Domingo, 28/2/2016: Tungurahua erupts, Paragliding club, Car auction, Balance of trade

Feb 29, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

Pagina cultural –  

Upcoming Agenda events –

XII Salón de La Comunicación – on Mon, 7/3 at 18:00 in the Museo de la Ciudad.chl jeanne logo

Ongoing or past events

Gastronomy workshop at the Alianza Francesa yesterday where Chef Thoma Bacle prepared a cassoulet and chocolate mousse. (I wonder where he found a duck or goose fat enough to render the fat you need for a cassoulet?)

A traditional crafts fair Sunday until 17:00 at Pumapungo.

The collection of stories about “Antiprincesas” (Princesses – NOT is as close as I can get) was presented at Sono.

Articles about –

The dance group Cuasanacunchic, Ballet Andino from the U of Cuenca performs traditional and folkloric dances.  It is looking for people between the ages of 12 and 40 who are interested in dancing at public events such as festivals.  You need to be available from Mon-Thu from 16-18:00 to learn the dances.  Register on Facebook: Grupo Causanacunchic, Ballet Andino de la Universidad de Cuenca.

A training workshop for “docentes” (teachers – your word for the day) at the Universidad Católica de Cuenca to learn tools for publishing their research work.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Becerra y Chalá le dan aire al Cuenca (Becera and Chalá give air to Cuenca). And Cuenca’s football team wins its first game of the season.  (Is that a sports term that translates or is there some other English equivalent?)

Ecuador’s balance of trade – had a deficit of $3.140 billion in 2015. Imports of products subject to the surtaxes fell by 28% compared to the previous year.

Tungurahua – erupted on Fri after 3 months of relative calm. There were at least 29 explosions in the last 24 hours with constant emissions of gas and ash. The alert level has been raised from yellow to orange with a possibility of pyroclastic flows up to 1 km below the crater.  (If you’re planning a trip to big Baños, pick your route carefully.  The vía Macas-Puyo-Tena can have landslides and road blockages due to Tungurahua.)

Your sliver of life article today – is a public announcement by the Prefectura of Azuay and its Rendición de Cuentas 2015 (Statement of Accounts).  It spent $52,045,233.48 on road maintenance and improvements, bridges, infrastructure, irrigation systems, support of agricultural and other businesses, reforestation, health, water management, and social programs. (The announcement also took a shot at the feds – who “entregó ni un metro cubico de áridos para vialidad” (delivered not one cubic meter of aggregate for roadwork) (pretty snarky for a public service announcement) and the City of Girón which prevented the implantation of the Eco Productive Center.)

CRS Turi – you can learn to cross stitch in jail.  (This jail is starting to sound more like summer camp than jail.)

Actualidades – 

Parapente (paragliding) – the Parapente Paute-Azuay Club has 30 members who go out on weekends to locations around Cuenca.  If you´re interested, go to Facebook: Parapente Paute-Azuay or call 098 541 7342.  You can buy new equipment for $5,000 or used for $2,000.  It costs $50 for a glide with an expert and takes about 6 lessons to learn how to fly your own.  (Might take more than 6 lessons to get over acrophobia.)

Vehicle auction – of 21 vehicles abandoned at the EMOV impound lot (I think that’s what it’s called in English.  In Spanish it’s patios de retención.) You can get anything from a 1967 Datsun 1300 with dents, rust, no roof and in condición malo (bad condition) for $100 to a 2012 JAC with rear end damage; transmission, rear suspension and axle problems; and no windshields for $5,000.  The best one seems to be a 1996 Chevy San Remo with small dents for $800.  Submit your offer to the Secretaria de la Junta de Remates until 16:00 on 10/3 with 10% of the price, and a bunch of other paperwork in a sealed envelope.  (If you’re interested, you’d better get an English speaking mechanic to translate this half page announcement and walk you through the process.  (Email me and I’ll leave the article at Carolina Bookstore on Tue.)

Extinction and biodiversity – Ecuador has 20% of the endangered species in the world – the largest number.  It also is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world.

Xpotex 2016 – is a fashion design contest for fashion design students in Ecuador.  It will be on 16-18/3 in Quito and close with a runway show.  (So if you’re interested, Google it yourself and don’t wait for the newspaper article on the day of the event.)

Internacional – 

Venezuela – paid $1.54 billion in principal and interest on its public debt.

Discuentos  y otras compras – 

Colineal – up to 50% off and 12 mo. without interest – on floor models – Wed, 24/2 to Tue, 3/1 – Autopista 200 m from the redondel de Turi, Hermano Miguel 8-58, calle Octavio Chacón 2100 (Parque Industrial) and Mall del Rio.

Hosteria Caballo Campana – Traditional clay pot Pampa Mesa – every Sunday (So you missed this Sun.  Quit your griping about irrelevant announcements –  there are a whole lot more Sundays in the year) – $17.90 for 2 (bring a friend) – Vía Misicata, km 4 – 07 412 8767 or 07 412 8769 – free horseback ride for kids (Maybe we older folks can convince the Hosteria that a 2nd childhood counts, too.)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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