Galapagos volcano eruption, Bus card locations, Rumors of plastic rice, Michael Jackson tribute

Jan 10, 2018 | 0 comments

Martes, 2/8/2018

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s agenda events –

Tribute – A tribute to journalism was held Tues. in the Unidad Académica de Ciencias Sociales de la U. Católica.

Las Jornadas Libertarias (The Libertarian Days) – This collective started in 2016 started its 2018 activitiesTues. in El Prohibido Centro Cultural.

Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –

Film – This month’s films at La Filmoteca del República Sur started Tues. with a double feature with “Mother” at 18:30, followed by Spiderman: Homecoming. The double feature on martes, el 16 will be Salesman at 18:30 followed by Blade Runner 2049. Free.

Michael Jackson Tribute – The “Conga Corp Dance,” with the support of the Municipal Department of Culture, will present a gala tribute to the “Rey del Pop” on sábado, 27/1 desde las 15:00 a las 19:00. <That should be interesting.>

Articles about –

“Quimera” (Chimera) – This exhibit of over 30 autorretratos (self-portraits – your word for the day) by students of Visual Arts at the U. of Cuenca is at the salon of the School of Architecture of the U. of Cuenca. <Wonder what kind of diagnosis a psychologist could make from a self-portrait.>

Disco de Oro – A Christmas song composed by Johnny Vallejo won a Disco del Oro award at the Festival Latinoamericano de la Canción (Latin American Song Festival) held at the end of 2017 in California.

Meeting – <I think I just heard your brain click off after reading “meeting.”> Cultural managers and participants met in the Dept of Architecture at the U of Cuenca to talk about using cultural heritage as a resource for development. <OK, you can turn the brain back on now.>

Otras cosas –

Titular – Auditarán legalidad de deuda (Legality of debt will be audited) – The Comptroller has formed a citizens’ oversight committee to audit the legality both internal and external the public debt obtained between 1/2012 and 5/2017. The Comptroller’s Office found 5 shortcomings in the negotiations of the public debt. <The rest of the article is too long and technical for me.>

Referendum ballots – The Instituto Geográfico Militar has printed about 87% of the total 13,026,598 ballots for the 4/2 Consulta Popular and Referéndum.

Volcán – The Sierra Negra volcano on Isla Isabela in the Galápagos will probably reactivate given the high level of seismic activity. Deformations of the floor of the caldera have been detected. The volcano normally erupts every 11.4 years and the last one was in 2005.

Bus cards – There will be 8 locations where bus riders can get bus cards, and 280 locations where they can be recharged. You can get your card at the Feria Libre, Terminal Terrestre, the main office of ETAPA (Gran Colombia y Tarqui), and the offices of the Sistema Integral de Recaudo (Comprehensive Collection System – SIR) (calle Los Capulíes y Los Molles). 4 more locations will be opened soon at the Farmasols in the 9 de Octubre sector, mercado 27 de Febrero and the Gran Akí sector; and at PRAC (Huayna Cápac y Simón Bolívar.). One new thing about the new card is that a rider can receive an automatic credit of up to two rides, the value of which will be deducted when you recharge the card. If you lose the card, you can block it and get your balance back.

Mining – Cuenca has identified more than 5 zones where aggregates and gravel can be quarried. There was concern that it would be allowed in Challuabamba, but the director of the Ministry of Mines said that no residential zones are within the area for quarrying.

Pet owners – Officials from the Unidad e Gestión Animal (Animal Management Unit – UGA) under the Comisión de Gestión Ambiental (Environmental Management Commission- CGA) will be going door to door in various sectors of the city to inform people about the “Ordenanza de Tenencia Responsible de Mascota” (Responsible Pet Ownership) and determine if there are infractions. Yesterday they covered Calle Miguel Molina in the El Cebollar sector. <This would not be the venue for complaining that your neighbor’s dog barks too much.>

Día de Reyes – There will be a celebration of the 3 Kings in the Palmas Parish plaza in the Sevilla de Oro canton of Azuay este domingo a la 9:00. After a colorful parade, there will be a mass followed by the traditional Festival del Cuy which has been held for the past 10 years.

Fire – 250 hectáres were burned in Chanlud in a fire that started 7/1 and was controlled mid-day yesterday. This area of the páramo feeds water in small streams into the Machángara, northeast of Cuenca. The fire was close to Lake Chanlud which supplies water to the Tixán treatment plant which serves about 50% of the population of Cuenca. Access to the fire was difficult and exacerbated by a landslide which blocked emergency vehicles. Firefighters got to the site on motorcycles and small all terrain vehicles. <It must be just too expensive to keep an air fleet to fight fires.>

Arroz plástico – There were rumors on social media that “arroz plástico” (plastic rice) was being sold on the coast. Inspections were made by Agrocalidad, and results were issued today. There is monitoring in Azuay with officials and vendors saying they have not seen it. Buyers, however, are feeling the rice before they buy. A representative of the Industrial Rice Growers said that selling plastic rice didn’t make economic sense since plastic is more expensive than rice. <Maybe someone got served a portion of undercooked or yesterday’s dried up rice and complained about the “plastic rice” at John Smith’s Diner.>

Income declarations – If you are employed and anticipate making more than $11,270 in 2018, you need to declare your estimated income. <You also need to talk to an accountant and not rely on this translation.>

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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