Domingo, 7/2/2016: Ecuador’s abundant water resources, Jazz concert, Pampa mesa at Hosteria Caballo Campaña, Museum hours

Feb 8, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Foto libro de viajes y sueños está disponible al público (Book of photos and dreams will be available to the public) – If you want a copy of “Loschl jeanne logo Mundos de TITA” by Fabiola Cedillo, go to her Facebook page: Fabiola Sin.

Museum hours – Municipal museums like the Catedral Vieja, Museo de Arte Moderno, and Casa de las Posadas will have holiday hours from 10-15:00 ininterrumpidamente (uninterrupted – as in they stay open during lunch.) The Museo Pumapungo is open from 10-16:00. (Who cares about museums when it’s Superbowl Sunday and hangover Monday.)

Concierto de Jazz – “EEJAZZ” will perform on Fri, 12/2 at 21:00 at the Republica Sur. Cost: $5.00.

Clases de canto – Singing classes at the Centro Cultural Imay starting 16/1. To register go to or call 099 525 3958.

Articles about –

Ska, Barrio Calavera – a Peruvian band, and La Locro Banda from Cuenca who are playing it and fusing Latinamerican beats with ska beats. Ska is Jamaican and predates reggae.

A ceramics exhibit opened Sun. at the Casa de Chaguarchimbana. The exhibit is part of an effort to rescue la alfarería (pottery). There are also free classes taught by U of Cuenca professors. Register at the Casa de Chaguarchimbana (de las Herrerías y Del Arupo) or call 409 6994.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Fiesta inicia con baile, tradiciones y espuma (Fiesta (that’s practically an English word) starts with dance, traditions and foam)

Actualidades –

Articles about –

Agua, humedales y carnavales (Water, wetlands and carnavals) – Ecuador has been blessed with a wide variety of wetlands from the coastal mangrove forests to the parama. Last year, ETAPA, through aerial photography counted 3,811 bodies of water in the Cajas. (Not as many as Minnesota, but it’s also a lot smaller.)

Chimborazo which last erupted 1,300 or 1,500 years ago. The article shows photos of Chimborazo now and when Humboldt saw it. (There was a lot more snow in Humboldt’s time.) Edward Whymper, an English scientist and two Italian climbers were the first to reach the peak. (I wonder if there was an indigenous guide who walked up the mountain in bare feet and had a hot meal waiting for Whymper’s party.)

Indigenous Carnaval rituals – (too complicated and too big a risk of turning the story around 180 degrees.)

La ayahuasca – (Your eyes just zoomed in on that, huh?) has been consumed by the Amazonian indigenous for hundreds of years. Manuel Villavicencio described it in 1858. He wrote the 1st “geografía” of Ecuador.

Descuentos –

Hosteria Caballo Campana – (this isn’t a discount, but it sounded interesting) – Pampa Mesa – $17.90 for two including IVA and tip with your choice of Pollo al Tiesto de Barro, Chancho al Horno de Leña, Carne Asada al Carbón, Pollo al Guiso en Leña, and Sancocho de Cerdo a la Olla de Barro. (And your word for the day is carbón – charcoal and probably more useful than most words for the day here.) – Vía Misicata km. 4 – call 07 412 8767, 07 412 8767 or 07 412 8769, 07 412 8769. (And all of you non-Spanish speaking foodies are pulling out your dictionaries or gadgets.)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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