Domingo, 27/3/2016: Frenchman killed in San Sebastian Plaza, Ecuador pushes for lower oil production, ‘El Gringo’ is honored by city

Mar 28, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

Pagina cultural – 

Nueva directora del CNCine – the board of directors of the Consejo Nacional de Cinematografía unanimously elected Isabel Mena as its director for the next 4 years.chl jeanne logo

Articles about –

The first “Soy artesano, soy patrimonio” (I am a craftsman, I am patrimony) Feria in the plazoleta of the Museo Pumapungo. There were crafts made of “madera, plata, mazapán, cerámica, etc.” (wood, silver, marzipan (If I’d known that, I`d have gone), ceramics, etc. – your words for the day.)  This fair will be a permanent event the last Sat. of each month.

Academia Sono – boosts art for kids from 4-12.  A workshop with 3 classes, 3 times a week started earlier this month and runs for 3 months.  The classes are in theater, plastic arts, and music.  A dance workshop starts on 29/3.  Cost: $50/mo.

Vargas Llosa – who will be 80 on 28/3.  His first calling was to the theater, but he switched to writing.

Childrens’ Choral Festival – on 5/4 at 9:00 in the Teatro Casa de la Cultura. Children from 8 schools will be in the chorus.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Otra victoria clave logra el D. Cuenca (D. Cuenca got another key win)  They beat Bellavista de Ambato 1-0.

And more front page sports – Marizol Landázuri qualified for the Rio Olympics in the 100m at the track in Miraflores along with 25 other Ecuadorians .

“Yarina” – a musical group composed of 11 siblings from Otavalo, “no le temen a la globalización” (aren’t afraid of globalization). Ana Cachimel says “Pueden extenderse las ramas, pero sus raíces no se moverán.”   (The branches can spread out but the roots won’t move.)  They have performed internationally and want to introduce Ecuadorian music to foreign audiences by fusing Ecuadorian music with sounds more familiar to their audiences.

Tame Airlines – has lost $80 million and is facing sanctions of anywhere from $6,664.00 to “la destitución del cargo” (removal from office which I’m guessing means dissolving the publicly run airline.)

Oil prices – Ecuador, the smallest of the OPEC nations, is meeting with non-member oil sellers before the OPEC meeting in Doja on 17/4 to address the market and the fall in oil prices.  (I’m sure you conspiracy theorists out there have theories as to why OPEC just doesn’t cut production to raise prices, which is what Ecuador wants to do.)

Police report – you can access criminal history with the Policia Nacional del Ecuador on line at the web page of the Ministerio del Interior.  (This was a requirement when I got a driver’s license, but it had to be in person at the cop shop.)

Palma de cera – the use of wax palm on Palm Sunday was reduced.  The palm is on a list of protected plants since indiscriminate harvesting has put two bird species in danger of extinction – the yellow-eared parrot and a plumed parakeet. Both nest in the wax palms which grow to 60 m. and are among the largest monocots in the world.


Articles about –

Daniel Villavicenci – a prominent activist for the rights of the disabled in Azuay.  (I just noticed my syntax getting more Spanish and less English.  I should have translated it as “an activist for disabled rights.”)

Walking – in the plaza de San Sebastián.  (So the next time you eat at San Sebás, take a stroll around the square.)  It was the place where French scientist Juan Seniergues was wounded in 1730 during a bull fight.  Not by a bull but by a mob whose reason was a “conflicto amoroso” (Google says loving conflict – I think it was more like a love affair gone bad.) involving a local lady.  He died of his injuries a few days later.  The building that now houses MMAM was formerly the Casa de la Temperancia. (The Betty Ford Clinic of its time?)

Los alimentos ecuatorianos (Euadorian foods) – what is most surprising is the predominance of the vegetarian diet, especially in the constant use of cereal, farinaceous (like peas, beans and limas), and potato flours.  (I know, I know – those aren’t vegetables but starches – but they are tampoco (“also,” when used negatively) not animal based.  If you’re interested in indigenous foods, read this article.

Cuenca and water – it’s the only water that is potable by a decree passed by the Concejo Cantonal.  And it’s safe, plentiful and tastes good straight from the tap. (Just ask Flint residents just how bad tap water can get – their water could kill you in time. There might be a Flint syndrome in the future that describes zombie-like children poisoned by bad water.)

Internacional – 

Venezuela – 63.6% of the Venezuelans surveyed felt that Pres. Maduro should leave power this year.  His 6-year term ends in 2019.

Deportes –

El “Gringo” recibe homenaje (The “Gringo” receives tribute) – Richard Boroto, who has supported athletics in Cuenca since the early 70’s received a recognition plaque during an event in his honor.  (So now you know – most of you are gringos but there’s only one “Gringo.”  Just like there’s only one “La Europea.)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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