Dragon fruit exported to Hong Kong, Cultural atlas, Crafts parade, Car inspection and registration
Lunes, 6/11/2017
Hola, Todos –
Pagina cultural –
Upcoming agenda event
Las Memorias parroquiales (Parish Memories) – A book of 22 stories that are part of Cuenca’s oral tradition will be presented el jueves, 9/11 a las 10:00 in the Museo de la Cuidad. The public is invited. <It might be a CD – can’t tell from the picture and the article wasn’t clear.>
Articles about –
Cultural cadastre – The Municipal Department of Culture has created a cultural atlas that maps cultural properties and services such as publishers, independent cultural centers, music and theater groups, crafts centers, etc. This information will be used to create a directory of creative goods and services.
2017-2018 arts grants – Applications are being taken by the Ministry of Culture and Patrimony for its 2017-18 Fondo de Fomento de las Artes, la Cultura, y la Inovación (Fund for the Promotion of Arts, Culture, and Innovation). The $3 million will benefit 201 projects and proposals. To apply, you must sign up with Registro Único de Artistas y Gestores (RUAC http://ruac.cultureaypatrimonio.gob.ec) between 16/10 to 12/11. Applicants must be Ecuadorians living either in or out of the country and foreigners who have been residents of Ecuador for a minimum of 3 years. Submit your application to http://www.cineyaudiovisual.gob.ec/convocatoria/.
Show – There is a show of macanas (ikat) and embroidery in the Galería de Oficios de CCE (Luis Cordero entre Córdova y Sucre), including demonstrations of the process from dyes, painting the threads, to weaving. The exhibit will run until 19/11.
Otras cosas –
Titular – Cautivó concierto de Bandas de Pueblo (Village Band concert Captivates) – 10 bands from Azuay, Cañar and Loja participated in the 2nd Festival of Village Bands held Sunday in the parque de La Madre.
Crafts guilds – Craftspeople paraded yesterday from San Blas to parque Calderón. In 2013 there were 34 crafts guilds with about 4500 members and numbers have grown.
Matriculación – If your car’s license plate ends with a “0,” noviembre is the month you need to get it inspected and registered. Diciembre is for owners who didn’t get around to registering their car in the proper month. There is a $25 charge for those who delayed.
Pitahaya (dragonfruit) – Over 1,500 kg of pitahaya, which is endemic to Palora, was exported to Hong Kong from a distribution center that was opened in febrero of this year.
Descuentos y compras –
RM – 10th Anniversary sale – 20% off – until 12/11 – restrictions apply – purchases include a chance to win a Smart TV Curvo 55″ plus PlayStation 4 Pro and virtual reality glasses.
Almacenes Juan Eljuri – Sales event with up to 60% off – 3-19/11 – 9-19:00 lunes a sábados, 10-17:00 domingos.
And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –