Economy grows faster than expected; Phone land line connections are dropping; Local lizards face extinction; Street dogs featured in photo exhibit
Lunes, 11/10/2021
Hola, Todos –
Actividades –
From viernes, 8/10/2021
Perros callejeros, eje de expo fotográfica (Stray dogs, axis of photographic expo) – Photographer Carlos Vázquez has taken pictures of street dogs during his trips around Ecuador. Leonel Gómez saw them and they have been printed for an exhibit, “Un mundo de vida,” which will open at the Galería Vitrina (Pres. Córdova y Luis Cordero) el 21/10 and run through 19/11. Vázquez and Gómez want to bring attention to the abandonment of dogs, and the exhibit will also be where you can donate to the Rascate Animal Cuenca foundation. The photos are also for sale with a portion of the proceeds going to the foundation which helps street dogs.
Conciertos gratuitos (Free concerts) – The Dirección de Cultura of the Universidad de Cuenca will present two concerts in the Museo Universitario (av. 12 de Abril 5.199). The first will be el 13/10 a las 19:00 with the rock band Terra. The second will be el 15/10 a las 19:00 with the Coro Polifónico.
Concurso de recetas (Recipe contest) – Until el 30/10, the Ibercultura Viva will take submissions of culinary practices of migrants <I suppose expats could be considered migrants even if expats think of themselves as a totally higher class of folks.> who have a recipe that has entered the host community. You can submit a recipe in text or video. 16 will be selected and receive $500. Enter at
USD 575.000 al año factura telefonía fija (Land line telephone billings at $575,000 per year) – Fixed phones are still profitable considering income versus the cost of maintaining the system, although the number of connections and users have diminished. Currently there are 125,500 connections, down from 130,879 in enero, 2020. Cost to the user is low with 0-200 minutes costing 1.99 and 200-500 minutes costing 3.99. In Cuenca, there are 3 telephone centers – Central El Ejido on Alfonso Moreno Mora y José Escudero, Central Centro on Benigno Malo, and Central de Totoracocha.
One of the oldest employees at ETAPA has watched the changes in land line phones since operators plugged in connections between callers <one, ringy dingy, two, ringy dingy>. He remembers a feria where rotary phones were on exhibit and watched youngsters trying to figure out how they worked. They tried pushing the numbers, and were surprised when they were showed how to operate the dial. <I bet almost all you readers remember as far back as party lines.>
Cuenca –
Lucha por la supervivencia (Fight for survival) – The lagartija Coliazul de Orcés (blue tailed Orcés lizard) used to live in the Yunguilla valley, but the encroachment of houses with their cats and dogs, and agriculture have left the lizard with only 2 micro localities in the whole world. There is one in Santa Isabel which is degraded, and another in a ravine in La Union. The lizard which is sky blue from behind its snout to its tail, is in danger of extinction. A group of zoologists led by Ernesto Arbelaéz, went into the countryside in 2019 and 2020, finding only 6 specimens. Part of his work is a breeding program similar to that for tortoises in the Galápagos. They have built an greenhouse type environment at the Zoologico Amaru with the conditions the lizard needs. They are also seeking more of the lizards and are asking people who see them to report the sightings and where they were seen to the researchers. Send an email to or phone them at 0969956055. Secondly, the research needs money to continue. You can help by visiting the zoo.
Region –
2 avenidas acogen sueños de jóvenes emprendedores (2 avenues welcome dreams of young entrepreneurs) – Several young entrepreneurs have opened businesses in Azogues, mostly on av. 16 de Abril and Andrés Córdova. These enterprises were a response to the reduced opportunities due to Covid. 19 year old Santiago Santacruz opened the family business, Kasagui, a sushi restaurant on 1 de julio. Esteban Vasquez, who was a musician before the pandemic and an engineering student, along with his partner, Dalila Quinteros who is an attorney, opened their bar, Cheers, with a private loan of $12,000 which they aspire to pay off in 3 years. Jonathan Redrován who lost his father to Covid last year, has had his bar, El Balcón, for 2 years. Siblings Karen and Benjamín Cuenca, and Valeria Camacho opened “Ventarri,” which offers fast food and cocktails two weeks ago. None of these entrepreneurs is over 30. <Good to see young people with such get up and go.>*
Negocios –
Ecuador crece, según informe económico (Ecuador grows, according to economic report) – A Staff Report from the Government and the IMF was presented, giving technical information about the economic situation in Ecuador. The country is growing faster than expected with an accumulation in international reserves, a surplus in the current account of the country, fiscal accounts that are being cleaned up, and a strengthened monetary sector. The public finance sector has dropped from 5.5% of the GDP to 4.5%, with public spending at 3.5% of the GDP. Economic growth is expected to be an average of 2.8% between 2022 and 2026.
And that’s all for today so hasta ? –