Gastronomy museum and restaurant, $3 dentistry clinic gets good reviews, Bus terminal dilemma, Neighborhood security strengthened

Jul 15, 2019 | 5 comments

Lunes, 15/7/2019

Hola, Todos –
Actividades –

De la pagina cultural –

La Condamine – The members of the Comité Turistico Cultural de la calle La Condamine have active arts and cultural activities during the weekends. The galleries and arts centers which are next to the Cruz del Vado will have shows of paintings, sculpture, music, theater, dance, and poetry readings on sábados y domingos desde las 9:00 hasta las 18:00. The spaces include the Casa de la Lira, Casa taller Torres with copper art, Casa Museo La Condamine, El Prohibido Centro Cultural, the studio of Edgar Marín, the photo studio of Felipe Serrano, the luthier, Oswaldo Morocho, and the local hairdresser.

Vacation activities by the city – The city’s cultural centers and houses including las Posadas, el Alfarero, Quinta Bolívar, Chaguarchimbana, Rosal, Tomebamba, Barrial Blanco, y los Eucaliptos will have various activities until 26/7.
Martes, 16/7, 10-14:00 and 17/7, 19:00 – Museo Remigio Crespo Toral – Diseño de Modas y Archivo Históric (Fashion Design and Historical Archive).
Miércoles, 17/7 – Galería de la Alcaldía – Exhibit, “Sin Retorno”.
Jueves, 18/7, 14:00 – Biblioteca Municipal de Molleturo – making Fanzines. <That’s a long way to go for a short workshop.>
Jueves, 18/7 – Planetario Municipal – Conference on Misión Apolo 111, 50 years after the arrival of man on the moon.
Jueves, 18/7, 20:00 – Museo Catedral Vieja – Orquesta Sinfónica de Cuenca.

The arts at the Broken Bridge.

Sábados en el Puente Roto – The Asociación de Artistas Plásticos Puente Roto will have open air shows of paintings on sábados starting in the morning. <When is morning for an artist? About 11:59 am?>

Noche folclórica México-Ecuador – The Wayrapamushkas folk dance troupe from the U. of Cuenca and Vallara Azteca from México will perform Tuesday a las 20:00 in the teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz. Free.

Taller sobre Proyectos Culturales – There will be a workshop el próximo sábado, 27/7 from 9-11:00 in the Casa Municipal del Artista (av. Loja y cantón Gualaceo in the Puente del Arco sector). It will cover the legal framework for cultural projects on the theme of Cultural Institutions and Public Contracting.

Exposición de Vitrales – An exhibit of stained glass by Luciano López is showing in the Galería de Oficios in the Casa de la Cultura until 16/7.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Evolución de la cocina en museo (Evolution of the kitchen in museum) – <This is for all of you foodies and cooks.> Miguel Urgilés y Karen Cueva have opened the Museo de la Gastronómia Cuencana Restaurante (calle Pueblo Los Quitus de Challuabamba). In the 3 story house, the galleries contain 936 inventoried pieces and 2,000 other articles in the collection that show the evolution of the Ecuadorian kitchen from the Incas to now. The exhibits include the source of food as well with arados (plows – your word for the day <just in case you feel a need to go back the the land and till your field with an arado and bueyes (oxen – to go with your other word of the day).>
In addition, there is a restaurant where you can eat at a table with chairs or off a cloth spread on the floor, or pampa mesa. <This is for those of you who can get on the floor and are also able to get back up off the floor without an orderly or a crane.> The hosts serve comida tipica using organic ingredients and the traditions of their grandparents. <Who could be my age, and who probably cook from scratch, too.> Cost for museum admission: $6.00

Low cost dental care – Students in their last years in the School of Dentistry at the U. of Cuenca are putting what they have learned into practice under the supervision of their professors. Patients pay for the cost of materials. One patient said the care was as good as a private dentist and she only paid $3 for a routine checkup and $3 more for a simple operation on one of her molars. A private clinic would have charged $15 and $10. The school also has a lab and an imaging department.

The school is located on Av. El Paraíso behind the Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso with hours from 7-13:00 and 14-18:00 lunes a viernes. The direct number is 405 1000, ext. 3208. To get started with a general check up, present your cedula and $3.00. The most expensive procedure listed was a bimaxilar removable orthodontic at $50.00. <Is that a bridge in non-dentalese?>

Security – The Federación de Barrios de Cuenca has submitted 4 requests to the authorities to confront the insecurity in the city. The first is for the CSC to inspect, fix and reinstall the community alarms in 141 barrios as well as security cameras. The second is for the uniformed members of the Guardia Ciudadana to work 24/7. The third is to increase the number of the Guardia Ciudadana de Cuenca (GCC) which currently numbers 265 agents. The last is for the government to appoint a gobernador titular (titular governor) or ratify Xavier Martínez, the acting governor. The community alarm system has a button in every house. Residents can use them in cases of emergency or suspicion to activate sirens located at strategic points. Neighbors must go through training before the alarms are installed and much of that is meeting their neighbors. <A new source of noise pollution for gringos to complain about? Or will it be the gringos pushing the buttons on hardworking recycling ladies, loose dogs, and noisy teenagers?>

Transfer terminals – The two transfer terminals are basically useless according to an EMOV ex-manager. Very few people use them since public transport now has the Movilízate card. He said the northern transfer station should be incorporated into a new terminal terrestre. The new mayor has proposed construction of two terminales terrestres. The southern terminal should be where the transfer station is in order to increase Tranvía ridership.

GAD del Azuay – The Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado of Azuay has identified their main budget items. <This is your civics article for the day.> $4 million will go to road projects, $1 million for projects that Agroazuay manages, $2 million for irrigation, and $500,000 in the area of citizen participation, and $1 million to buy equipment (which might be part of the $4 mil for roadwork).

Paute – The city is starting a project, “Paute Balcón Florido” (Flowered Paute Balcony) to decorate the city. The city will give 100 families in the city and in the La Playa and Pancalle barrios 5 flowerpots, pot mounting brackets, and ornamental plants. Families need to get training and promise to take care of the plant kit.

And that’s all for today so Hasta ? –



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