Election recount doesn’t change results; Stormy weather in the forecast; Human bones found in Cajas Mountains; Correa appeal denied; Ecuador Q&A game
Miércoles, 10/2/2020
Hola, Todos –
Actividades –
De la pagina cultural –
CIDAP entregará Medalla Artesanal (CIDAP will deliver the Artisan Medal) – Ecuadorian artesans, designers and artists can apply for the CIDAP medal for Diseño e Innovación Artesanal ARDIS 2021 until el próximo 22/3. The winner will be invited to the XIX Festival de Artesanías de América 2021. To be considered, those interested need to present pieces made mainly of materials related to the textile crafts. The work can be in the categories of attire, shoes, objects for the home, games and furniture. For information go to the CIDAP web site at www.cidap.gob.ec.
Otras cosas –
Titular – Tensión por saber quién llega segundo (Tension to know who comes second) – See Wednesday’s CHL story.
El CNE-Azuay inicia reconteo de los votos (The CNE-Azuay begins recounting the votes) – Azuay installed 40 recount tables with 80 election officials and delegates from political organizations observing. The recount started after 100% of the ballots for president had been counted. The presidential recount did not change the trends of the results in which Pérez had 42.17%, Arauz had 20.98%, Hervas had 15.06% and Lasso had 14.16%. 10.04% of the ballots for the provincial assembly, 12.44% of the ballots for the Asamblea Nacional, and 16.67% of the ballots for the Andean Parliament needed to be reviewed for inconsistencies. The Sesión Permanente de Escrutinios is transmitting the recount on the Facebook page of the Delegación Provincial Electoral de Azuay via Facebook live.
Seguirán lluvias y tormentas (Rains and storms will continue) – The Instituto Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (Inamhi) is forecasting rain and electrical storms for febrero, marzo y mayo in the interandean region which includes Cuenca and Azuay. Thursday’s forecast is for occasional clouds, partly cloudy, and occasional showers and drizzles with morning fog banks. <I guess we’ll get everything except sun and snow.> Tatiana Pineda, director of the city’s Risk Management Department warned of the possibility of flooding, and warned people to stay away from the rivers, avoid fishing, and not playing Carnaval near or in the rivers. <Did you know that you “play” Carnaval when you throw water and spray foam at people?>
Sinincay recibió recursos (Sinincay received resources) – The Municipio de Cuenca announced that it had released two disbursements to Sinincay to pay for basic services such as sewers, connections to residences, construction of sidewalks, social projects, road maintenance and more.
Disminuyen donaciones de leche materna (Breast milk donations decrease) – The health emergency has reduced the collection of mother’s milk by 44% per month at the Vicente Corral Moscoso hospital compared to past years. Donors are afraid of coming to the hospital for fear of Covid even though biosecurity measures are being applied. Most of the milk goes to babies who are in neonatal intensive care and separated from their mothers. There are two ways to donate. The first is to go to the Banco de Leche in maternity services at the hospital. For the second option, the hospital will give donors sterilized bottles for them to fill at home under biosecurity measures. The milk bank conducts interviews and then tests the milk for quality. <Got to make sure those donors don’t water down that milk.>
Hallan aparentes restos humanos en El Cajas (Apparent human remains found in El Cajas) – A university professor and his student were in the Cajas to record data for a thesis. As they moved into the páramo zone they found excrement from a páramo wolf known as a raposo. What attracted their attention were human bones in the poop, apparently fingers. They took pictures which they showed to professionals who said they were human bones. The professor showed the Policía Nacional where they were found – about 2 km from the La Toreadora lake in the Parque Nacional Cajas. The police hope that the anthropological and DNA tests will confirm if the bones are human and compare them with data from people who have been reported missing.
La CCI niega recurso presentado por Correa (ICC denies appeal filed by Correa) – Two of the 3 judges on the Third Admission Court of the Corte Constitucional did not admit the acción extraordinaria de protección (extraordinary protection action) filed by ex-pres. Rafael Correa, ex-VP Jorge Glas, and 14 others sentenced in the Sobornos 2012-2014 case in which Correa received 8 years for aggravated bribery. <And straight from Google, here is the definition of an acción de protección.> The 2008 constitutional definition of the Protection Action indicates that it is the direct and effective protection of the rights recognized in the Constitution, and may be filed when there is a violation of constitutional rights, due to acts or omissions of any non-judicial public authority; against policies…
Compras y Discuentos –
El Mercurio – El Juego de Preguntas y Respuestas del Ecuador (The Ecuador Question and Answer Game) $15.99 incl. IVA – test your knowledge of your country – at all El Mercurio offices. <This might be fun for those of you who are studying for your citizenship test.>
And that’s all for today so Hasta ? –