Extra security for the holiday weekend, Military patrols illegal mine in Nabón, Provincial border dispute, Holiday fair at CIDAP

Aug 8, 2019 | 0 comments


Hola, Todos –

Actividades –
De la pagina cultural –

Día de la Cultura – Friday, el 9/8 is the the Day of Culture and 17 of the 37 cultural spaces which make up the network, will have special exhibits. The fair will be headquartered in CIDAP.

Taller – The Taller de Cine Comunitario, which is directed at Ecuadorian and Venezuelan youth from 15-30 years old, will be from 20-31/8. Register at territorio3.aldhea@g.mail.com tomorrow and el sábado at the Casa Comunitaria (Benigno Malo 12-95 y Vega Muñoz).

An Andean condor.

Cine – The film, “La Mala Noche,” by Gabriela Calvache will pre-premier <Is there a real word for that?> el jueves, 15/8 a las 19:30 in the Multicine at Milenium Plaza. This Ecuadorian-Mexican film was a winner at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Film Festival.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Minería ilegal en páramo de Nabón (Illegal mining in Nabón wasteland <and “wasteland” is why you’ve got to be careful with translation programs>) – A military operation was carried out on miércoles in the Shincata protective forest, an hour and half from Nabón. They found illegal mining, especially for gold, and use of mercury. The páramo and a river were affected when mercury leached out of pool created by the miners to process ore.

Military intelligence personnel visited the area 8 days ago and found at least 30 people working with retroexcavadoras (backhoes – your word for the day). When they went back el miércoles, the miners were gone, leaving no one to arrest. Unfortunately there was a leak, and the military was told that they’d missed the miners by a few minutes. <I wonder if the leak wasn’t unplanned. With the leak, the miners were able to leave peacefully and no one got hurt – except the environment.> The military will continue with the controls since there were several places where illegal mining was found.

Condores – There an Andean effort to protect the largest non-marine bird in the world which can achieve a 10′ wing span. The condor is the central figure in the flags of Ecuador and Bolivia <In Ecuador the bird symbolizes, “Waste not, want not.”>, and it is the central figure in the military coat of arms of Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Peru, and Ecuador <where it symbolizes “We’re going to eat you for lunch.”>. It’s estimated there are 5,000-6,500 birds along the Andean range with most in Argentina and Chile and fewer in Bolivia and Perú. Ecuador is home to about 150 condors with 1/3 of them in the Antisanilla reserve, including the two most fertile pairs. Ecuador declared 7/7 as the National Condor Day.

Holiday security – Police and other security institutions will be out in force for the 10/8 holiday. This started at 12:00 el jueves and will last until el próximo lunes, 12/8 a las 6:00. They will also be providing security for the pilgrimage to El Cisne.

Border conflict – The border conflict affecting the Abdón Calderón community of 1,600 people has re-emerged. In marzo of 2015, the prefects of Azuay and Guayas signed an agreement partitioning 608 sq. kilometers between the two provinces with 290 sq. km containing 24 communities going to Guayas and 310 sq. km. with 18 communities going to Azuay. The agreement left Abdón Calderón undefined with the decision to be made in a referendum. At its last session, the Concejo Cantonal of Cuenca decided to form a commission. <Wouldn’t be the first time a border got delineated by a committee.>

Hunger strike – Retirees suspended a hunger strike outside of the Asamblea Nacional which they have been holding for the last 16 days. <The reason for the strike is too complicated for me to figure out.>

14th month’s pay – El 15/8 starts the period for employers to pay the 14th month salary in the sierra-amazóna region. The amount of $394.00 is the salario básico unificado (SBU <remember this abbreviation since so many other payments like fines are based on the SBU>). You can do this on line. If the ninth number in your RUC is 1,2,3,4, or 5, pay between 16/8 and 4/9. If the number is 6,7,8,9, or 10, your payment will be due from 5/9 to 24/9.

And that´s all for today so Hasta ? –


Editor’s note: Jeanne’s Periodico is a translated digest of news from the Cuenca daily newspaper El Mercurio. If details, such as event dates and times, do not appear in the translation, they did not appear in the newspaper. The text between the carrots, or guillemets (< … >), is Jeanne’s personal opinion and not part of the news translation.


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