Electric shut-offs, Cuenca-Giron highway closure, Bus lane violations, Numismatic museum at Banco Central, Cuenca gastronomy, Honoring the virgin

Aug 15, 2017 | 0 comments

Lunes, 14/8/2017

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Upcoming agenda event

Barrio Caleidoscopio (Kaleidoscope Neighborhood) – Cacho Gallegos will present this show from 16-19/8 at 20:00 in hte sala Alfonso Carrasco in the CCE. More info at jgarridoateatral@gmail.com. Advanced purchase cost: $5.00.

Articles about –

Cuenca Destino Gastronómico (Cuenca, Gastronomic Destination) – This book about gastronomy in Cuenca will be launched in septiembre. It will be a coffee table book with photos on coated paper. The sections will be traditional foods, markets, and restaurants. There are restaurants representing 20 countries with Mexico, Italy and China heavily represented. The Pedregal Azteca was the first Mexican restaurant in Cuenca, and opened about 30 years ago. Chifas are common, but the food came with Peruvian influences. <Too bad the talent for seasoning didn’t make it over the border.>

Tertulias culturales – Residents of the El Vecino barrio will be meeting on miércoles, 16/8 at 19:00 in the Economuseo Municipal Casa del Sombrero (Rafael María Arízaga y Luis Cordero) to share their stories in a cultural project. <I wonder if there will be a meeting for Gringolandia?>

Museo Numismático (Numismatic Museum) – This museum about money is located in the Banco Central (calle Larga y Huayna Cápac) and has exhibits dating back to barter and exchange transactions, pre-Colombian trade routes, and up to the modern monetary system.

Otras cosas –

Titular – “Tuca” impide que el Cuenca lidere torneo (“Tuca”, or tie, prevents the Cuenca from leading the football conference tournament) – Fútbol. Delfín (Manta) tied with Cuenca, 1-1.

Landslide – The City of Cuenca will build retaining wall in the ciudadela Jaime Roldós to slow down a macro-slide that has caused houses to fall and is threatening others.

Back to class – Children will return to school in the Sierra-Amazonía region starting on lunes, 4/9. The return will be progressive with high schools students starting first.

Road closure – The vía Cuenca-Girón-Pasaje will be closed to vehicular traffic in the Sarayunga sector for sewer work. Heavy vehicles should use the vía Cuenca-Molleturo-El Empalme, and private vehicles the local streets. <I wonder if the average Cuencano driver would know where Sarayunga is without a map program?>

Rural mercados – El Mercurio visited the Sunday markets in El Valle, Baños, and Sayausí last year and revisited them recently. All were lacking space and basic services, and only Sayausí has improved. In El Valle, the market is set up in one of the streets around the park and has to deal with dust and traffic. In Baños, the market is in front of the church and has only one water faucet to serve the 50 vendors, no bathrooms, and not enough electricity. But it does have street dogs.

The Virgen de El Cisne – Cuencanos will be honoring the statue representing “La Churonita” in the Santuario de El Cisno hoy y mañana when they deliver the gowns they made for this year’s pilgrimage. On jueves the 72 km. “romeriá” from El Cisne to the Catedral de Loja will start. The stops will be in the sector San Pedro de Bendita, and the main church in Catamayo. <I wonder what they do with those gowns after the pilgrimage? They represent hour and hours of work.>

Electrical shut-offs – go to the Twitter account for La Empresa Eléctrica Regional Centro Sur: @centrosur_ec to find out about scheduled electrical service interruptions. <Or not and just wait for the day when you turn on the coffee maker and nothing happens.>

Bus lanes – Respect the “solo buses” lanes. Driving in one could cost you a ticket of 20% of the Salario Básico Unificado (SBU) – about $75.

Suscal – This canton in Cañar will celebrate its 21 years as a canton on 20/9 with civic, cultural, social and sporting events. The celebrations will kick off on 30/8 with a ritual ceremony on the sacred hill Mesaloma. Other activities will include a hike up the Wayrapalte hill, a “trueque suscaleño” (Suscal barter) of seeds and products, wooden car race, and more.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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