Domingo, 5/6/2016: Ecuadorian fishermen end up in China after pirate attack, El Centro intersections reopen as tram work finishes

Jun 6, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Articles about –

Reading – The Municipal Department of Culture has a reading program in 22 libraries in the 21 parishes in Cuenca.

chl jeanne logoPainting contest – 50 schools signed up for this painting contest along the Barranco which was held this morning.  The winner will get a bike, and 3 runners up will get a mini-computer.  The awards ceremony will be on 23/6 in the aula magna (main lecture hall?) Mario Vintimilla a the U. of Cuenca.

Otras cosas –  

Titular – El mundo alaba al legendario Ali tras su muerte (The world praises the legendary Ali after his death) – Muhammad Ali has died.  His boxing career was 56-5 and 37 “nocáuts” (Just read it with the Spanish pronunciation – you did learn know how to pronounce, didn’t you?)  The paper published some of his quotes and here is the one that says why the world admires him so much.  “Servir a otros es el alquiler que se debe pagar por una habitación en la Tierra.”  (Serving others is the rent to be paid for a space on the Earth.)  (So how many of you are behind on your rent payments?  Or are you still figuratively living at home in your folk’s basement? Kudos to those of you paying rent on behalf of the freeloaders.)

Road work – A paving project on Primero de Mayo from calle Carmela Malo to the Puente de Misicata (Misicata Bridge) will start Mon., 6/6.  The work will be on the lane closest to the river, but the rest of the roadway will be turned into 2 lanes.  (But they’ll probably be very narrow lanes so be careful in that Hummer of yours that you don’t scrape off anyone else’s side mirror.)

More road work – The repaving of Camino del Tejar between C. Andrade Cordero and De los Cerezos will start on Mon, 6/6. Cordero and Cerezos along with De la Grevilla will be two way streets.  The map also shows a chunk of repaving on Ordóñez Lasso between De los Cerezos to a little east of De las Azulinas.

Earthquake spending – The government has spent $200 million because of and since the earthquake. The spending was for emergency items only such as food, restoring electrical and water systems, and equipping hospitals.  The money came from the contingency fund of the Interamerican Development Bank (BID in Spanish). The World Bank has also given a loan for reconstruction and the Development Bank of Latin America has issued credit for housing.  The government is also negotiating for $400 million in credit from the International Monetary Fund and has received $100 million from the Cooperación francesa.

Nuevas ranas (New frogs) – Two new species of frogs were discovered in the Parque Nacional Llanganates between Cotopaxi, Tunguraha, Pastaza and Napo provinces. The skin of one of the species appears to be covered with spines which serves as camouflage.  (Rana is your word for the day.  Don’t confuse it with sapo which is a toad and a slanderous insult.  Be ready for some kind of fight if you get pissed and call someone a sapo.)

Tranvía public announcement – The intersections of Manuel Vega and Hermano Miguel with Gran Colombia are ready according to the last schedule, and will be open for traffic Mon.  This week there will be 250 people working in El Centro.  (But you still need to watch the street since the photo shows a pothole in the roadway next to the rails that looks as deep as the paving stones are thick.  (Deep enough to trap a tire.)

Macizo del Cajas (Cajas Massif) – 3 years after the Area de Biosfera Macizo del Cajas was declared by UNESCO, there is still no plan for the protection of this biosphere which is centered on the Parque Nacional Cajas and covers parts of 4 provinces. There is an Inter-institutional Committee for the management of the area, but according to the manager of ETAPA, it seems to be the only institution with an interest in moving forward.  (I guess they would be since this is the source of one of their products – water.)

Fire chief – The Chief of the Fire Department resigned and the council will be looking for a replacement.  The mayor will submit a list of names to the Administration and Discipline Council which will pick the next Chief for a 5 year term.

Acutalidades –

Articles about –

Fishermens’ saga – On 2/3, 3 young fishermen set off to catch dorado and intending to return on the 4th. They were attacked by pirates who stole the boat’s motor.  They survived on what they could catch and rainwater and were finally rescued off the coast of Central America thousands of miles from their home port on the 51st day by a New Zealand oil tanker.  After sailing another 11 days, they arrived in port – in China where they were taken to Beijing, talked with their embassy and shown the tourist attractions. They returned to Ecuador on 21/5 where they were greeted with (you guessed it) visa problems.  Because they weren’t carrying their exit permits, they were in a “situación irregular.”  (Were they illegal immigrants to their own country?) Higher ups were consulted and they were allowed back in.

The Shuar – The Shuar occupy territory straddling Peru and Ecuador.  The economy of the 110,000 Shuar is based on itinerant horticulture of tubors complemented with hunting, fishing and gathering of fruits and insects.  (There’s a lot more info so go to if you’re interested.  And let me know if you ever try one of those gusanos.)

Internacional –

Perú – Yesterday election day today in Peru where the voters will decide between Keiko Fujimori or Pablo Kuczynski.  23 million Peruvians will vote – voting is an legal obligation.  (And I don’t want to hear anyone griping about guv’mint interference in your right to vote or not vote.)

Discuentos –

La Tarde (The afternoon newspaper) – una lonchera eléctrica (an electric lunchbox) for $25 including tax – until Wed., 8/6.  (It’s up to you to find the nearest La Tarde office if you want one.)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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