Forest fire in Susudel, Back to driving school, Disarming Colombian children, Cajas photo exhibit
Jueves, 17/8/2017
Hola, Todos –
Pagina cultural –
Today’s agenda events –
Exibición – An exhibit of experimental art opened Thurs. in the Lakomuna collective (Escalinata de El Otorongo).
Música – A new series of sessions started Thurs. in the “Rizoma, Plataforma Disidente” (Luis Cordro y Pres. Córdova). The show featured singer Eli Arízaga with Latin American music. Cost: $10.00.
Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –
Exposición – “Pos Graffiti” by Galo Mosquera is showing on the “planta alta” of the Salón del Pueblo (upper floor – your phrase for the day. You also have “planta baja” or lower floor. That’s why the ground floor in elevators is labeled PB. Bet it didn’t take too many times you pushed “1” before you figured out you really wanted PB, whatever the heck it stood for.>
Articles about –
Caravanas Culturales (Cultural Caravans) – This is a new city program to motivate children and youth to art and coexistence. The pilot program is started in Totoracocha and the ciudadela UNE. The next communities will be Sinincay in sep., Banco de la Vivienda in oct., and Baños in nov. The activities in the Caravans are reading, theater, therapeutic art, sports and English.
CIDAP – Along with the School of Design, Architecture, and Art at the U. of Azuay, CIDAP is calling for submittals for the “Pabellón de Diseño y Producción Artesanal” (Design and Crafts Production Pavilion). The call is geared to graduate designers working in crafts. This exhibit is to show the synergy between innovation and tradition in Ecuador through hand-made objects with deep roots in the identity of the American peoples. Go to and for application forms.
Foto exhibit – The exhibit, “Biodiversidad de la zona sur del Parque Nacional Sangay” (Biodiversity of the southern area of Sangay National Park) opened hoy a las 11:00 in the Mall del Río. 224 fotos were selected from a huge collection taken by park rangers who work along the Paute River watershed which covers 3 altitude zones. The show will be open until domingo, 3/9.
Otras cosas –
Titular – Incendio forestal llega a sectores de Susudel (Forest fire reaches sectors of Susudel) – A forest fire restarted yesterday in Susudel just hours after it was controlled. Traffic is normal for all types of vehicles on the vía Cuenca-Cumbe-Loja.
Abono (compost) – Emurplag is producing 100 – 45 kilo sacks of organic abono weekly. <You who are vegetarians for ethical reasons might want to stop reading now.> After meat animals are slaughtered, the compost is made from the contents of the digestive tract. Emurplag has a solids separating machine that expels the moisture. The manure is put into cubicles where it is turned to mix with bacterias. The process takes 6 weeks after which the mix is dry and bagged. A bag sells for $4.00. <The photo shows a worker manually turning a 2 foot high pile of s••t, the footprint of a car, with a shovel. Got to be about the worst job in the world.>
Emurplag also makes a liquid fertilizer from the blood which costs $6.00 for a 20 liter jug. The product is concentrated, good for plants, and can be applied directly to the plant. The disadvantage is that it has a strong smell. It was recommended not to use it on house plants because of the odor. Before animal wastes were recycled, they were thrown into the Machangara.
Accident reduction – MTOP and the transportistas met to sign a “Pacto por la Seguridad Vial” (Road Safety Pact) to reduce traffic deaths which reached 1012 in the first half of 2017. Both agreed to reinstate the requirement of going to driving school to get a non-professional license. <Better get your driver’s license before that goes back into effect. Although it does give you practice driving around the redondels.>
Interview – Jefferson Pérez was interviewed about his decision to enter politics. <You’ll need to read it on your own. I’m not translating an interview that ranges over a wide variety of topics.>
Temporary crossing closure – 27 de Febrero will be closed where it crosses Solano in order to enlarge a traffic island. 27 de Febrero is now one-way from Bernardo de Legarda to Solano. <Going east for those of you who do like cardinal directions. It’s only 1 block long.>
Internacional –
Brazil – The Brazilian Supreme Court ratified the constitutionality of the State ceding national territories to the tribes that have historically occupied them.
Colombia – A group of children between 5 & 12 years who were in the FARC camps will go to the meeting zones and disarm. The president’s advisor for Human Rights said the kids would be helped and kept together as a group. Incljuding the 24 minors who were taken in by the International Red Cross Society yesterday, a total of 112 kid have left the FARC camps.
And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –