Ecuador-Canada sign airline agreement, Pan Americana Sur closed, Government tv station owes taxes

Feb 16, 2018 | 0 comments

Jueves, 15/2/2018

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Ongoing agenda event

Cursos – the Tersicore Dance Academy is offering courses in ballet, Arabic dance <My belly doesn’t need classes – just walking makes it jiggle. You wonder why women wear tight jeans?> and more such as Tribal Fusion to children over 5, youth and adults. It is located at Estévez de Toral 16-09 y Hernando de la Cruz.

Articles about –

Municipal funding – Two private Centros culturales will receive funding from the city for their activities. Bolívar Ävila will give music classes and Ecuardo Moscoso of El Prohibido, will give workshops.

Libro – The first edition of “San Blas, viejo y querido barrio” (San Blas, old and beloved neighborhood) was such a success that a group of neighbors are planning to publish a 2nd edition.

Concierto – A group of bands from La Salle, Borja, and Técnico Salesiano high schools; the U. Católica de Cuenca; and special invitee, the rock band Anima Inside, will play el mañana viernes a las 17:00 in the coliseo at the colegio Borja. The concert is part of the “Jóvenes por el ambiente” (Youth for the environment) project .

Guayaquil – The Vice-Mayor and Bishop of Guayaquil met to talk about promoting local and national culture with performances in the churches. An example would be taking the Blind Children’s Municipal Chorus to sing in various churches in Guayaquil.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Inicia la Cuaresma para los católicos (Lent begins for Catholics)

Virtual reality – An app for phones connected to 3D glasses has potential as a teaching tool. Today’s students are predisposed to study and learn through technological sources.

Valentines – 70 couples celebrated civil marriages on el Día de San Valentín at the Registro Civil del Azuay which decorated a gazebo in red and white.

Carlos Pareja Yannuzzelli – The ex-minister of hydrocarbons was acquitted of charges of speculation. The judge’s revocation of the order to prison could not be executed because Pareja faces other trials.

SRI – GamaTV owes SRI $6.2 million. The company that used to be Gamavisión was seized by the government, and someone is doing a financial analysis. This analysis is showing many irregularities such as misstatement of earnings, a debt to IESS for about $1 million, high salaries with no studies or review, payments for living expenses and university for the children of directors with no facturas, and cars.

Air agreement – Canada and Ecuador signed an agreement that will increase the number of tourists and retirees due to better air connectivity. The two national airlines will be able to transport passengers and cargo exclusively or in combination. In 2017, 28,445 Canadian tourists entered Ecuador. Joint trade exceeded $400 million US.

Ad – Pages 6A and 7A are two full page ads for Loma Larga as environmentally responsible and socially responsible. <Are their lips moving?>

Road closure – The Panamericana Sur was closed for road work on Thursday to all but local traffic in the Zhucay-Control Sur sector up to the entrance to the Nero community. Travelers to Loja and Yunguilla are being rerouted through Turi. <Well, that didn’t tell me much.>

Descuentos y compras –

Taller Impartes – “personalized service at the best prices” for your truck – 50 years of experience – Gil Ramírez D. 14-00 y Turuhuaico – call 4088 829 for an appointment.

And that´s all for today so hasta el domingo –



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