Drivers will get speeding warnings; Las Herrerías to get a paint job; New traffic app launches; Weekend trout festival in Molleturo; Concert at Saladentro

Sep 21, 2023 | 0 comments

Miércoles, 20/9/2023

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

Promoción turística para vacacionar en 10 provincias (Tourist promotion for vacations in 10 provinces) – There will be a vitrina (showcase – your word for the day) for tourism in 10 provinces este viernes y sábado from 10-18:00 in the Hotel Oro Verde. It is organized by the Ministerio de Turismo so that Cuencanos can learn about these destinations and include them in their 2024 travel plans. Attendees can participate in a raffle with prizes related to these 10 destinations. <Are you feeling lucky? Got itchy feet? Want to explore more of Ecuador?>

A new online service will provide motorists information about road conditions, accidents and closures in Cuenca. (El Mercurio)

De El Mercurio del martes, 19/9/2023 (4 articles):
Molleturo invita al festival de la trucha (Molleturo invites you to the trout festival) –
The 4th edition of the “Festival de la Trucha Miguir-Molleturo” will be el sábado y domingo, 23 & 24/9. The event is being organized by the Asociación de Emprendedores Turísticos Miguir-Cajas and will be in the community at km. 45.5 of the vía Cuenca-Molleturo-El Empalme. The feature will be the biggest ceviche in the world. <I hope they work fast so that the biggest ceviche in the world won’t turn into the biggest case of food poisoning in the world.> There will also be a bicycle tour, traditional dances and a fair with gastronomy, tourism, crafts, agriculture, and livestock. A new activity will be men’s ecuavolley with teams from Molleturo, Sayausí, San Joanquín y San Sebastián.

Concierto en Saladentro – There will be a concert in the Saladentro gallery (Paseo 3 de Noviembre 4-78 y Bajada de Todos Santos) el 4/10 with classical guitarist David Vázquez and flautist Gustavbo Lovato. Make reservations online at or by calling 098 956 0920. Cost: $15.00

Talleres de “freestyle” – A series of women’s freestyle workshops will start el 30/9. Methods of rap, freestyle battles, creative writing, event organization, and more will be taught. Register at No cost to register or participate. <I think you can do this even if you sing like an angry goose.>

Actividades en el CIDAP – There will be activities in the patios of CIDAP (Paseo 3 de Noviembre y escalinata Francisco Sojos Jaramillo) este 23/9 starting at 19:00. There will be a short film, burning a castillo, and a night of pirotecnia (fireworks – your word for the day or night). To participate, register at Free.

Titular –

App dará reportes del tránsito en tiempo real (App will give real-time traffic reports) – The Empresa de Movilidad Tránsito y Transporte Terrestre (EMOV EP) and the Dirección de Gestión de Movilidad (DGM) have signed an agreement with the traffic app Waze to provide real time information about traffic issues in Cuenca. The city can enter information about planned or unplanned road closures, traffic jams and accidents. There will be no cost to the city. Users can download the app from the Android Play Store or the App Store of iOS at no charge. It will not be necessary to register to use the maps or to enter information about traffic jams, accidents or delays.

Cuenca –

Radares empezarán a notificar por correo (Radars to start notifying by mail) – Starting today (miércoles), drivers who don’t respect the radars installed along the vías rápidas Cuenca-Azogues and Medio Ejido Sayausí will get warning email messages. They won’t fine you for speeding, but will count the infraction, also called a “multa seca” (dry fine). The city hopes that drivers will slow down. <I think there are still going to be a lot of drivers who will just say “cheers” to the dry fine and keep speeding since they know there’s no ticket to be paid.>

De El Mercurio del martes, 19/9/2023 (1 article):
Fachadas de Las Herrerías se renovarán con intervención (Façades of Las Herrerías to be renovated with intervention) – The Fundación El Barranco with the help of a private business will paint about 50 houses along calle de Las Herrerúias between av. 10 de Agosto y 12 de Abril. The painting will be according to architectural restoration and conservation standards that respect the historic identity of the street. The fountain and its lighting in the plaza de Chaguarchimbana will be reactivated. The painting will start with the iglesia de El Vergel. The painting is expected to be finished by noviembre for the fiestas de Cuenca.

And that’s all for today so Hasta ? –



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