the rim on Friday. Winds carried the vapor west.  There is a highway and an oil pipeline that pass close to the volcano.  In 2002 it erupted throwing millions of tons of ash that landed on Quito.  (Must have looked like Spokane after Mt. Helens blew.)

Air lift – Another 60 Ecuadorians affected by the rains in Perú arrived in Guayaquil yesterday bringing the total number of weather evacuees to 174.  On 19/3, 73 Ecuadorians landed at the Quito airport on the same day Ecuador sent food rations to Perú.  (A hostess gift?)

Odebrecht – The AG of Ecuador, Galo Chiriboga, said that an agreement with Odebrecht will only be possible if the company provides details of its contracts, the corruption scheme used, the amounts paid and how they were paid, how was the money moved or transferred (in suitcases or in brown paper lunch bags or with a click?), what institutions were involved, etc.  The AG and the Procurador General, Diego García rejected a deal from Odebrecht that would absolve it of providing more information than it did during a meeting in the US nor would it need to pay any damages or fines.  Ecuador will also seek an agreement of reparations (is that like civil damages?).

Election ad costs – CNE announced that the cost of advertisements on the sides of public buses against both candidates should be charged against campaign spending. Since the ads were not approved by the CNE, they will be removed.

Patrol cars – The National Police, Subzone Azuay received 35 new KIA Sportage patrol cars (or trucks – Is calling an SUV a car or a truck a gender thing?) in a ceremony which ended with the blessing of the fleet with holy water.

New putt-putts – The Cuencan business “Vehículos y Comercio Astudillo Vycast” presented a new motorcycle taxi which has been authorized for public transport use on the coast only.  (Can you imagine Cuenca with those moto-taxis zipping around town? Whitelining taxistas slaloming down the road transporting white knuckled passengers.)  There are two models priced at $6,750 and $6,950.

Actualidades – Articles about –

José Miguel Durán Narváez – The oldest man in Santa Isabel canton died at 105 years.  (And here’s your geneology lesson for the day.)  He is survived by 11 hijos (children), 38 nietos, 42 bisnietos y 4 tataranietos. (You can fill in all the different kinds of nietos (grandchildren) by yourself.)

Nilton Porras – Porres has been creating “crucigramas” (crossword puzzles) for 40 years.

Intercultural page –

Corn, maíz, and in Cuenca, mote or choclo – It is an annual grass native to the Americas although there is a silent dispute as to whether it originated in Mexico, Peru or Guatemala.  8,000 years ago, corn was already domesticated in America. (For more go to

Sports and Health page – respiratory rehabilitation and different kinds of breathing. (heavy wasn’t one of them.)

Deportes –

Campeonato Nacional de “Football Americano” Mitad del Mundo – The football championships will start on sábado 1/4 in the Parque El Paraiso at 13:00.  Troyanos (in spiffy bottle green jerseys with gray numbers) vs Cóndores.  (I’m putting this into my calendar.)

Discuentos y compras –

Tía – sale – rice maker-19.99, 180g. cans of water packed tuna-2 for 1.59,1.5 liter blender-19.99, and more – 24-31/3.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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