Ex-electricity minister guilty of taking bribes, Weekend pet fair, Guitar festival, Venezuela delays election

Mar 3, 2018 | 0 comments

Viernes, 2/3/2018

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Upcoming agenda events –

“Alza la voz feminina” (The feminine voice rises) – There will be an event from el martes hasta el domingo próximo in the museo Remigio Crespo with multiple artistic activities for the citizenry. There will be a table with blank cards for attendees to leave their impressions and write their thoughts until 8/3, the Día de la Mujer. <What? I thought Woman’s Day was 365 days each year.>

Festival de Guitarras – El Sono Estudio is organizing the 8th edition of the Festival de Guitarras with two main events. There will be master classes and a Concurso Internacional de Solistas de Guitarra (International Guitar Soloists Competition). The requirements for the competition will be published Saturday a las 19:00 in the digital channels of El Sono. <Looks like you’re going to have to do some research on your own if you’re a competitive guitarist.>

Articles about –

CAI – The Centro de Adolescentes Infractores (Center for Adolescent Offenders) is looking for 8 more guitars for a music workshop for the juvenile offenders interested in a music program which will strengthen the work of reintegrating the 13-21 year olds back into society. The CAI also has other art programs and one in carpentry. <So if any of you has an old, unused guitar laying around – here’s a good place to take it.>

Libro – “La Cusinga, esencia del fuego y viento” (La Cusinga, essence of fire and wind) by César Hermida, who is also a medical doctor, is about the 1st French Geodesic Mission which arrived in Ecuador in 1736. This extensively researched historical fiction is based on the story of the romance between the Mission’s doctor and La Cusinga. The author explains Cusinga is from the quichua word “Cusi” which refers to a woman who is dedicated to her home, very skillful in the kitchen, and very formal in home care (house proud?). <If I remember correctly, this was the surgeon who was killed in la plaza de San Sebastián by members of the family of La Cusinga because of that romance.>

Arturo Garrido – This Quiteño author will present 3 literary works this week in Cuenca.

<Somehow the rest of the template I use is missing so things might not come out looking the way they’re supposed to. I hope the program won’t erase the items, so if it looks like stuff is missing, that’s why.>

Otras Cosas –

Titular – Exministro aceptaría su delito (Ex-minister would accept his crime) – Alexksey Mosquera, the ex-minister of Electricity during the Correa administration appeared before the National Court of Justice for money laundering in relation to the Odebrecht bribes. His attorney revealed that his client was inclined to plead guilty for receiving $1 million from Odebrecht in awarding the Toachi-Pilatón project.

Traffic accident – Two of the 4 people in a Chevy Aveo that rolled 150 meters were killed in the accident. The car went off the vía Chordeleg-Sígsig in the Cosacopte sector at 3:30 on jueves. Transit officials recommended driving with caution on that road which has pronounced “curvas y abismos” (curves and abysses – I’m sure just what you thought that meant.).

City plan – The Cantonal Council Commission on Citizen Participation, Transparency, and Electronic Government presented the Plan Urbano which will regulate and control growth until 2030. The plan boosts industrial zones in Ricaurte Baños, San Joaquín, El Valle, and Tarqui.

Weekend goes to the dogs – The Feria Cuenca Mascotas 2018 will be Saturday y domingo from 10-17:00 in the parque El Paraíso. In addition to the 40 or so exhibitors, the rescue organizations Rescate Animal Cuenca, Los Amigos de Manolo, FAAN, Funcación ARCA, y Peluditos Cuenca will participate. There will be an activity every 30 minutes including dog trainers and talks about pet nutrition, health, beauty and fashion. <My dog could chew his way out of a straight jacket before I could finish a cup of coffee.>

“Ciudad Saludable” campaign – This campaign was started to address the problem of “sobrepeso” (overweight – your word for the day.) <I hope it’s not your reality, too.> in Cuenca. A study by the Ministerio de Salud Pública (Ministry of Public Health) showed that Cuenca has 228,000 overweight people <I wonder how many of those are gringos?> which is 38% of the population. <Do the math and the total population is 600,000. So that’s how big Cuenca is – more or less.>

La Virgen del Rosario – She will come from Nabón to visit Cuenca tomorrow. The meeting place will be in Control Sur at the entrance to the Autopista at 9:30. There will be a caravan to the iglesia Santa Teresa de Monay (Seminario Mayor); at 11:00 the caravan goes to Santa Eucaristía, with a Serenata Mariana in honor of the Virgen del Rosario. At 13:00 there will be “bingo bailable” (bingo dance?) and sales of “exquisitos” plates of comida típica. The return to Nabón will be at 17:00.

Amenidades –

Cine infantil – The film “Neige et les arbres magiques” will be Saturday a las 11:00 in the Auditorio fo he Alianza Francesa (Tadeo Torres y Av. Solano).

Bad Bunny – This puertorriqueño trap <another musical genre I’m too old to have heard of> musician will be in Cuenca on 2/6 with his new tour, “La Nueva Religión” (The New Religion). Tickets went on sale hoy at Ticketshow. <In the photo, Bad Bunny is wearing a jacket that looks like someone reycled a mustard yellow (think French’s and not Grey Poupon) shag carpet.>

Movies – as usual go to www.multicines.com.ed for show times and locations. The following movies open this week.

2D – Despertar de los muertos vivientes – Esp.
2D – Operation red sparrow – Esp. y Sub.
2D – Noche de juegos – Esp.
2D – Robo Perfecto – Esp.

The following movies are continuing.

3D & 2D – Pantera Negra – Esp.
2D – El Cavernícola
2D – La forma del agua – Esp. & Sub.
2D – Enjualado – Sub.
2D – 20Sombras liberadas – Esp.
2D – Maze runner: la cura mortal – Esp.

International –

Venezuela – The CNE of Venezuela postponed the presidential elections until the 20/5.

Deportes –

Carrera Atlética El valle 7K – This will be on domingo, 11/3. Register at the Liga Deportiva Parroquial de El Valle, Tenencia, and GAD de El Valle, at Talleres Montero, Canchas La Pradera, and Astro Eventos. Cost: $7.00.
<If I don’t hear from anyone who wants to see these runs, I’m going to quit translating the articles.>

Descuentos y compras –

RM – 20% off on all clothing – 2-4/3 – RM Cuenca <If you don’t know where we are, you’re too unstylish to shop with us.> and Mall del Río.

That’s all for today so hasta el domingo.



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