Electric bus begins service, Tram tests, Skull surgery at Hospital José Carrasco, Free bus cards for seniors

Jan 31, 2018 | 0 comments

Martes, 2/1/2018

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –

Book launch – “Claves de la historia de Cuenca” (Keys to the history of Cuenca) will be presented Wed. a las 19:00 in the Museo de la Catedral Vieja (Cordero y Sucre).

Conversatorio – There will be a conversation with Natalia Méndez, author of “Me largo a volver conmigo” (I long to go back with me) Wed. a las 18:30 in the Museo Remigio Crespo. She will talk about her experience of traveling through 23 countries in Latin America. <Maybe someone can ask her if she thinks Ecuador is a “3d World” country or not. See today’s CHL article.>

“Semillero de Artistas” (Artists’ Seedbed/ Artists’ Incubator) – Ilusionarte and the CCE are calling for artists and cultural managers with experience in music, plastic and scenic arts, teaching, and working with kids to be instructors. Get more info from the Casa de la Cultura del Azuay.

Workshop – The CEDEI Foundation in Quito is holding “The Forum on Education Abroad,” organized by the Quito American Embassy and two more institutions. The event will analyze the experiences of the institutions who receive students from different countries.

Articles about –

Forum – There will be a forum Wednesday as part of the reopening of the exhibit “Difícil de leer. Entre mi luto y mi fantasma” (Difficult to read. Between my mourning and my ghost). The forum will cover art and censorship in the 21st Century.

CIDAP – El Centro Interamericano de Artesanías y Artes Populares is planning “AR-DIS”: Semana del Diseño para la Artesanía” (AR-DIS “: Week of Design for Crafts) – which will be from 9-15/4. Designers interested in participating should present their proposals by 3/3. Find the requirements at www.cidap.gob.ec. The objective of the week is to create a platform for the promotion and development of design for crafts as tool of innovation. <I wonder who weaves Philip Treacy hats – and once the paja toquilla weavers see his stuff, if there will be knockoffs woven here.>

Tzantza – A shrunken head, which had been under control of the Vatican since 1925, will be returned to Ecuador to the Museo Pumapungo in a month.

Otras Cosas –

Titular – Compromete recursos y cierra campaña por el Sí (Commits resources and closes the Yes campaign) – Pres. Moreno was in Cuenca and signed agreements yeterday to pay the GAD (Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado) del Azuay $49 million for roadways as well as other agreeements for irrigation. He participated in a political event to close the Sí campaign for the referendum.

Tranvía – The 14 trains will be tested, one each day, until 23/2 in the stretch along avenida De Las Américas from avenida México to the Feria Libre. While they’re running from 8-13:00, pedestrian crossings near Kerámicos, Agrosad and Tía will be closed. <Sounds like the best way to cross Las Américas will be by taking a cab.> They will not test on miércoles due to the large number of people at the Feria Libre or during the Carnaval holidays. <Do you think kids will put pennies on the tracks? Did you put pennies on train tracks as kid?>

Voting page – The 7th question asks if you are in agreement with increasing intangible zones by at least 50,000 hectares and reducing the area authorized for oil exploitation by the National Assembly in the Yasuní National Park from 1,030 hectares to 300 hectares.

Electric buses – A new electric bus <It’s a shades of green and blue and says “100% ELECTRICO” on the side> was introduced at 9:30 this morning in PRAC and will be running free tourist routes in the city. The hours, dates, and sites on the route were announced today. <It’s on the city’s web site. Go to www.cuenca.gob.ec.>

Head surgery – The “José Carrasco Arteaga” Hospital (IESS) is performing cranial surgery to replace damaged parts of a patient’s skull with a high resistance material.

Pharmacy discounts – The Farmasol EP municipal pharmacies are offering a 5% discount to “adultos mayores” (seniors) and 15% to the disabled for their purchases. Register at their main office on av. 10 de Agosto, Mercado 27 de Febrero sector. Bring your cedula and/or Conadis card. <Wouldn’t hurt to bring a color copy, either.>

Bus cards – The Movilízate card will be free for those eligible for discount fares – students, seniors and disabled. These groups can exchange their Urbania cards for the Movilízate for free as well. However, these groups will have to personalize their cards. There are 240 locations in the canton that sell cards and 8 manned locations to personalize cards. Full fare passengers will pay $1.75 for the cards. These will be the only cards accepted starting 1/4. To find these locations go to www.sircuenca.com and click on the “Recargas” tab.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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