ETAPA introduces GPON Internet technology, Want a post office box? Ecuador film day, Art in the street
Viernes, 4/8/2017
Hola, Todos –
Pagina cultural –
Upcoming agenda events –
Art in the street – “Arte en la Calle” will return to the pedestrian street La Condomine mañana Saturday at 9:00. The 4 hour program will have all sorts of art, performances, talks and exhibits.
Día del Cine Ecuatoriano – There will be a talk in honor of the Ecuadorian Film Day el próximo lunes a las 14:00 in the CIDAP auditorium.
Articles about –
Diálogo Social Nacional por la Cultura (National Social Dialogue for Culture) – This national dialogue including overseas Ecuadorians in Madrid and NY, is to clarify the vision for culture and patrimony in order to make public policy. In Cuenca the discussion will include the Bienal de Cuenca, Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural (INPC), Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana (CCE), and the Orquesta Sinfónica de Cuenca (OSC).
Life drawing workshop – “Meet and Draw” workshops have been organized by Karla Sánchez and meet every two weeks at MMAM. All levels of artists are welcome from beginners to professionals. <I don’t think oglers would be welcome, though.> There will be 3 sessions in agosto and 2 each in septiembre y octubre. Cost: $5.00 per session.
Exhibit – The show, “Posgraffiti: Cartografía del Rotulismo Popular de los Medios de Transporte del Ecuador” (Posgraffiti: Cartography of the Popular Labelling of the Transportation Media of Ecuador) is at the Salón del Pueblo. The paintings are of what people paint on trucks and buses – labels. <It sounds suspiciously like an academic title for a graduation project.>
Otras cosas –
Titular – Moreno aplica ‘cirugía’ a Glas (Moreno performs ‘surgery’ on Glas) – See Friday’s CHL.
GPON – ETAPA is rolling out internet with GPON technology. It has received lots of equipment. At the end of 2016, it launched SIP phone service. <And we have arrived at the limit of my comprehension as to things technical.>
Post office – Foreigners are among those who use the “casilleros” (post office boxes) most. In the case of US and Canadian retirees, they receive their pension checks. <I thought everyone had their checks deposited automatically. Oh, well.> To get a box, go to the Post Office on Pres. Borrero y Gran Colombia with a copy of your cédula or passport, and sign up for a year. There are 1,398 boxes of which 217 are rented. A small box costs $27.23 and a large one $32.65 per year. Locks are changed every time the box is reassigned.
The P.O. also offers EMS mail (express) which takes 24 hours and correo certificado (certified mail) which takes 48 hours to arrive. <Last time I got a package from the US it spent 6 weeks in the US and one in Ecuador. Tracking numbers are a good thing.> If you get a package over 500 grams, it will cost you $1.00. Less than that and you get free home delivery. <Assuming don’t have a house S/N (sin numero – no house number).>
The other large users of P.O. boxes are businesses which also have special services like Exporta Fácil for sending merchandise up to 30 kilos. Go to for more info.
Revista (magazine) – The 2nd issue of Tasty is out with an interview with sushi chef Noé Carmona, reports on Mexican and Cuban food in Cuenca, la Ruta de la Pizza, gastronomic festivals, Lebanese dishes, Cuencanano professors training in Italy, barismo and chocolate. <Where can I get one? Not one clue in the article, and no good results on line.>
Educación dual – The Azuay Chambers of Production are teaming up with Senescyt, the National Secretary for Higher Education, Science and Technology to create a path for youth interested in technical careers. <Remember shop classes? I think they went the way of the buggy whip.>
Your sliver of life article today is about –
Milk storage – The “Vicente Corral Moscoso” Hospital opened the first institutional “lactario” where employees who are new mothers can extract and store their milk safely. <So baby won’t have to drink formula while Mommy’s at work. It won’t be fresh from the pump, but won’t be formula either.>
New park – The Municipality will sign the contract for parque San Pedro del Cebollar (Saúl Tiberio Mora y Ariolfo Carrasco) as part of the Green Belt mañana a las 10:00.
Ciclovías – The Secretaría de Movilidad and the Municipio de Cuenca are working on a study of the connections and design of the landscape design for the bike paths. Biking groups and general citizens are analyzing the proposal. The overall goal is to integrate the transport systems in the city. <A common fare, payment system, and transfers between the Tranvía and buses would be nice.>
Mercado 27 de Febrero – The merchants in the market were informed about the plans for the remodeling. The $3.8 million project is scheduled to start in agosto, 2018 and last one year. The project will include walk-in boxes, storage, bathrooms, an area to wash products and a patio de comidas (food court). There will also be parking for 75 cars, loading areas, a bus station, and an area for taxis and transporte mixto. Productos agroecológicos (agroecological products <is that the same as organic?>) and ancestral practices will get their own areas.
Amenidades –
Movies – as usual, go to for show times and locations. The following movies open this week.
2D y 3D – Planeta de los simios la guerra – Esp.
2D – Planeta de los simios la guerra – Sub.
2D – Emoji la película – Esp.
2D – Atómica – Esp. y Sub.
The following movies are continuing. All are in 2D.
Transformers 5 – Esp.
Dunkerque – Esp. y Sub.
Mi villano favorito 3 – Esp.
Agenda items –
The Beatles – BEATSIDE from Colombia will do Beatles songs hoy a las 21:00 in the Repúblic Sur (Pres. Córdova 5-55 entre Mariano Cueva y Hermano Miguel). Cost: $10.00 with limited seating. <Hang around in an elevator and get the same concert.>
Argentine rock – Arcángel will be in Cuenca mañana a las 15:00 in the Prohibido Centro Cultural (call La Condamine 12-102) performing with local vocalists <I found a new word.> and bands. Cost: $5.00 for presales, $7.00 day of the event.
“A lo Grande con los Grandes” – This tour will be in Cuenca Saturday a las 20:00 in the Convention Center at the Mall del Río. Seating will be in 3 sections – General, VIP y Golden. No ticket prices were listed.
Internacional –
Venezuela – The Public Prosecutor’s Office has appeared before a tribunal to petition the cancellation of the installation of the Asamblea Nacional Constituyente (ANC) that was elected el pasado domingo. The CNE (Consejo Nacional Electoral) reported that 8,089,320 (41.53% of eligible voters) voted. A representative of Smartmatic, the company that installed some 24,000 electronic voting machines, said that the official number overestimated the number of voters by at least a million.
And that´s all for today so Hasta Domingo –