The end of the world as we know it?

Jun 21, 2017 | 0 comments

By Edd and Cynthia Staton

Cynthia and I watched a documentary about the history and future of the Internet last night. There were some fascinating as well as disturbing segments (addicted online gamers in Japan and S. Korea wear diapers so they don’t have to be bothered actually getting up to go to the bathroom–gross!!), and a comment by one of the interviewees really got my attention.

Addressing the degree to which the Internet has pervaded society, he stated matter-of-factly that were the Internet to go down, civilization would instantly collapse into chaos. I thought, “What a remarkably ethnocentric thing to say.”

Could we survive without the Internet?

As far as Western civilization goes I can agree with him. Communication and linkage via the Internet are key components of vast distribution systems geared to high degrees of efficiency. Last trip back I was continually amazed to find my daughter’s Amazon orders at the door a day after purchase. And at the human level, I can imagine legions of the zombie apocalypse rendered helpless without smartphones to stare at all day.

If societal collapse is defined as the inability to provide even the bottom tier of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs–shelter, clothing, and food–Ecuador would be in fine shape with or without the Internet. Everyone here seems to have a roof over their heads, and no one is wandering around naked. In regards to food, Cynthia and I buy our groceries at the Supermaxi, but the vast majority of the citizenry either grow their own sustenance or shop at mercados, the equivalent of super-sized farmer’s markets in the States.

These emporiums, located in virtually every city and town throughout the country, are overflowing with locally produced fruits, vegetables, meats, cheeses, and breads plus all kinds of dry goods. This “distribution system” has successfully been in place for hundreds of years before the invention of the Internet or even electricity. Without Internet the grocery store chains would probably fold so we would simply “go local” and join our Ecuadorian brethren at the nearest mercado.

Speaking of electricity, I realize that Cynthia and I could even manage quite well without it as well (at least for a reasonable period of time). Our cook top, oven, and hot water are all powered by gas, so we could prepare food and maintain proper hygiene. Lack of refrigeration would only mean more frequent trips to a mercado. As it is our eggs and milk (ultra-pasteurized) are already bought from the shelf.

There is no heating or air conditioning here, and we have abundant windows on three sides of our apartment. We’d have to buy more candles and shift our schedule to go to bed and get up earlier, but that’s not exactly a hardship. Lack of Internet and electricity would mean not knowing what’s going on in the world, but honestly that rarely impacts our daily lives anyway.

Although we’re not here for these reasons–we’re no one’s definition of survivalists or conspiracy theorists–considering the “what if” of such worst case scenarios only adds to my happiness that we chose to move to Cuenca, Ecuador. In the best of times it’s terrific and even if all hell breaks loose in the world I realize that we would be be much better off than many.


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