Electric bus extends visit, Chamber music, International cities conference, Reforestation project

Mar 2, 2018 | 0 comments

Jueves, 1/3/2018

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s agenda events –

Cine – As part of a film cycle dedicated to women, “Cleo de 5 a 7” was shown Thursday in the Auditorio of CIDCP.

Archeology – The Colegio de Arqueólogos del Ecuador presented a program titled “Reflexiones sobre Arqueología Histórica” (Reflections on Historical Archeology) Thursday en the Sala de Conciertos in the Casa de la Cultura.

Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –

Teatro – “Cuando llegue Rosa” (When Rosa arrives) by René Zavala will be on 7, 8, 14, & 15/3 a las 20:00 in “La Guarida” Centro Cultural (Mariscal La Mar y Luis Pauta). Cost: $7.00.

Articles about –

Conservatorio – The Conservatorio de Música “José María Rodríguez” will celebrate its 80th anniversary with <how else?> a parade which will be el sábado, 3/3. After the parade, there will be a concert in the plaza El Otorongo including bands, the Banda de la Guardia Ciudadana of which 95% are Conservatorio graduates, accordion groups, and ending with a wind orchestra. There will be a Sesión Solemne el 7/3 a las 18:30 in the Salón de la Ciudad with a concert of the best soloists in musica and dance. The celebrations end on 14/3 with a Concierto de Gala in the teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz.

Audiovisual project – “Metapoiesis: experimentos audiovisuales que convergen hacia el videoarte, cine expandido y ensayo fílmico” (Metapoiesis: audiovisual experiments that converge towards video art, expanded cinema and film essay) was presented Thursday in the Pálier Café Libro. The works that are part of this project will be projected until 7/3. Today’s program is a streaming talk with the curator who is in Brussels, working on his Ph.D. <And the Philistine in me is asking, “What was that all about?”>

Julien Bismuth – This French artist is an invitee of the 14th Bienal and will be working with a group of young artists. There was a presentation Thursday in the auditorio of the Fundación Bienal of “un repaso de su trayectoria” (a review of his career – sounds like a good collection of words for the day.).

OSC – The Orquesta Sinfónica de Cuenca will present two chamber music recitals this week by the Grupo Número Uno de Cuerdas (Number One String Group). Thursday’s recital will be in the “Bunker – Espacio Cultural” in Challuabamba and Friday’s will be in the Museo Remigio Crespo Toral a las 20:00. On the program will be Andante Festivo by Sibelius, Sinfónica Simple by Benjamin Britten, the Waltz from “The Merry Widow” by Franz Lehár, Pasional by Enruque Espín Yépez. El Aguacate (a pasillo) by César Guerrero Tamayo and Sombras (another pasillo) by Carlos Brio Benavides.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Posesionan a 5 de los 7 miembros del CPC-T (Seating of 5 of the 7 members of the CPC-T) – The 5 members who were elected were the 1st names on their “ternos” (like a slate of 3 from which one is picked). The members from the 3d and 7th lists were the second names.

Foro – El Foro Continental de Ciudades Intermedias Latinoamérica “Hacia la Agenda 2030″ (The Continental Forum of Latin American Mid-sized Cities”Towards the 2030 Agenda”) opened Wednesday. Mobility, citizen participation and gender perspectives will be some of the topics addressed.

Credit – Businesses along the Tranvía route are eligible for loans up to $20,000 with an annual interest rate of 9.76%, a 5 year term and a 1 year grace period through BanEcuador.

“Reverdecer” Ecuador (“Greening” Ecuador) <break down that word into re (as in repeat, renew, etc), verde (green) and cer (a verb ending). Kind of neat, no?> – Pres. Moreno announced an ambitious plan to reforest the country.

Galápagos – A study will be done on the impact of tourist activities on beaches where the green turtles nest. Researchers from the Dirección del Parque Nacional Galápagos will stay in campsites at Quinta playa on Isla Isabela and in Bachas on Santa Cruz to moniter and count the turtles, nests, and eggs, and observe until the turtles hatch in mayo. Quinta playa is a restricted area while Bachas allows tourists which will let park personnel compare the impact of tourism.

Electric bill payments – The Empresa Eléctrica Regional Centro Sur (EERCS) is suspending bill payments from today to lunes, 5/3 in order to integrate other electric companies into their system for facturas. If you have questions, call 136 or go to @centrosur_ec at Twitter or Facebook: /centrosurEC. <If you’re a Banco Pichincha customer you might have gotten an email about this. And the monolinguist in you was asking, “What is that all about?>

Electric service suspensions – Electricity was suspended hoy desde 9:00 a las 13:00 at Tarqui and De las Américas and Humboldt, at Abelardo J. Andrade and the entrance to Lazareto, at the Basílic y Poliforo of the U. Católica, at Del Cebollar y Cayambe and at Gonzáles Suárez y Huayna Cápac.

Electric bus – The Electric bus will circulate for 3 more weeks. The bus doesn’t emit gasses or make noise. It has ergonomic seats, a handicapped ramp, and it won’t move if the doors are open <Someone has been listening to passengers – none of this taking off while you still have one foot on the bus.> The bus costs $400,000, but saves 103 tons of CO2 annually, saves $41,000 in fuel, and saves the government over $30,000 in fuel subsidies. It has a range of 300 km. on a one charge and a useful life of at least 20 years. <Kind of makes the debate over Euro 5 or Euro 3 irrelevant except for the initial cost.>

Housing – To support the national Casa para Todos (House for All) project, the municipality legalized land in the name of EMUVI EP (Municipal Housing and Urbanization Corporation). The goal of the project is to build 326,000 homes throughout the country to benefit 191,000 families with limited resources with a free home. A 3,588 m2 lot in Miraflores can hold 52 houses, and another 4,115 m2 lot in Ricaurte can hold 60 homes. EMUVI is surveying people in 21 parishes about their curren housing, economic activity, income and more. The information will be used to find people qualified for the program.

Pagina empresarial – FV – The plumbing fixture company has introduced a new product – a bidet so you can wash your personal parts, take a seated bath, and wash your feet. <And maybe the baby or a small dog, as well.>

Internacional –

Venezuela – The Venezuelan CNE (Consejo National Electoral) extended the period to nominate candidates for the 22/4 presidential elections by 2 days. This allowed Javier Bertucci, an evangelical pastor, to declare his candidacy. He will be the 6th candidate in addition to current Pres. Nicolás Maduro, electrical engineer Reinaldo Quijada, ex-military Francisco Visconti, businessman Luis Alejandro Ratti, and ex-governor and ex-chavista henri Falcón.

Perú – Political leaders in Peru denied they received money for their political campaigns from Odebrecht which was confirmed by Jorge Barata, the Peruvian ex-director of the Brazilian construction firm. The politicians included Pres. Kuczynski, ex-president Alan García, current prime minister Mercedes Aráoz and leader of the Fuerza Popular party, Keiko Fujimori. The rest of the article lists amounts that Odebrecht gave to the parties of the politicians. <I’m confused. If the money goes to the party during a presidential campaign year, isn’t that effectively the same as giving the candidate money? Or is there “deniability” if the money wasn’t put directly into the politician’s hand?>

Descuentos y compras –

Tosi – Savings fair – 6-10/3 from 9:30 am to 7:30 pm and open during lunch – Bolívar y Benigno Malo.

Aldanny Boutique – Kids stuff up to 50% off – 1 de marzo – 12:00 – Simón Bolívar 11-41.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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