Domingo, 29/5/2016: IVA increases, Pedestrian injured, Alianza Francesa exhibit

May 30, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Upcoming events –

Exposición – “Pinturas Parlantes” (Speaker Paintings or more like Painting that speak?  Subtleties in the language go right by me.) by Juliana Vega openschl jeanne logo on Thu, 2/6 at 19:00 in the Alianza Francesa (Tadeo Torres y Solano).

Exhibit – A collective show called “Lenguajes del deterioro” (Languages of deterioration) opens this Wed., 1/6 in the “Subsuelo” (Subsoil – I don’t think you should take that literally. There’s probably a basement level.) of the CCE (Pres. Córdova y Luis Cordero).

Finished events –

Tango workshop – There was a tango workshop with Rubén Arrieta Sunday in the “El Salón” Café Bar.

Articles about –
The OSC – The Grupo de Cámara of the Orquesta Sinfónica de Cuenca (Orchestra Chamber Music Group) played last Friday. With “nuevas ritmos” (new rhythms), the OSC is hoping to attract a wider audience.  The program included Michael Jackson hits and music from Star Wars.

Jorge Dávila – was recognized for his writing by an arts group with the award to be presented on Fri, 3/6 at 19:00.  (But you weren’t going to go anyway so it doesn’t matter that a location isn’t included.)

Otras cosas –  
Titular – Educación y Salud con déficit (Education & health with a deficit).  67% of schools and 69.7% of medical centers don’t comply with required minimum land areas. Newer campuses have more open space since they were designed under newer regulations.

IVA increase – The 2% increase in IVA starts Wednesday. However, IVA is not paid on 90% of foods in the basic basket, health and education services, and medicines, so those prices won’t be affected.  (So if you live and eat a healthy lifestyle, and don’t buy a bunch of junk you don’t need, you probably won’t be much affected.  If you buy a lot of cigarettes, alcohol, and sugary drinks you might be complaining.)

From the police page – (I couldn’t stay away from the police page – there’s a reason cop shows are popular.)  There was an accident at the Sangurima underpass where a pick-up truck hit a bus, lost control and then hit a pedestrian who was knocked over the guardrail, fell onto the underpass, and suffered a severe head injury.  (In the US, this might trigger a helmet law for pedestrians.  Who knows when an out of control car could hit you while you’re walking.  Will a helmet save you from black eyes caused by doing a face plant?  I know several gringos who have done this without the impetus of a car.  My left foot crashed into my right foot.)

Deportes –
8K run – The “El Vergel Solidario”, 3d Run will be on 5/6 at 10:00 starting from the El Vergel Plaza.  About 1000 runners have registered already.  Enter at the Salón Parroquial on calle de Las Herrerias. Cost: $3 for adults, $2 for kids.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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