Domingo, 31/1/2016: Public drunks arrested, 6,000 Bolivians sing for ocean access, Indigenous clothing, and Cooking with clay

Feb 1, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Lanzamiento de libro (Book launch) – the book titled Azhanga, about traditional Cuenana cooking will be presented on Wed, 3/2 at 19:00 in the exchl jeanne logo Escuela Central. (I should follow my own rules and practice patience – I wanted to know more about the book, and here it is.)

Exposición – an contemporary art exhibit of 5 Cuencano artists which will open on 18/2 at MMAM.

Carnaval – “Carnaval Baños 2016” will be on Sun, 31/1 at 10:00 in the Plaza Central. There will be a comparsa contest, floats, election of the Taita Carnava, shows and more. (The “more” most likely includes food, flying water and cans of carioca – spray foam.)

Articles about –

6 is updating its development of inmaterial heritage which includes ancestral knowledge, medicinal plants, legends, history, etc. One of these is the knowledge of pottery and ceramics. There will be programs in the Casa de Chaguarchimbana (sector las Herrerías) including pottery classes for children and special courses for professionals. Register at the Centro Cultural “El Angel de Chaguarchimbana” (las Herrerías y de las Retamas) or call 409 6994.

There will also be classes on cooking with ollas de barro (clay pots) which is supposed to give the food a unique flavor. On Sun and Mon, 7 & 8/2, there will be a little Feria Gastronómica from 10-18:00 in the Plaza de las Herrerías.

An exhibit of indigenous clothing is at the Casa de las Posadas (Gran Colombia, sector Corazón de Jesús). The clothing shows the various textiles used by different pueblos, the patterns in religious as well as everyday wear. The exhibit runs to 22/2 with hours from 9-17:30, M-F, and 9-13:00, Sat & Sun.

6,000 Bolivian musicians sang yesterday over the issue of Chile returning an access to the Pacific to Bolivia.

The oldest church on the American Pacific is la Basílica Santiago Apóstol in Panama, and it is badly in need of maintenance.

The Museo de Arte Moderno Municipal (MAMM) is open on weekends from 9-13:00. Currently showing is “Montañas y ríos sin fin.” There is also a show of Venetian masks for kids which is on Sat, 6/2 from 9-14:00 in the sala educativa.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Frentistas de la Av. O. Lasso tomarán medidas extremas (People fronting on Lasso will take extreme measures). Neighbors in Sauaysí and others met and resolved to burn the signs identifying certain houses as historic when the neighbors say they’re not. (I’m not sure what that sign burning has to do with what is apparently their main complaint which is the work stoppage.)

Project to improve phone services and lower cost – from ETAPA with Telefonía SIP, the same as VoIP, which you can use to receive and make calls to fixed and mobile phones anywhere in the world. (Then there’s a bunch of alphabet soup I don’t understand.) But I do understand the rate which is .007 cents per minute where ever you are. (You’ll have to get your tech guru to explain. Technology meets Spanish and I’m lost before you even get to the Spanish.) The service should be ready in the 2nd quarter of 2016. (Heck, just go down to ETAPA and ask about it – or get your facilitator to ask about it.)

And from the police page – (You know I can’t resist translating these articles.) 34 people were sanctioned for drinking in public including 3 university students on the banks of the Tomebamba. The fine is $183. (So don’t carry your beer out into the street or enhance your picnic by the river with a bottle of wine.)

Actualidades –

Articles about –

El Altar (an extinct volcano), the hacienda Releche which is an hour away from Riobamba, and a cattle drive.

Investigations into a possible new civilization on the northern coast of Perú from between the Mochica (1-8th Centuries AD) and the Lambayeque (11-15th) peoples.

The Museo Pumapungo – the outdoor part with the aviary and ponds. (And the Belgian waffles.)

The medicinal properties of aloe vera, plantain and rue (which you can probably Google if you have to know).

Discuentos –

LAN – round trip flights including taxes from 10/2 to 30/6/2016 – Guayaquil, Quito or Cuenca – $59; San Cristóbal – $169; Baltra from Guayaquil – $219.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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