French, Colombian transportation companies to assume tranvía management roles

Mar 9, 2017 | 0 comments

Cuenca Mayor Marcelo Cabrera announced Wednesday that two transportation companies, one French and one Colombian, will assume take over some of the technical and legal management responsibilities for Cuenca’s tranvía project. Discussions are ongoing with another company to provide construction management.

Tram work continues in El Centro.

The companies replace the Spanish company, Four Rivers Consortium of Cuenca (CCRC), which Cabrera dismissed in February.

The Colombian public company Metro Medellín will share technical decision-making responsibilities with the city while French-based Dechert will provide legal review of project details as well defend the city in potential legal challenges from CCRC. Metro Medellín may also operate the system once it is completed.

Cabrera said that the city is in discussions with a third company, CITA, to work with Metro Medellin on day-to-day construction management. The city is awaiting a formal proposal from CITA, as well as other potential contractors, before making a final decision. Cabrera said a decision would be made within a matter of days.

Cabrera was in Paris last week to discuss legal issues with Dechert and to deliver documents related to the project.

The city’s tram technical director, Trotsky Narváez, said that work will soon expand from the city’s historic district, where it is nearing completion, to other work areas. All tram construction will be completed by the end of December, he said.


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